UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Mother Palestine and the Israeli "Peace Plan" (by Latuff)
23-06-2009 09:47

Smash EDO Fundraiser this Saturday - Andrea Kenny & the Cavalry plus Support
22-06-2009 21:56
Smash EDO FundraiserZombies take to the streets of Bradford
22-06-2009 18:46

UK Network launched as Belgium bans depleted uranium
22-06-2009 15:13
Sunday marked the passage into force of Belgium’s 2007 decision to ban the use of uranium in all conventional weapons and armour after a series of unanimous parliamentary votes and a ban on all government investments in the manufacturers of the weapons. To mark the day, 11 UK NGOs have launched a UK Uranium Weapon Network to increase pressure on the UK government ahead of the 2010 UN General Assembly.Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax
22-06-2009 09:06

BBC Caught In Mass Public Deception With Iran Propaganda
22-06-2009 08:26

Protesters defy Ayatolahh in Tehran ?? .. with fotos from Athens !!
22-06-2009 08:04

Prayer Rally To Remember Rano Massacre In The Phillipines
21-06-2009 04:18

pictures from today's tamil march in london
20-06-2009 20:15

McDonalds Protest: TOMMROW! (Sunday)
20-06-2009 17:50
- Animal Rights.- McDonalds owning 61,500 shares in arms company ITT who own EDO Corporation.
- McDonalds links with Israel.
- McDonalds repression of protest (Mclibel and Locally)
- Environmental issues.
- Human Rights.
- McDonalds Globalisation.
- Health. Childhood Obesity.
Film Maker Raided
20-06-2009 12:23
Brighton film maker raided bt Sussex PoliceRape as torture
19-06-2009 19:08
I've been investigating stories which touch on abuse and rape at Abu Ghraib, so I picked up on a recent story that many will have missed about ICC decisions about rape and torture in the Central African Republic.Mariz Quimpo
19-06-2009 04:36

PHILIPPINES. It is quite common these days to read from the newspapers violence being perpetrated by the communist New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) that most Filipinos no longer care as long they are not the poor victims.
FLASHBACK: Long history of Anglo-American covert provocation and action in Iran
17-06-2009 18:11

Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix
17-06-2009 12:27

McChrystal is a hired gun, an assassin, a man known for committing war crime atrocities as head of the Pentagon's infamous Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) - established in 1980 and comprised of the Army's Delta Force and Navy Seals, de facto death squads writer Seymour Hersh described post-9/11 as an "executive assassination wing" operating out of Dick Cheney's office.
Names of Gaza Victims to be read Outside Brighton Bomb Factory Today
17-06-2009 09:04
Smash EDO Press ReleaseWednesday 17th June
for more info call 07754135290 or email

Demonstration at EDO MBM/ITT, Home Farm Road, 3.30pm
NATO's War Plans For The High North
16-06-2009 10:20
"There are lessons indeed. US troops fought on Russian soil and ended up on the losing side. This is not the lesson that Levin and the political and military leadership of NATO countries as a whole have learned and so risk repeating them on a far grander and more dangerous scale."Remember Gaza - Demo outside EDO tomorrow 3.30pm
16-06-2009 06:21
Wednesday June 17th -Remember Gaza: outside EDO/ITT from 3.30pm (please note the earlier starting time).Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Ahmadinejad cartoons in the British press
16-06-2009 02:09

Cartoons of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the British press published in the wake of his re-election.
A Different Perspective on the Iranian Elections
15-06-2009 19:09
Iran is in a very strategic location for the expansion of US imperialism and control of oil in the Middle East. Military Force by the United States has already been threatened, but has drawbacks. However, the CIA is an expert at fixing elections and stirring up violence and street demonstrations in other countries until an overthrow of that government occurs and one more favorable to US imperialism takes its place.