UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Best 2007 Activist's Information Source
30-03-2007 08:30
Seek & Yee Shall Find! Welcome To America's Best Activist Information Source Of 2007!UK / Iran: Both Sides Must Stop This Mad Confrontation, Now
30-03-2007 08:14
There is no agreed maritime boundary between Iraq and Iran in the Persian Gulf. Until the current mad propaganda exercise of the last week, nobody would have found that in the least a controversial statement.Wanted Poster: Robert Lady of CIA (case will blow CIA wide open)
30-03-2007 07:29

Brit “Hostage” Drama Pales in Comparison to MI6 and CIA Crimes Against Iran
29-03-2007 20:45
Perhaps we’d get some perspective if we realized MI6 and the CIA plotted against the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953.Hey, reporter - REMEMBER peace works, despite warspin pay-offs. Unratchet !
29-03-2007 15:54
The BIG news, for the uk - for the world, in fact, is the under reporting of the "gritty miracle" of the N.I. peace process -far from as "grubby" as the "Indy" (29/4/7) paints it . . . . but if you are in that minderbinder, war racketeer-spiv industry, perhaps the threat of a good example. The intriguing "LITTLE" gaps or odd spasms in the Shatt al-arab tale are luminous, though. Very "con venient" for warbux, less for people. . . .Oxfordshire Faslane blockade pics
29-03-2007 15:45

Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border
29-03-2007 13:07
Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran borderNottingham (and Leicester) demos against deportations to Congo
28-03-2007 20:36

28-03-2007 18:49
title says it allCraig Murray on the British Marines Captured by Iran
28-03-2007 15:55
Craig Murray has written several articles on his blog about the British Marines captured by Iran and in his latest post he says that "I have been unpopular before, but the level of threats since I started blogging on the captured marines has got a bit scary". 4 of his blog posts are reproduced below.Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11... or Worse
28-03-2007 15:31
The Bush administration continues moving closer to a nuclear attack on Iran, and we ignore the obvious buildup at our peril.Poll: Bush Hive Mind Supports Iran Attack
28-03-2007 12:24

Trident vote day blockaders - court update
28-03-2007 09:25

US-Iran "Game of Chicken": Iran Stays Firm despite UN Sanctions
28-03-2007 08:07
As it seems, U.S. is preparing public opinions by its propaganda to use force against Iran. However, U.S. is concerned about of international repercussions. The sharp decline of the financial market in late February gave a red signal to such a planOpen Letter to President Jimmy Carter
28-03-2007 07:33
Introducing Palestine, Justice Not Apartheidwhy is it not titled thusly?
Introducing Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid
28-03-2007 07:30
I excitedly purchased the distinguished former American president Jimmy Carter's new book "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid" and put it on my bookshelf to read the moment I got the chance. Alas, this book will now surely always sit there gathering dust and unread, because before I could get to it, I read the following account in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz about this book that greatly disturbed me. A new red herring has been cleverly introduced into the discourse space, albeit enlarging it somewhat, but not sufficiently for me to waste my time chasing down yet another distinguished red herring.Prince Hassan: Neocons and Israel Plan “New 100 Years of War” in the Middle East
27-03-2007 22:32

UN Security Council: Sanctioning the next war of agression
27-03-2007 22:21
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has once again voted to impose yet another sanction on Iran for its failure to suspend a legal activity allowed by the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty [1], to which Iran remains a signatory state, and that the IAEA itself has found no indication of any nuclear material being diverted to military purposes.4th Anniversary of Depleted Uranium used in Iraq arriving in the UK
27-03-2007 18:32

Thursday 29th March 2007 is the 4th anniversary of the uranium aerosols from the 'shock and awe' bombing of Iraq, reaching the UK. Today David Wilson, Press Office for the Stop the War Coalition, published an article on DU, which follows.
Demo at Sheldon Immigration Court has been cancelled tomorrow
27-03-2007 13:56

The other 6 nationally co-ordinated demos are still going ahead.