UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Media Workers Against War Scotland - Launch Meeting
02-04-2007 11:40
Launch details and speakers Media Workers Against War Scotland.Brighton Council Scraps 'Peace Messenger City' Status
02-04-2007 11:37
Brighton and Hove City council are no longer interested in UN peace messenger status.Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Nukes, and Western Logic
02-04-2007 00:13

Translation: simple high-explosives, depleted uranium, and millions of cluster bombs will no longer do the trick—it is time to nuke the Arabs and Muslims, as “Western logic,” i.e., use of nuclear weapons is unconscionable, does not apply.
Iraq War: Counting the Cost
01-04-2007 14:08
The post invasion Iraqi death toll is now estimated to be as high as 1,000,000, far higher than the previous estimate of 655,000; this is according to recent scientific data. Over 5,000,000 Iraqis have been hurt or wounded. Recent figures indicate the refugee numbers have climbed from 2,700,000 to over 3,900,000 and the refugee crisis is broadly impacting the entire region of the Middle East. These are the figures that are not being reported on American television or in American newspapers.Any Casus Belli Will Do
01-04-2007 13:20
As of this writing, the IAEA Director-General continues to report that Iran is in complete compliance with its Safeguards Agreementand that no NPT-proscribed materials have ever been diverted by Iran to a military purpose.So how can the UN Security Council, being "mindful of its primary responsibility" for "the maintenance of international peace and security," pass UNSC Resolution 1747, but then proceeds to declare the UNSC "concerned" by the "proliferation risks" presented by the Iranian Safeguarded nuclear program?
Zimbabwe’s Lonely Fight for Justice
01-04-2007 11:08
Left critics of Mugabe ape the argument of the US ambassador, adding that Mugabe’s anti-imperialist and leftist rhetoric is, in truth, insincere. He is actually right-wing and reactionary -- a master at talking left while walking right. But if Mugabe is really the crypto-reactionary, secret pro-imperialist some people say he is, why are the openly reactionary, pro-imperialists in Washington and London so agitated?Blair's Faked Border
01-04-2007 11:01

Zionist Groups Killed News Stories About Mossad & 911
01-04-2007 01:32
Here's the Carl Cameron piece in question:The Israeli Spy Ring

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Riot cops at RTF4
01-04-2007 00:09
Reports coming in that riot cops are massing outside Reclaim The Future 4, at 52 Holloway Road, London N7.Bands and DJs are stillplaying, but it sounds like entry/access is being blocked.
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Robin’s Trip to Scotland… Part 1.
31-03-2007 21:20

'The Ant': twice attacked by Tony's police 'brutality' state in 2 days
31-03-2007 19:48
Recieved a news update from Jago in the form of an email... thought I'd share.Apparently Babs and Brian went to court on Friday to ask a few questions of DJ Purdy anregarding requesting the return of Brian's illegally seized display of evidence of genocide and torture that was stolen without the benefit of a warrant. Oops!
Apparently this is what started the payback of that naughty DJ Evans issuing all those summonses to incorrect addresses and the fiasco that was was Monday morning kangaroo court, which escalated into Thursday afternoon contempt trials.
Bullies always need to pick on someone to make themselves fel big... how pathetic.
Iran hostages: Gift for militarist faction
31-03-2007 17:18
The timing could not have been better. At the start of the country’s longest public holiday for the Iranian new year, the ministries, parliament and press in Tehran were all out of action, ensuring little or no criticism of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the military for creating such a dangerous situation at a time of major crisis.Aust condemns Pakistan missile tests
31-03-2007 06:36

Is UK-Iran marine incident part of larger war provocation plan?
31-03-2007 01:02
While Western media coverage has done little beyond echo and embellish Tony Blair’s immediate shrieking and bellicose assertions (“there was no justification whatsoever . . . completely unacceptable, wrong and illegal”), and the predictable Bush administration support for Blair (the White House “fully backs Tony Blair and our allies in Britain”), and the impending political onslaught against Tehran, little if any analysis has been devoted to the context of what has led up to this incident.What has happened to the 5 Iranians kidnapped by the US?
31-03-2007 00:00
As the Western media turns its attentionto the fate of 15 Britons detained for allegedly
trespassing into Iranian waters over the weekend, the
status of five Iranian officials captured in a U.S.
military raid on a liaison office in northern Iraq on
Jan. 11 remains a mystery.
DJ Wickham - guilty of contempt against humanity
30-03-2007 20:32
Seeing is believing... for those who would question the veracity of events, a journey down Horseshit Road to Westminster Magistrates Courts is most illuminating when trying to understand why Tony has not yet been sent to the Hague.Deliberate provocation by Royal Navy - Iran prisoner crisis
30-03-2007 18:50
What really happened to Royal Navy boarding party?Action days in Germany June 1st (Bombodrom) and 5th (Rostock-Laage)
30-03-2007 16:01
Antimilitarist actions days in Germany, on 1st June 2007 in the Kyritz-Ruppin Heathland, and on5th June 2007 in Rostock-Laage. Both actions intend to show the connection between G8 and war.
12 April 2007: Day of action in support of imprisoned CO Halil Savda
30-03-2007 15:45

Halil Savda needs international support, to break the vicious cycle of imprisonment, "release", transfer to military barracks, being given a military order, disobedience, and imprisonment. But support will also be crucial to achieve the recognition of the right to conscientious objection in Turkey.
For these reasons, activists in Turkey and War Resisters' International call for an international day of action on 12 April 2007, in support of Halil Savda and all COs in Turkey.
Afghan experts contradict Military "optimism"
30-03-2007 15:28
"The main complaint that I hear from Afghans is not that we're imposing something on them that we don't want, but that we haven't delivered what they think we promised."Smith questions whether NATO can achieve its stated goals, even within a period of 10 years.