UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
You Can Run But You Can't Hide - Droning On!
26-06-2012 18:58

Following a raucous protest in Bristol, and a packed out public meeting in Bath, the Clarion Events UAV conference had to be moved to deepest darkest Wiltshire.
The Defence Acadamy near Shrivenham is managed by Clanfield University and the MOD. Safely protected by barbed wire and a police presence the conference commenced whilst members of BAAT unfurled their banners and made, what has become a trade mark of theirs, lots of noise.
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Bradley Manning back in court today. Banner drop in Wrexham, Wales
25-06-2012 12:15

Smash EDO Citizens' Weapons Inspection of EDO MBM
25-06-2012 09:21
On Monday 16th July 2012 at 1pm a group of concerned citizens from Brighton and beyond will be attempting to inspect the EDO MBM factory in Moulsecoomb to further highlight the factory's complicity in the murder of innocent civilians around the world.Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance Action Callout
24-06-2012 20:39
Smash EDO are half way through a Summer of Resistance against EDO/ITTExelis. The aim of the summer is to intensify the pressure on the weapons
factory, with as many actions as possible taking place between the 1st of
May and the 1st of August. The more groups that take part the more effective it will be, so we need your help!
CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents
24-06-2012 13:58
On June 21, The New York Times headlined "CIA Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition," saying: Operating covertly from southern Turkey, CIA operatives are "decid(ing) which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers." Weapons supplied include "automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition, (and) antitank weapons...." They're smuggled across Turkey's border through "a shadowy network of intermediaries...." They're also entering through Lebanon.Decision (not now) expected any time on Assange asylum application
22-06-2012 16:55

Update 6.30pm: no decision now expected today.
Supporters welcome at ongoing vigil outside the embassy.

Reflections on the Tory smear campaign against Smash EDO
22-06-2012 14:06
Smash EDO is a grassroots response to the EDO MBM factory in Mouslecoomb's complicity in war crimes - a banner under which people opposed to those crimes can rally. Towards that end Smash EDO is currently organising a Summer of Resistance against EDO MBM.
Over the past few months Brighton and Hove Conservative Party (B&HCP) and, in particular, Robert Nemeth, Deputy Chairman (political) of B&HCP and manager of the office of Mike Weatherley, Tory MP for Hove, have engaged in a smear campaign which has attempted to label our campaign as anti-Semitic.
Day of the Dead - For the victims of aerial bombardment
21-06-2012 08:24
tonight - 9pm The Level, Brighton (weather permitting)Activists blockade Faslane Naval Base
19-06-2012 10:35
Today at 7 o’ clock in the morning activists of the Faslane Peacecamp blockaded the Trident Naval Base. Three people locked on in front of the South Gate. From the original five people at the North Gate two were arrested immediately while the rest were able to blockade one lane of the road. The blockade lasted about 90 minutes.Report of Surprise noise demo today at EDO
18-06-2012 22:02
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.The Boy Who Shot the Queen of England
18-06-2012 20:07

Gone but not forgotten - one year since Brian Haw's death
18-06-2012 14:14

Smash EDO: Mass action July 16th and G8 convergence
17-06-2012 20:27
We would love to get you all to Brighton for the 15th and 16th of July.On Sunday the 15th Smash EDO are hosting a convergence to start building resistance to next year's G8 which will take place in the UK, and on Monday the 16th there is a planned summer of resistance mass action where we'll need as many of you as possible.
Below are the callouts for both.
One week, Two actions: Vigil For Bradley Manning & Rally for Julian Assange
17-06-2012 20:05

Thu 28 June, 3pm: Rally for Julian Assange at Swedish Embassy.
Surprise noise demo at EDO - Report
16-06-2012 09:55
Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM – From 1st May to 1st August 2012.Faslane Peace Campers Trespass at Coulport Nuclear Weapons Depot
15-06-2012 19:53

Supreme Court rejects application to reopen Julian Assange's extradition appeal
14-06-2012 20:46

The UK Supreme Court today rejected the application to reopen Julian Assange's extradition appeal.
Banner drops for Bradley Manning in Liverpool
14-06-2012 20:33

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Veterans blockade Faslane nuclear weapons base in Scotland
14-06-2012 12:27
Trident PloughsharesPress Release
14 June 2012
Two Pensioners blockade Faslane
This morning two Trident Ploughshares activists sat in the road at the North Gate of Faslane Trident Submarine base, stopping any traffic from entering the base for 15 minutes as part of the Faslane Peace Camps call for 30 Days of Action.
For details of other actions to mark the anniversary, see:

Report of Critical Mass against EDO
14-06-2012 11:12