UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
US vet tells the thruth about War and Racism
11-12-2014 09:52
"Racism within the military has long been an important tool to justify the destruction and occupation of another country. "17 Dec: Noise Demo at US Embassy on Chelsea Manning's Birthday
09-12-2014 23:40

On 17th December 2014, Welsh-American whistleblower and prisoner of conscience Chelsea Manning will celebrate her 27th birthday, her fifth while incarcerated by the US government. Today in the news we have had mainstream confirmation of the CIA torture program.
This torture took place in what have become known as CIA 'Black Sites' across the world. Let's not forget that that we only know about this because of whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning, John Kiriakou, Craig Murray and WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, all of whom made significant sacrifices to get this information to us and have suffered persecution for doing so.
NOISE DEMO for whistleblowers and against torture, 4.30 - 6pm, Wed 17 December, outside the US Embassy, London
Philippine Women’s Coalitions Launch 18 Days of Activism against Violence
03-12-2014 12:05

Report and photos from Faslane anti-Trident demo on Sunday 30th November 2014
30-11-2014 19:07

Is Africa Over the Watershed?
27-11-2014 18:01
At a first glance it might appear so. The Ouagadougou bubble has burst, another old fart was overthrown without colonial soldiers rushing in, and the same chaos that burdened Africa with the colonialist contact is also bringing it home. There is still heavy bleeding going on, as the consciousness of that continent is playing the loudest fiddle in the human rights abuses emanating from these afflicted by colonialism in the active sense, but the inner-African containment of the Burkina Faso crisis on the model of the Ulan Bator – Beijing treaty has pissed off the colonialist so much that it fell to the temptation to claim it as its own achievement while in earlier such instances it had been humiliating African regimes to call in the evildoers such as into Mali, the Central African Republic or Sudan. Yet as the limits of that tactic are, it has not led to Ouagadougou ousting the already present colonialist mercenaries in the Sahel. So there is no reliable precaution against a fallback into collaboration with the failed states in Europe and North America. Some African states have indeed smeared themselves with unspeakable historical guilt by enabling the colonialist regimes to expand their lifespan against natural decay. The lesson of Gaddafi, that anyone who remains involved with imperialism on an international scale domestically degrades himself to that level and in addition is at risk of being dumped at whim, is far from already having taken hold everywhere, and the few and far between taking upon themselves the tremendous task of teaching their fellow Africans about the culture-deprecating evil that is going on around the cradle of humanity still have a lot to do (see Jun 3, 2013 + Feb 21, 2014 + May 4, 2014).Get the bloody arms trade out of Bristol
19-11-2014 17:33
Babcock chief executive Peter Rogers said: “We are delighted that we are growing and strengthening our partnership with the Ministry of Defence through the acquisition of DSG.
“We are committed to working with our customer to ensure we are responsive to the evolving needs of the Army whilst achieving improved performance levels, enhanced operational agility and greater cost efficiencies.”
We need this like a hole in the head!!
US Planes Supplying ISIL with Weapons, Foodstuff. Iraq Intel Report
19-11-2014 14:04
ISIS are used by US to destabalize Syria and the middle-eastNot guilty verdict for Barclays Newport protestors
17-11-2014 00:13

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Brisbane G20 - Ciaron O'Reilly prohibited then arrested speaking out for Assange, Manning, Snowden
16-11-2014 21:46

G20 resistance all but evaporates in Brisbane heatwave.
Policing for the G20 summit in Brisbane this past weekend was of overkill proportions. There was very little in the way of serious resistance, the Guardian reported that cops (6,000) outnumbered protesters and only 14 arrests were made. One of these was Manning and Assange solidarity activist Ciaron O'Reilly, who has been held in custody all weekend and will be brought before Brisbane Magistrates on Monday morning.
A Sheffield-based Death Squad?
11-11-2014 08:00
It seems that a whistleblower is making some major revelations about an ultra "black ops" death squad organised around an extended family based in Sheffield.On trial: Anti-Nato protesters who demanded Barclays divest from the arms trade
10-11-2014 10:17
Press ReleasePhilippines: Akbayan and Santiago file joint resolution to terminate VFA
05-11-2014 11:04

Death Drones are Arriving in Llanbedr - Protest
30-10-2014 10:14
Protest the use of Llanbedr airfield for drone testing - Noon 30 OctFatal encounter: Jennifer Laude meets US Marine Corps
21-10-2014 12:13

U.S. Marine Suspected in Killing of Transgender Filipina
15-10-2014 13:36

Opposing the DPRTE arms fair in Cardiff
14-10-2014 23:30

A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning (Part 2)
09-10-2014 20:18

Glasgow anti-war demonstration Saturday October 4th 2014
06-10-2014 10:38

Peace Strike Statement Re: Air Strikes On Iraq
27-09-2014 13:18
PEACE STRIKE STATEMENT RE: UK AIR STRIKES IN IRAQYesterday the British Government voted to go to war -yet again- in the Middle East. This time it will support a coalition of USA, France, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,Quatar and Jordon in conducting air strikes within Iraq. The target is the Islamic State Extremists IS.
Marx, Lenin, Mao and the Futurology of Scientific Anarchism
26-09-2014 15:27
While the mean spirits of the terror gang calling itself “the West” are being drawn into the abyss of their own ridiculous glorification, desecrating the graves of the few exceptional characters among the fathers who cautioned them against just that, something significant is happening at the border between India and China. This time it is not state tents being put up like “Occupy” stickers or cyber soldiers trying to clean the brushes of technological propaganda. Nor is it Tibetans blessing foreign evildoers or Uyghurs desperately struggling for the attention of a betrayed audience. It is the raising realisation that with the decapitation of Hindu fascism of the “Karma” type to the headless corpse of “Modi” nationalism (see [2013], [2014]), a portion of India turns out to be more Chinese than China. Yet while nationalist China is a sluggish conglomerate only very gradually realising the aberration of industrialism and growth, the foreign Maoists are unfolding a small but decisive influence on its surroundings. How that is functioning is best to be explained with the Diamond Peddler Paradox: If a couple purchases a diamond to celebrate each other, it is impossible to predict how long their marriage will last and whether the stored amount of carbon has any influence on that. Yet for the diamond peddler who knows the society they live in, it is precisely possible to specify the average time after which a diamond of that size will be back on his desk. That is so because for the true lover there is only one adored partner, but for the commercial peddler any exchange is like the other without distinction. Likewise, industrialist China maintains the hallucination of being able to purchase an uncounted number of corporate identities, while the convinced Marxist-Leninist-Maoist sees only one way to a lasting future.