UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The Role - Open Letter to the Troops
10-05-2004 17:01
An excellent article reposted from
Protesters Stop Nuclear Weapons Convoy in Stirling and Balloch
10-05-2004 16:42

Johann Hari in an Age of Opinion Polls
10-05-2004 15:39
How will Johann Hari manage this? As perhaps the most perfect democrat in the world, Hari has constantly abided by his selection of Iraqi opinion poll results so that he now finds himself aligned with those proposing the end of the occupation of Iraq...Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross
10-05-2004 14:34

Abu Graib Macht Frei???
10-05-2004 13:47
What happens when one thinks while using msn messengerURGENT: Brian Haw "Disappeared" by the Cops
10-05-2004 09:56

Israel emptying Jerusalem of Palestinians
10-05-2004 09:22
The destruction of 24 more East Jerusalem houses clearly illustrates the political agenda driving Israel's relentless demolition policy. As Zaid Hamouri explains, the real issue behind these demolitions is Israel's attempt to alter the demographic make-up of the city.Forget The Trial Get The Rope: Bush Approved The Torture!!!
10-05-2004 03:46
While the shutter captured the gruesome horror in graphic detail, it missed capturing the full scope of the incident, as did CBS. This was not an isolated incident. It was not the result of a few rogues. Rather this incident was the result of careful long-term planning. In fact Bush and every other high official of this administration approved of the torture and we have their own words on thatMost Britons Say U.K. Troops Must Leave Iraq By June 30
10-05-2004 03:31
Most people interviewed, or 55 percent, said British troops should withdraw by June 30, the planned date for the transfer of Iraq's sovereignty to an interim government, with 16 percent supporting an immediate withdrawalProxy Wars in Africa: day school
09-05-2004 19:21
The African Liberation Support Campaign Network (ALISC-Network) and Hackney Stop The War Coalition day school on proxy wars in Africa.Iraq Procurement Gala Dinner Video
09-05-2004 01:22
Protest outside Gala Dinner at Iraq Procurment conference, London 27/4/04Blair War Crimes Update - from The Independant
09-05-2004 00:20

Now how does such a blinkered fundamentalist christian nutter ( i.e. our Prime Poodler Bliar) reconcile the USUK torture/sexual perversions jpegs with his saving the world from itself ? Is this the SM Rapture ?
(Just forgetting about the thousands bombed in cold blood for a second)
Bush Not Welcome - in Rome (Italy) - 4th June : Support us, please !
08-05-2004 18:53

United People of the world.
Write to:

Powell and Iraq
08-05-2004 12:06
Some authors are comparing what happens in the prisons of Iraq to what happened in My Lai, Vietnam.The role of Powell in that:
Bush in France 5 June
08-05-2004 11:15
The world's sorriest war criminal is coming to France shortly. Stopping off in the UK?US connection points to CIA/P2OG possibly behind Madrid bombings
08-05-2004 07:09
In an attempt to sway the Spanish election, expecting a US type reaction to carry on bombing anything that moves within 2000 miles of where Bin Laden might be ....but of course, the Spanish were 90% opposed to the illegal USUK attack and the illegal WMD of cluster bombs and DU, and more informed about international law and the Geneva Convention etc.The P2OG op. did not work. Poodler no. 2 Aznar had to go.
The fingerprints of the American lawyer arrested in Oregon in the Madrid terror bombing probe were found on a bag containing detonators like those used in the March 11 attack, the Spanish government said Friday.
Online march on the White House
07-05-2004 16:45
This is a call to action for the 29th August 2004. An online protest will be held to coincide with the Republican National Convention in New York.The not-quite-news about prisons
07-05-2004 16:43
May 5thThe Not-Quite News About Prisons
The thing about prison is that you’re locked away. No
one can see you unless they’re let in or you’re let
out. Suddenly – and I am relieved that the world knows
about it at last – the abuse of prisoners in Iraq has
become partly visible. The Photos made news in a way
that countless Iraqi people’s stories did not.
Palestine 10000
07-05-2004 14:05

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