UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Judge rules on Bradley Manning Torture Hearing - declines to dismiss charges
12-01-2013 16:41

Bradley Manning was back at Fort Meade, Maryland, US for another pretrial hearing this week and military Judge Denise Lind issued her ruling on the unlawful pretrial punishment motion. This part of the case was dealt with at a long hearing in November and December, during which Bradley Manning gave evidence in person. He spoke about the punitive conditions he was held under at Quantico marine brig in Virginia from July 2010 until April 2011. Many other witnesses testified, including numerous brig staff. The defence motion called for all charges to be dismissed or, failing that, for 10:1 sentencing credit for the time Brad was mistreated.
For more information, see this Indymedia feature on the torture hearing
Brad's court martial continues on 16 and 17 January with another hearing, this time a continuation of the defence motion calling for charges to be dismissed on the grounds of lack of speedy trial. By the time the case reaches trial, put back again to at least 3 June, Bradley Manning will have been held for over three years.
Join the solidarity vigil in London on Wednesday 16 January at 2pm at the US Embassy.
Syrian Army hits gunmen around Syria
11-01-2013 16:02
The Syrian Air force and artillery have targeted several dens of Free Army militia in several areas in Damascus countryside, Aleppo countryside and Edlib countryside, causing large losses of the gunmen and the destruction of their vehicles. Our correspondent in Damascus Countryside confirmed that more than 50 insurgents got killed in targeting their dens by the Syrian Arab Army in Saqba, Duma, al-Sheifounia, Duma and Marj al-Sultan, where other militants were killed during clashing with the Syrian Army units in Zamalka, al-Ziabia and Hijjira.Three Kurdish Women activists were shot dead in Paris
11-01-2013 11:16

Kurdish activists said the killings were carried out by forces in the Turkish state itself who wanted to derail the talks.
8 Jan: Vigil for Bradley Manning at US Embassy London at start of another court hearing
03-01-2013 22:50

Bradley Manning is back in court at Fort Meade, Maryland, US from Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 January.
Vigil at the US Embassy in London 2pm Tuesday 8 January.
The entire soundtrack of the Collateral Murder video will be played.
Buenos Aires: Candle Light March for Syria
31-12-2012 14:21

Google's Role As Internet Censor
29-12-2012 21:29

activist link censorship, lawsuits regarding
censorship are some of the many issues involving Google.
Time For Justice – A call from Palestine to EU citizens
27-12-2012 19:17
On the fourth anniversary of Israel’s 2008-2009 war on Gaza in which it killed 1400 Palestinians including 300 children, a call urging EU citizens to ask their representatives to suspend the EU’s trade agreements with Israel, until it complies with international law has been issued by grassroots networks and organizations across Palestine.Oscar Wilde Vs Rudyard Kipling Re The Folly Of Invading Afghanistan
26-12-2012 20:05

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Kuchi Refugee Camp in the Shah's Back Yard
24-12-2012 01:26
Maya is currently with a peace delegation in Afghanistan and sent this report via the VCNVUK blog.First days in Kabul
24-12-2012 01:21
Beth from Oxford is currently with a peace delegation in Afghanistan and sent this report via the VCNVUK blog.From Cowley Road to Kabul
24-12-2012 01:16
Susan from Oxford is currently with a peace delegation in Afghanistan and wrote these reports and reflections while preparing for the trip..Abolish the Armed Forces
21-12-2012 13:27
I just created a new petition and I hope you can sign -- it's called: Abolish the Armed ForcesCaged in the USA: Torture in America’s many prisons (report from London event)
13-12-2012 21:45

Won't Get Fooled Again? Hyping Syria's WMD 'Threat'
13-12-2012 09:42
Reading about crimes of state over many years, it is tempting to try to fathom the mind-set of political leaders. What actually is going on in their heads when they order sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands of children? What is in their hearts when they wage needless wars that shatter literally millions of lives? Are they desperately cruel, mindlessly stupid? Do they imagine they are living in a kind of hell where monstrous acts have to be committed to avoid even worse outcomes? Are they indifferent, focused on what will bring them short-term political and economic gain? Are they morally resigned, perceiving themselves as essentially powerless in the face of invincible political and economic forces ('If I didn't do it, someone else would.')?
Drone info stall in Wrexham 11 Dec: report and photos
12-12-2012 11:32

We held another drone information stall yesterday in Wrexham.
See also this indymedia report and photos from a previous stall and this recent protest at RAF Waddington from where British armed Reaper drones will be controlled.
Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the Courtroom 11 December
11-12-2012 16:38

Witness evidence in the Bradley Manning Article 13 'unlawful pretrial punishment' motion hearing is now completed after 10 days and the hearing moves on to both sides presenting their closing oral arguments, starting with the defence (Bradley Manning represented by David Coombs). See Tweets below (which will be updated later), this report from Kevin Gosztola and this from Nathan Fuller, both with live updates.
For other court reports from this hearing, see notes from the courtroom: 10 Dec | 7 Dec | 6 Dec | 5 Dec | 1-2 Dec | 30 Nov | 27-29 Nov | Bradley Manning's Testimony.
Remembering the dead in Gaza this Wednesday at EDO
11-12-2012 02:38 Manning Hearing: Notes from the Courtroom 10 December
10-12-2012 23:39

CWO2 Denise Barnes, who made the decision to remove Manning's underwear, returned to the witness stand on Monday 10 December in Bradley Manning's unlawful pretrial punishment hearing (see Tweets below and this report from Kevin Gosztola).
For other court reports from this hearing, see notes from the courtroom: 7 Dec | 6 Dec | 5 Dec | 1-2 Dec | 30 Nov | 27-29 Nov | Bradley Manning's Testimony.