UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Stop Arming Israel
10-09-2006 01:39
Brilliant new cross-coalition campaign in the UK - Please forward tofriends and appropriate lists... a Manchester protest tommorow

neo-Nazi/military plot busted in Belgium
09-09-2006 22:17
Sounds a bit like a fake, but it's real. Read the international press. 19 neo-Nazis have been arrested by the Belgian police, most of them serving in the Belgian army. 110 weapons were found that could have served to launch a racist terrorist attack.Is the War on Terror Bogus?
09-09-2006 21:01
Are the people who are behind the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq the real architects of the War on Terror?Ask Michael Chertoff Ask the Secretary of Homeland Security something
09-09-2006 21:00
Ask Michael Chertoff Secretary of Homeland Security a question:
Thoughtcrime in Britain’s Ascendant Police State
09-09-2006 20:03
The latest bit of media hyperventilation surrounds the supposed discovery of an “Islamic school in the Sussex countryside, where it is alleged night-time training exercises were staged,” according to Mike Sullivan, billed as the Sun’s “crime editor.”Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Brighton Police Attack on Demonstrations
09-09-2006 19:57

Will Clinton, Berger and Albright threaten the BBC with a libel suit?
09-09-2006 18:28
As you know, the BBC is planning to show Disney/ABC's defamatory "Path to 9/11" program in the UK on Sunday. I'm told by a friend that under UK libel laws there is no public person defense and damages and costs can both be in the millions. And, "British libel laws are considered pro-plaintiff, meaning that the defendant must prove that she or he did not commit libel."Israeli-US Strategy: Lebanon and Iran
09-09-2006 12:52
"In this most perverse of all ceasefire resolutions, the aggressor (Israel) retains its arms, its occupation of Lebanese land, sea and air space, and increases its purchase of offensive weapons. The Lobby pushes the US/UN to encircle Hezbollah, control Lebanon’s border with Syria (thus losing sovereignty) and stop the flow of any defensive weapons to replenish the supply depleted defending the country from Israeli invaders ..."The ‘dual purpose’ wars are designed to weaken and destroy adversaries to US-Israeli plans for regional dominance and to create military bases, geographic encirclement and economic pressure for the ultimate military assault on Iran."
Dissecting the war on terror
09-09-2006 09:10
After five years of post 9/11 government, U.S. foreign and domestic policy continues to be dominated by the all-encompassing ‘war on terror’. Events have since exposed this so-called war for what it is: a gross propaganda campaign used to suppress civil liberties and launch global war.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Murdoch’s media empire girds up for a war against Iran
09-09-2006 07:20

Bliar war crimes arrest delayed pending No. 10 eviction notice
09-09-2006 05:25

Cambell/Bliar "45 minutes" report may be used by anti-bushorc and wingnut prosecutors.
Foreign Office Blockade video
09-09-2006 04:59

Israeli right-wing party threatens Brazilian cartoonist
09-09-2006 02:09

Brighton Police Chief Accuses Lebanon Demo of anti-Semitism
09-09-2006 01:57

Sack Parliament! Benefit Gig 16th Sept rampART
08-09-2006 22:54

Saturday 16th September 8pm til 1:30am. Donations welcome.
rampART, 15-17 Rampart Street, London, E1 2LA
Peace cyclists detained in Israel
08-09-2006 16:53
Peace cyclists detained in Israel.Respect MP George Galloway speaks out and calls on the government to intervene.
The Wounds of War Must Be Healed
08-09-2006 15:34
The human rights violations during the war between Israel and Hezbollah must be investigated and researched. Amnesty International presses for this.BOYCOTT ISRAELI GOODS DAY OF ACTION - SATURDAY OCTOBER 7TH
08-09-2006 15:23