UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
A spanner in the corpse machine (report on picket of London Soldier)
30-09-2006 01:24

PHILIPPINES: The worst regime post-Marcos
29-09-2006 23:09

29-09-2006 21:32

Jo Wilding book launch next Friday (3 October)
29-09-2006 21:12
Free Middle Eastern food, drinks, Iraqi music and an opportunity to meet at extraordinary anti-war activist.Senate gives green light to torture and military tribunals
29-09-2006 15:56
The sadists in power can now endulge their sickest fantasies on "enemy combatants" a tern which covers every crime, from smoking spliffs to opposing this legisation. And you thought it was a conspiracy theory! Pah! Eat your heart out, before they do....Saturday October 7 - Annual Peace Picnic at 'RAF' Croughton
29-09-2006 11:34
.Voice of the American Atheist Resistance—From Behind Enemy Lines
29-09-2006 07:13

Pentagon moves to second-stage planning for Iran strike option
29-09-2006 05:41
The Pentagon's top brass has moved into second-stage contingency planning for a potential military strike on Iran, one senior intelligence official familiar with the plans tells RAW STORY.Palestine Today
28-09-2006 16:45

Israeli air forces struck a Palestinian house in Rafah, the army injures an old farmer north of Beit Lahia town in the Gaza Strip, and in the West Bank the army invades several cities and takes prisoners. These stories and more coming up stay tuned.
Bush and Islam: Words versus Deeds
28-09-2006 15:50
The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush’s words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United Nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.Afghanistan: The Other Lost War
28-09-2006 15:41
US directed repression of the Afghan people aided by its brutal Northern Alliance regional "warlord" proxies has led to the beginning of a growing insurrection against an intolerable situation that's unsustainable. It has the upper hand in Iraq and is fast becoming more of the same in Afghanistan. It's what always happens because no unwanted occupier is ever accepted by the people it subjugates, especially one whose prime mission is to terrorize the civilian population to pacify it. The mission is doomed to fail as eventually it becomes inefficient, ineffective and people back home no longer will tolerate it. By now it would seem cooler heads in Washington and at the Pentagon would have made some headway convincing the hard line neocons behind this growing misadventure and the out-of-control one in Iraq that it was time to cut losses, pull out, and go another way. Those among them with enough good sense have to realize even the most powerful military in the world has no chance to defeat a determined guerilla force gaining strength because it has most of the people in the country behind it.Help Stop US Bioterror Weapons
28-09-2006 14:49
The Univ of Washington's Michael Katzdoesn't care if he abuses mice dogs or cats
He daily tries to open Pandora's Box
hoping to recreate deadly pigflesh derived flu pox.
Does he do this as a form of bioterror
or is it simply unconscious error?
Why are his crimes promoted by
militaristic Rupert Murdoch's Fox
Rhythms of Resistance Manchester: drums not war! (27/9 action)
28-09-2006 00:12

Young, naive but loud! A small band of Rhythms of Resistance Manchester sambistas walked right at the entrance of Midlands Hotel (where the labour conference delegates were staying) playing funky tunes and shouting antiwar chants.
Palestine Today
27-09-2006 17:24

One child was killed and at least fourteen residents were injured in an Israeli air strike and 20 residents were taken prisoner by the Israeli army during an invasion to areas east of Khan Younis, while the army continue to attack West Bank cities and taking prisoners. These stories and more coming up stay tuned.
Freedom To Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Prostester In Court
27-09-2006 14:20
Embargo - For Immediate ReleaseSmash EDO - Press Release
Email Andrew or Sarah -

tel 07875708873
Trial of the 'B52 Two' Peace Activists begins in Bristol Crown Court, 2 October
27-09-2006 10:37
The trial of two peace activists, at Bristol Crown Court will start on Monday 2nd October. The two tried to prevent a B52 warplane leaving RAF Fairford to bomb Iraq in March 2003. Supporters are most welcome to attend.Belgian Company Boycotts Israeli Hi tech company
27-09-2006 00:26
The boycott continues ...Translated from Hebrew - Ynet, Israeli news website 26/9/06

New Front in the Culture War:Gay Rights Sacrificed on the Altar of the Mid-Term
26-09-2006 18:21
Chip Berlet, Political Research AssociatesIn the Spirit of Jaures and Luxemburg
26-09-2006 17:24
Only a new type of conflict management can put a stop to the violence in the Middle East.. In 1914 there existed an inherited hostility between Germany and France.. The important question is how the never ending spiral of violence, revenge, allocation of blame and retribution can be broken.