UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Manchester Faslane 365 Training Event
19-10-2006 21:58
10am-4pm, Saturday 21st October 2006Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester M4 7HR
A day to pick up new skills and find out more about this unique and inspiring event. Learn simple blockading techniques and find out more about how people from Manchester can contribute to a future free from nuclear weapons.
19-10-2006 20:34

SOCPA - brian haw legal update
19-10-2006 16:25
brian has won the right to petition the lords to challenge whether his five-year non-stop protest outside parliament can be controlled under the new serious organised crime and police act legislation. he also has leave to appeal to the high court over the legality of police conditions restricting his current protest. no dates have been set yet for these hearings. meanwhile supporters are warmly welcomed in parliament square.Tonkin redux to set off Iran war?
19-10-2006 16:14
So much ruckus has been raised about the false-flag nuclear attack on US soil that would be used to kick off a nuclear confrontation with Iran that the military-industrial complex may be forced to go for their pretext plan B -- an attack on a US battleship. Although the attack would not have the psychological impact of a nuclear attack on US soil, a false-flag attack on a battleship has an advantage to the planners in that the military would be in total control of the scene of the crime and therefore the chain of evidence. this is the tactic that was used to set off the Vietnam War -- which was escalated into full-blown conflict by [1]the false flag attack on the USS Maddox in the Gulf on Tonkin. This time, it may be the USS Eisenhower in the Persian Gulf.state of emergency meeting @ London @bookfair
19-10-2006 15:25

MEETING ROOM 4 1pm - 2pm
Saturday, 21st October, 2006 - London Anarchist Bookfair
10am-7pm, at the Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Rd, London, N7 6PA. Tube - Holloway Road
US military and Iraqi deaths soar amidst preparations for major offensive
19-10-2006 10:18

Dannitt Wins "Wings of Justice" Award.
19-10-2006 10:07
In the UK, General Sir Richard Dannatt is the current chief of the general staff. This past week, he told a British newspaper reporter "that British troops should be brought home 'soon' from Iraq and that their presence was 'exacerbating' tensions. Not only that, but he, in effect, accused the Prime Minister [Tony Blair] of being 'naive' in thinking they could install a liberal democracy in Iraq." He is the recipient of this week's BuzzFlash "Wings of Justice" Award.MENWITH HILL Worker Bus Info
19-10-2006 03:51
Menwith hill is the controversial US army base located between Harrogate and Skipton.Children's Revolution Kids' Bloc May Lead the March for Climate Justice...
18-10-2006 20:03

The young eco warriors who started the youth revolt against global warming and climate change at the G8 summit protest in Scotland, 2005, will possibly once again be seen leading the way with their famous banner, “The Kids Are Revolting!”
Israel’s Plan for a Military Strike on Iran
18-10-2006 18:18
Is the Israeli government using Shalev, wittingly or not, and is he in turn using the BBC, to spread Israeli propaganda? Propaganda that may soon propel us towards the “clash of civilizations” so longed for by Israel’s leadershipPalestine Today
18-10-2006 18:16

The death toll in the Gaza strip reaches four since Tuesday night, while in the West Bank the army attacks cities and takes prisoners. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.
18-10-2006 14:48
. . . . AS THE 7/11/6 US ELECTION APPROACHES, ODD THINGS TURN UP . . . . OR . . . . DISAPPEARlatest news as of 18/10/6
The War in Afghanistan: Drugs, Money Laundering and the Banking System
18-10-2006 01:01
Control of Afghanistan is vital in deciding the future balance of power in Central Asia and Eurasia, thus whosoever controls Afghanistan has great leverage in the resource-rich Eurasian landmass.SHAME ON THE U.S. AND U.K. MILITARY!
18-10-2006 00:31
Photos of Babies Deformed at Birth as aResult of Uranium Weapons
US vs THEM - A Johnny Commentary
17-10-2006 18:50
Johnny Wizard has been arrested by irrational bushite forthreatening the life of antiChrist enemy George W. bush, and
with the bogus warrant made to undermine the true FBI, used
the action to make fraudulent accusations in respect for
Johnny's love of Children. Don't miss out in the trial of the
Palestine Today
17-10-2006 17:16

Three youth are killed by Israeli troops in Qabatia near the West Bank city of Jenin and in Hebron city, south of the West Bank, Israeli soldiers take four residents prisoner. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.
England Does not Want Gitmo Detainees
17-10-2006 16:30
Europeans don't want these islamic killers any more than the Arabs.39 STEPS TO APOCALYPSE, but UK, USA POSITION "LACKS ANY LOGICAL EXCUSE"
17-10-2006 12:40
yesterday, AEA INSPECTION CHIEF - the face that launched a thousand warships against other nuclear proliferators, said that it was the lack of logic in the position of the USA, with the UK too, amongst other states that already had nuclear weapons yet were obstructing a global nuclear disarmament treaty - even getting new versions of nukes - that spins the world towards apocalypse most.Cambridge Student Challenge Rolls Royce
17-10-2006 10:59
Press release about a Cambridge Students Against the Arms Trade action challenging Rolls Royce's recruitment attempts