UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
BEWARE! The importance of NO COMMENT whilst under caution by the police!
24-04-2009 14:05
I know it has been said before but making comments under caution helps convict people every day. Have some sense and respect for your fellow protesters / friends / comrades / family etc who might be implicated by anything you say whilst under police caution.Give the IDF their marching orders - London 28/4
24-04-2009 13:03

Pro-Palestinian activists have called a demonstration to protest against a planned appearance by an Israeli Defence Force Entertainment Troupe in London on Tuesday 28th April. The Troupe is sceduled to appear at the Zionist Federation's Israel 61 Family Show at the Artsdepot in London's N12.
Mayday Global Chalk4Peace - Its Time To Get Out The Chalk again!
24-04-2009 07:58

Ecuador…Puerto Rico… France… Chile… Iran… Iraq… Mexico… Spain…Italy…Cypress…Israel… In hundreds of towns and cities - Everywhere!
“Our Streets Are OUR Media”
WE have TOTAL access -
“We CAN Make the difference”
Update on Mayday! Mayday! Street Party and Antimilitarist Gathering
23-04-2009 18:09
Smashing Update...George Galloway, MP: Building 7 collapse "practically impossible"
23-04-2009 18:02

Full article | 3 additions | 17 comments
Mass Street Party – Against War and Greed - Invitation To Organisers
23-04-2009 09:08
Mass Street Party – Against War and Greed - Invitation To Organisersnazis front
23-04-2009 08:01
in less than 2 hours the nazi front are due in newcastle to sperad there vile evil shit arounf newcastleNetanyahu: We will not allow Holocaust deniers to carry out another Holocaust
22-04-2009 18:12

Smash EDO: Open letter about the Mayday! Mayday! Street Party, May 4th
22-04-2009 11:29
Wednesday 22nd AprilFor More info contact Chloe Marsh or Andrew Beckett on 07754135290
Timetable for Brighton Antimilitarist Conference 2nd-3rd May
22-04-2009 11:21
The 2nd and 3rd of may will see hopefully hundreds of anti war activists coming together for a conference to take forwarded the recently formed uk Anti-militarist network. The provisional timetable is below. Attendence is free of charge and there will be food, accomodation and a kids space available. Open to all!UK Govt admits British military components were used by Israel in Gaza war
22-04-2009 10:20
'review' to take place, but exports to continue despite clear war crimesWhy the police riot? - part 10
21-04-2009 22:34

This is part 10 of a series, for parts 1-9 see:

Handy Map for the Mayday! Mayday! Smash EDO Mass Street Party
21-04-2009 19:58
On May 4th Smash EDO are holding a mas s street party against war, greed and militarism. Here's a handy map of war profiteers in Brighton and Hove.
Over the years Mayday has been a time to celebrate ordinary people's struggle against global capitalism. The growing anti-militarist movement is a part of that struggle. On May 4th people from across the UK and beyond will come to Brighton in a show of force against EDO MBM/ITT, who profit from the suffering of ordinary people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
EDO MBM/ITT do not operate in a vacuum. The weapons they manufacture couldn't be produced without the support of other corporations; investors, business partners and companies providing services to them. This map plots the network of companies complicit in ITT's crimes in Brighton.
Peter Power's "Spooky Coincidence" - Google blocks public domain 7/7 film
21-04-2009 00:49
Despite repeated calls from the families of victims and survivors there has still been no enquiry into the London Bombings of July 7th 2005. The tragic events of that day have therefore been shrouded in doubt and confusion. With the absence of inquests the rule of law appears to have been suspended for this bomb attack which killed just over 50 innocent Londoners.Free the EDO 2 - Demo outside Lewes Prison
20-04-2009 20:14
Support the deccommisioners...Call Out -- Day or Night
20-04-2009 19:19
Hunger Strike -- Day 14 going into Day 15Ref:

Blockade of highway and parliament as there are about 1497 civilians reported killed 1/3 of them children! today as the Sri Lankan Army tried to "capture" civilians who wish to remain outside the control of the Genocidal Sinhaleese dominated army.
Police ordering people off the street as of 30 min ago . People staying put.
Come help by being witnesses to what could otherwise happen in the dark with street lights shut out (remember Westminster bridge two weeks ago on Tuesday morning)
Fast unto last breathe - Day 13
19-04-2009 20:46
28-year-old Parameswarn Subramaniyan from Mitcham is not in good health as day 13 of his hunger strike comes to a close. He started off without any water and this seems to have done its damage although he does consume water now.Lots of other youth are joining him tomorrow in mass hunger strikes.
The demands are as follows
The demands put forward by Parameswaran follow:
* Immediate and permanent ceasefire
* Food and medical aid should be allowed to reach the civilians immediately with international monitoring committees and allow “Mercy Mission to Vanni”
* UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, arrange to meet our representatives.
* Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam are our sole representatives and UK government should lift the ban on LTTE.
* UN should call for an immediate referendum to the Tamils regarding whether they want separate nation or to remain as Sri Lanka.
Phony Nuclear Disarmament
18-04-2009 09:24

Terror raids unearth huge amount of bullshit
17-04-2009 20:48