UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
US Army Recruiters on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
28-03-2005 05:17
The US Army's 7,500 military recruiters, saddled with "a quota of two new recruits a month" and pressured by the Army brass, are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.Images of 19/3 Demo
27-03-2005 21:11

27-03-2005 16:14
EMBARGO: For Immediate Release
Smash Edo high court injunction affects 1000+ people.
26-03-2005 15:20

This is the first time that groups outside of the Animal rights movement have found themselves issued with intended injunctions at the High court.
Over 1000 people are connected to the groups listed in the injunction, most people in the anti-war movement in Brighton are members of Sussex action for peace, Smash Edo etc.
Picture Story of March 19th Demo (reposting)
26-03-2005 11:59

Several hundred thousand people assembled in the middle of London last Saturday as a timely, pre-election reminder to the government that many people still do not support their phoney war for oil.
'Leaflets Trouble' by anti-Straw group outside Blackburn mosque
26-03-2005 11:57

1984 (Radio play)
26-03-2005 02:28

The acting may be dated, but the cautionary message remains just as, turn up the sound, dim the lights, and remember... Big Brother is watching you!
Noam Chomsky in Edinburgh
25-03-2005 23:43
Recent Noam Chomsky lecture in Edinburgh on tuesdaySCOTTISH ACTIONS AGAINST ARMS TRADE
25-03-2005 21:35
There have also been recent actions against the Arms Trade in Scotland, with a 20-people blockade of BAe's facility at Crewe Toll, and a banner drop in Edinburgh amongst them.Oxford 9/11 Truth - report of Public Meeting
25-03-2005 21:22
30 people attended the inaugral meeting of Oxford 9/11 Truth on Thursday 24th March. The meeting consisted of a 40 minute talk by Nick Kollerstrom from the London 9/11 sceptics group, and a presentation of the DVD "In Plane Site".Caterpillar "Defence" 16/3 - photo and report.
25-03-2005 17:47

Shocked and awed into `freedom'
25-03-2005 14:59
Two years after being shocked and awed into `freedom', freedom on the ground is a meaningless concept for large swathes of the Iraqi population. Sunnis and Shiites alike tell Asia Times Online of a brutalization of everyday life.Brilliant film: "Why we fight" (BBC /Arte)
25-03-2005 07:31

The very impressive documentary "Why we fight" by Eugene Jarecki. Absolutely the most brilliant film about America's militairism i've ever seen. In january, this new film won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.
Palestinian Political Prisoners Day Actions
24-03-2005 17:03
Call for demonstrations on April 18th at ICRC offices!
Demand that the ICRC take public action against
Israel’s treatment of Palestinian political prisoners!
Performance of individualist at US embassy in Poland
24-03-2005 07:53
beyond formal (massive) protests:
Iraq, oil and conspiracy theories
24-03-2005 07:49
"... we may be right or we may be wrong, I mean people have their different views about why we're doing this thing. But the oil conspiracy theory is honestly one of the most absurd when you analyse it." Tony Blair, 6 Feb 2003Indigenous Ahwazi refugees suffering in Iraq
23-03-2005 21:19
Ahwazi human rights activists sent an urgent appeal this week to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees over the safety and security of Ahwazi refugees living in southern Iraq.