UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Think again - or shame on you Brighton Council
28-01-2009 15:17
I was very sorry to hear Brighton Council failed to shut down EDO on this occassion. Just how many jobs does this sick company provide?After the second world war many arms factories changed there use.
However, I would argue there is NO EXCUSE for crimes against humanity.
Please view the following:-

Speech of Craig Murray to Students Occupying Cambridge University Law Faculty
28-01-2009 03:03
Despite being denied proper access to the Law Faculty building, ex-ambassador Craig Murray spoke and answered questions from the entrance for over 45 minutes. He spoke on the US war in Central Asia for control over natural gas pipelines, Lord Taylor of Blackburn and other war profiteers, and anti-Muslim propaganda in the media. Murray explicitly supported several key demands of the occupation as reasonable: that the university withdraw investment from the arms trade; that there be bursaries for Palestinian students; and that the university condemn Israel's recent actions towards Gaza.Holocaust Remembrance Day (by Latuff)
28-01-2009 01:34

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parliament square hunger striker - day 16 - visit to downing street
28-01-2009 01:06

today she took advantage of socpa legislation to exercise her right to protest behind the gates inside downing street as the cabinet turned up for their early morning meeting at number 10.
there has still been no mainstream coverage of her extraordinary protest
Global Military Bloc: NATO's Drive Into Asia
27-01-2009 19:46

That attacks on the capitals of US finance and government blamed by Washington on nineteen perpetrators from Arab nations would be used as justification for global and permanent military operations from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Philippines archipelago and from the Indian Ocean to the Caribbean Sea is, then, perhaps not to be wondered at.
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BBC offices occupied in Manchester - v.brief early report
27-01-2009 18:13
A friend just rang to tell me that the BBC offices in Manchester have just been occupied..RESISTING WAR CRIMES IS NOT A CRIME
27-01-2009 16:43
Support The EDO DecommisionersResisting War Crimes Is Not a Crime
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Israeli goods seized in Tesco’s and covered in blood
27-01-2009 16:04

Sussex University Occupation Interview
27-01-2009 13:21
In solidarity with the people of Gaza, students at Sussex University have now occupied a leacture theater for over a week. Yesterday Last Hours interviewed a student that has been involved with the occupation.Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist
26-01-2009 18:46

Resisting War Crimes Is Not A Crime
26-01-2009 17:51
More than 1200 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since December 27th, more than 400 of which are children. They have deliberately targeted individuals in their homes, schools, hospitals as well as U.N compounds.EDO MBM make vital components for the Paveway4 precision guided bomb, Hellfire missiles, and bomb release clips for F15 and F16 fighter aircraft.
Support The EDO Decommisioners
26-01-2009 12:31
Campaigners Decommision In The Attempt To Stop Supply Of Weapon Systems To War Criminals IsraelNames and Photos of Israeli War Criminals in Gaza
26-01-2009 11:50
I have decided to publish some names and photos of the Israeli military personnel who participated in the so-called "Operation Cast Lead". I consider each person who took part in this IOF and each one whose name appears in this report as a war criminal who should be requested by an international court of justice.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Cornwall Arms Factory Disrupted
26-01-2009 07:27
Anti-arms acticvists do it again!Eleventh of Every Month Until Justice: LONDON
25-01-2009 22:09

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Loydstsb : we apologise for any inconvenience experienced today at our branch
25-01-2009 21:58
The following was handed out to customers (and some non customers present) at a Bath branch of Lloydtsb, as far as I'm aware its the first 'official' statement the bank has offered on its decision to force the closure of aid charity Interpals account.American Jewish Professor: Israel is committing a holocaust in Gaza
25-01-2009 21:40

Obama, King and Kennedy: Empire and the “End” of Racism
25-01-2009 18:31

Obama will do the same in Afghanistan, and, perhaps, Iran.
BBC in Glasgow occupied
25-01-2009 18:15
Protestors in Glasgow occupy BBC offices.