UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
22-07-2010 13:27
video from KASHMIR.. same everywhere..could be Palestain could be everywhere..

Call for Action Against House Demolitions in Al Farisiya and Fasayil
21-07-2010 09:18
On 19th July 2010 the Israeli army demolished 23 homes in Al Farisiya
in the Jordan Valley making 91 more Palestinians homeless. They also
destroyed the shelters for over 1000 sheep that members of this
bedouin community owned, and have 'confiscated' the sheep and demanded
payment from the farmers for their food!
On 21st July demolitions took place in the village of Fasayil
Speakers Corner: Iran propaganda echoes buildup to Iraq war eight years ago
21-07-2010 01:50

Democracy Village eviction night, Parliament Square - pics
20-07-2010 23:33

"Peace Envoy" Blair gets an easy ride in The Independent
20-07-2010 19:03
Last month, the Independent carried an interview with Tony Blair, the former British prime minister and now "the international community's Middle East envoy." (Donald Macintyre, 'Tony Blair: Former PM urges Israel to ease Gaza blockade', Independent, June 4, 2010;
Early release for Israeli soldier who killed British peace activist
19-07-2010 17:58

A military committee accepted Taysir Hayb’s appeal, and he will be free in one month, the Israeli news site Ynet reported Monday. Hayb shot Tom Hurndall, who died aged 22, during an incident on Gaza’s southern border.
Democracy Village after the verdict.
18-07-2010 11:44

Scotland’s Peace Walk for a Nuclear-Free Future - 30 July to 29 August
17-07-2010 14:06

Footprints for Peace invites you to take part in a journey of solidarity for a nuclear-free future.
*Trident Ploughshares Summer Gathering* 2-6 September, Reading, Berks
17-07-2010 12:36

2-6 September: keep those dates free!
A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism
17-07-2010 11:17

5 Latin American countries condemn US & allies for the militaristic aspirations
17-07-2010 10:03

We ratify the support of our governments to the sovereign right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to generate atomic energy and use it with peaceful aims, the right of all the nations laid down in the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty)."
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Democracy Village / Stwc protest outside Downing St.
17-07-2010 08:23

World outrage as Turkey and Syrians massacre Kurds
17-07-2010 07:55
Syrian troops and Kurdish tribesman are locked in fierce battle since the Syrian army blasted four northeastern Kurdish towns and neighborhoods at the end of June. Hundreds of Kurds are reported dead.Help Launch More Boats to Gaza!
16-07-2010 20:17

Songs about nuclear annihilation from the 40's to the 80's
16-07-2010 18:51
I made this mix with songs about nuclear weapons from the 40's through the 80's. Please download, listen, and pass the word.
July 4th 2010 at Menwith Hill
16-07-2010 15:38
An account of the Independence FROM Amercia demonstrationFidel Castro: An incident could set in motion an all out nuclear war
16-07-2010 15:12

From my viewpoint, the United States and its NATO allies have said their last word. Two powerful states with authority and prestige failed to exercise their right of vetoing the perfidious UN Resolution. It was the only possibility to gain time in order to find a formula to save peace, an objective that would have given them more authority to continue struggling for it. Today, everything hangs by a thread.
US Navy and Univ of Wisconsin Continue Brutal Treatment of Animals
15-07-2010 18:04
The US Navy has subjected primates to chair confinement for months at a time. Their violation of a treaty with India caused Indira Gandhi to ban primate export to the US. Their sonar and propellers kill whales and dolphins. Their jet bombers launched from aircraft carriers have bombburned to death countless animals.They have used dolphins as weapons carriers. Now with the University of Wisconsin
which has also tasered pigs for the Justice Dept. and tortured primates, they have
killed 3 of the sheep they are experimenting upon with painful bends.
Inquiry Confirms UK Collusion in Torture
15-07-2010 14:51
Highly classified documents have been disclosed that detail the involvement of Tony Blair's government in the torture of its own citizens. The documents not only support claims by six former Guantánamo detainees that British Intelligence were complicit in their mistreatment but also implicates the previous government in a number of illegal operations and thwarting attempts by Foreign Office officials to try the suspects in the UK.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Annual Independence FROM America demonstration
14-07-2010 20:56
An account of the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) annual 'Independence FROM America' demonstration held on Sunday 4th July 2010 at Menwith Hill, Near Harrogate.