UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
War: "Academic" propaganda ... is a crime
10-01-2014 10:33

A particularly wretched self-serving Oxford "academic" called Professor Sir Hew Strachan, has been wheeled out by the British Establishment to front the link between World War One, and current British military..."thinking", which is...propaganda.
In the year 2014, the deliberate and cynical use, by academics, of ...propaganda, that leads to murder, must be legally challenged.
Stop G8 network meeting - Cardiff 11/12th January 2014
10-01-2014 00:28
The Red and Black Umbrella (57 Clifton Street, Cardiff CF24 1LS) is preparing to host a two-day meeting of the Stop G8 network. The first day will be a meeting of all involved to discuss and reach decisions on where next for the Stop G8 network.Why is the Nonproliferation Treaty Failing?
09-01-2014 20:30
It is a deal made on the background of the overwhelming perception that at least as far as this aspect is concerned the destination of history is unequivocally decided, and the present does only relate to it in different ways. However all that was born from this huge perspective is a questionable compartmentalisation of a status quo which itself is a toxic asset. Conventionally it is being assumed that in war there was a linear threshold in form of a parameter that depicts whether that war is a conventional or an atomic war and whose crossing is a one-way street, and that this line would be passed with an explosion or series thereof. As non-linear mathematics turns out to be more descriptive of the situation, especially the theory of proliferation, it could mean that the single most relevant document of the United Nations after the Six Day War is built on contaminated quicksand and unsuitable to serve its purpose to bridge the overkill gap. This is the argument that this is the case and can be diagnosed from the loss of symmetry within the classification it imposes on states. The assumption that some states could be more equal than others but not than populations has turned out to be untenable, and with it the influence of that treaty and the political system revolving around it are crumbling away.Irish Artists Create Welsh Festival Honouring Whistleblower Chelsea Manning
09-01-2014 17:14

The Saudi Bull in Arab China Shop
08-01-2014 13:46
The kingdom stands now almost isolated politically. Its “going it alone” in the Syrian conflict has cornered Saudi Arabia into a self-inflicted foreign policy no-win deadlock.Invitation to The Manning Truthfest in Haverfordwest (and Fishguard) 10-11 Jan
04-01-2014 22:07

Join Chelsea Manning’s Irish supporters along with her family and friends in west Wales for two days of events celebrating Truth. All proceeds will go to the Private Manning Family Fund, raising money to support family members in Wales with the cost of prison visits to Chelsea in Kansas.
17 Jan: "To End All Wars" with Adam Hochschild
01-01-2014 21:30

International Solidarity Hunger Strike for Syria
30-12-2013 19:32
MOADAMIYA, SYRIA, December 29, 2013: The Food Justice Baton Is Passed to the World by the Hunger Striker of Syria, and We Shall Uphold ItMedia disinformation and the framing of the Syrian war
30-12-2013 10:04

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Syrian war coverage of the mainstream media is not its underlying bias—that was always to be expected—but how remarkably ineffective that coverage has been in convincing the public of the need for military intervention in the country. After nearly three years of relentless propaganda attempting to convince the public of the virtue of the terrorist insurgency and the incomparable evil of Assad, the seemingly inevitable march toward war in the wake of the Ghouta chemical weapons attack faltered after public opinion overwhelmingly came down on the side of non-interventionist policies.
Perhaps reading public sentiment, many mainstream outlets even took to pointing out the media bias on the war and trying to retroactively position themselves against military intervention. This has to be credited to a remarkable, global, grassroots phenomenon of independent citizen media breaking through the layers of propaganda to provide true, cogent analysis of the situation on the ground in Syria.
Help Break the News Blackout on Lies-for-War Report
26-12-2013 23:19
Pulitzer Prize journalist Seymour Hersh made public the attrocities in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and many years earlier broke the horrific story of the massacre of over 500 civilians in My Lai village in Vietnam - both war crimes committed by the US military. He has a proud history of major exposés of this nature.In 'Whose Sarin?' Hersh uncovers a war crime on a far far greater scale from the very peak of US power, but, though it's all over smaller net-based news sites, mainstream news media doesn't want to touch it. Please help break this blackout and send a message to political leaders and news editors that they should exist to serve the public, not the powerful, and if they can't be reformed they need to be dumped.
Prince Charles: "The banality of evil"
25-12-2013 07:07

Tucker-v-The Guardian PRISM hoax
23-12-2013 20:38

Gaddafi, the African Who Cleansed the Continent from the Humiliation of Aparthei
23-12-2013 10:03

Expanded U.S. Support to Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria
21-12-2013 15:10
From the outset, the Western military alliance has (covertly) supported the terrorists with a view to destabilizing Syria as a nation state. Lest we forget, Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA. The US, NATO, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have channeled most of their support to the Al Qaeda brigades, which are also integrated by Western Special Forces.Law: U.K. jury asks if U.K. soldiers are ... terrorists
19-12-2013 12:03

Predatory Hedge Funds and Argentina Face Supreme Court Showdown
17-12-2013 18:56
Argentina is expected to appeal to the US Supreme Court by mid-February in response to a US 2nd Circuit Court ruling ordering the country to pay $1.33 billion to predatory hedge funds. The precedent the case sets will hurt poor countries in financial distress and could allow a small group of hedge funds to target assets that benefit vulnerable populations.UN’s Syria “Aid” Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists
16-12-2013 20:20
As the UN prepares to flood the Syrian conflict with another 6.5 billion dollars, tales of how “aid money” is ending up facilitating the activities of terrorists inside and along Syria’s borders suggest the UN is not trying to provide mercy for the Syrian people, but perpetuate the tragedy further still. Should the UN decide to truly care about ending the ongoing catastrophe that is the proxy invasion of Syria by foreign-backed terrorists, it could always point out the true nature of the conflict and hold those responsible for it, NATO and its regional axis, fully accountable. Anything less is but a criminal rouse meant to intentionally perpetuate the conflict and give the West yet another chance to end it on terms they find favorable.Palestine Today 16 12 2013
16-12-2013 19:35

NATO’s War on Syria Just Got Dirtier
11-12-2013 21:51
West scrambles to cover up Syria false flag revelations as Pulitzer Prize-winner & Syria’s Electronic Army expose all.