UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The Yankee Bases and the Latin American Sovereignty (by Fidel Castro)
12-08-2009 22:28

The arguments used for the installation of seven air and naval US bases in Colombia are an insult to intelligence.
The Yankee forces could promote a dirty war as they did in Nicaragua, and even recruit soldiers of foreign nationalities who are trained by them and attack any country. But the combative, brave and patriotic people of Colombia would hardly let itself be dragged into a war against a people from a sister nation like Venezuela.
Whose the Real Hypocrite Secretary Clinton?
12-08-2009 14:20
"In recent days, Narco News has reported that, in the three months prior to the June 28 coup d’etat in Honduras, the US-funded Millennium Change Corporation (MCC) gave at least $11 million US dollars to private-sector contractors in Honduras and also that since the coup it has doled out another $6.5 million.The latter revelation – that the money spigot has been left on even after the coup – comes in spite of claims by the State Department that it has placed non-humanitarian funding “on pause” pending a yet-unfinished review."
More than a movement -- the search for 9/11 truth is an awakening
12-08-2009 13:04

Beyond the basic questions of who really did it, and all the hows and whys that go with it, diving into 9/11 truth for many becomes a personal and even spiritual process. It stirs us to ask deep and profound questions:
Who am I and what do I really believe? How do I know what I know? How would it change my life if I admit that “Dad” or any authority figure is really capable of the unthinkable? What does it mean to wake up and tell the truth every day -- to myself, first, and then to those around me who may ridicule me for what I say?
Fitwatch Call - DISARM DSEi Meeting - 16th August
12-08-2009 09:32
Resist the FIT Teams at the DISARM DSEi public meeting.1:45pm, Calthorpe Arms, Grays Inn Road (nearest tubes Russell Square and Kings Cross).
Smash EDO Press Release -Demonstration against EDO's Complicity in Drone Attacks
12-08-2009 09:31
Smash EDO Press Release12/08/2009
Demonstration against EDO's Complicity in Killer Drone Attacks
For more info please call 07754135290 or e-mail:

No Letup In Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama
11-08-2009 20:19

Israel Determined To Provoke Someone To Start A Regime Changing War Against Iran
11-08-2009 17:09
Israel seems determined to provoke its enemies hook or by crook in order toget a war going against Iran. If they're not continually directly accusing
Iran of having a nuclear weapons program - despite the total lack of any
evidence to even suggest Iran has any nuclear weapons program - then Israel
is accusing Hezbollah of wanting to attack Israelis and Israeli interests
outside of Israel
Honduras Coup: Template for a Hemispheric Assault on Democracy
11-08-2009 07:39

But when the army, machine guns blazing, assaulted President Zelaya’s house, kidnapped him, and dumped him in Costa Rica – still in pajamas – their actions forged unprecedented unity in Latin America and the Caribbean against the coup regime, and enraged hundreds of thousands within the country.
The Pentagon's 21st Century Counterinsurgency Wars: Latin America and South Asia
10-08-2009 15:31

Palestine Today 081009
10-08-2009 14:55

Smash EDO Receive letter to Operation Otter
10-08-2009 14:45
Received today from Chief Superintendent Cliff ParrottThe Wall Street Journal Walls Itself In and Ridiculously Defends the Dictatorshi
10-08-2009 14:07
"The coup d'état that rocked Honduras in late June and removed democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya from office, sending him into exile in Costa Rica, was preceded by a multi-million dollar build-up of foreign aid from a U.S. agency that includes on its board of directors the president of the International Republican Institute as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.That taxpayer-funded agency, called the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), oversees a multi-billion dollar foreign-aid fund called the Millennium Challenge Account. It was established in 2004 under the Bush administration as means of combating terrorism by funding development in poor nations under a strict neo-conservative free-trade model."
Open Invite to Paul Hills from Smash EDO
10-08-2009 08:55
AN OPEN INVITATION TO SMASH EDO'S PUBLIC DEBATE: IS BREAKING THE LAW TO RESIST WAR CRIMES EVER JUSTIFIED?For the attention of Paul Hills (Managing Director of EDO MBM), EDO MBM employees and the people of Brighton,
cc, The Argus
Honduras President Manuel Zelaya (by Latuff)
10-08-2009 04:51

Carnival Against the Arms Trade Court Case tomorrow - Please support
09-08-2009 19:34
for more see Coup Dictator Micheletti Calls Out the Geezer Patrol or "a country for
09-08-2009 18:58
"The pro-coup dailies in Honduras are abuzz with EXCELLENT NEWS FOR THE COUP REGIME!Faced with the reality that millions of Hondurans have done the math and figured out that 14,000 National Police plus 9,000 members of the Armed Forces do not equal enough force to squash their unarmed movement to topple the coup d’etat, coup “president” Roberto Micheletti has called in the reserves.
The pro-coup daily La Tribuna gushes that the cavalry has come to save the coup regime from the forward march of the Honduran people:
More than 2,000 reservists, veterans of war and retired officials of the Armed Forces (FFAA, in its Spanish initials) reiterated their support for the President, Roberto Micheletti, at the celebration of the National Day of the Reservist."
DISARM DSEi Public Meeting - 16th August - 2pm - Calthorpe Arms
09-08-2009 17:50
This year DISARM DSEi are taking the fight against the arms trade to the heart of the arms trade – the investors and financers in The City.Report and photos of SPSC delegation to Palestine August 2009
09-08-2009 16:57

The Great Hiroshima Cover-Up
09-08-2009 08:31