UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
UG#684 - The Supranational Deep State (Deep Politics and Middle East Oil)
05-06-2014 18:06

No UK troops for Nato's Ukraine war games
04-06-2014 16:14

Protest and Street Theatre in Newport against NATO
31-05-2014 21:25

Some photos from today's Newport Rising events in Newport City Centre. Cameron, Obama and other world leaders put in an appearance, along with the leader of Newport City Council, Bob Bright, all working together to make money for corporate warmongers by hosting the NATO Summit in September at the expense of the people of Newport and all the victims of NATO wars. Today's events, which included earlier banner drops, are part of efforts to raise awareness of the Summit taking place at the Celtic Manor in Newport.
There will be a public meeting about the Summit at 95-96 Commercial Street, Newport from 4pm tomorrow, Sunday 1 June.
Banner drop in Newport today against EADS
31-05-2014 13:12

Who Should the Average American Blame for CIA Torture?
29-05-2014 22:17
Blaming primarily people in the CIA and the military for egregious torture and murder doesn’t recognize these acts fall within this far broader set of corrupted cultural realities (even as we realize the very egregious nature to this globally expanded clandestine archipelago of secret prisons and hundreds if not thousands of renditions). And yet a lot of this stuff should be pegged to the many political figures and pundits who are not employees of CIA or the Pentagon, but because of a great deal of government and media deceit became the prime movers in getting our country involved in illegal wars.
Photos from Newport Rising Festival of Radical Change
28-05-2014 20:18

Asia-Pacific Left activists say 'No to another coup in Thailand!'
23-05-2014 09:42

The German Sustainability Scam and its Fascist Purpose
21-05-2014 00:02
For the military-industrial complex it is a lethal menace, such as is sunlight for the ants under a pile of debris that is taken away to make room for a garden: The coming revolution of the political and economic system without which it would only take a few generations to leave nothing but debris of the planet. The environmental cost of war machines are so obviously totally irresponsible once the human consciousness expands across the generational horizon that it is an easy temptation to factor them out of any such calculation in an early stage. It appears perfectly reasonable to put out the debris on the street and treat the land as if it was already gone, so when it is finally being collected for incineration, the renaturation process has yet accumulated some momentum. But the political fallout of three major reactor meltdown incidents which were followed by the missile rampage (Three Mile Island), the fence breakdowns (Chernobyl) and the digital blowback (Fukushima) teaches a different lesson: With every deterioration of the state of the planetary waste, it has become ever more aggressive against its immediate surroundings. Under these circumstances, the disposal service might never arrive and all the efforts put into the garden be wasted to a predictable risk. Hence an analysis of the unsolicited remainder is mandated for the purpose to reduce its amount, its presence and its risks.Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
26 May - 1 June: Newport Rising: Come & prepare for NATO Summit in Sept
19-05-2014 08:05

[a] Demon Dawn in the Drone Debacle
15-05-2014 21:07
Editorial Note: This analysis is being reproduced here for archival reasons because the indymedia site where it first appeared at May 25, 2013 went down or survived neighbouring sites going down in regime attacks. Please see the list at the bottom of this page for current writing and the complete Internationalist Observer archive.World War I, a lost generation and conscientious objection
14-05-2014 22:12

Conscientious Objectors Day, 15 May
World War I Centenary, 2014
15th May is Conscientious Objectors Day and this year it's 100 years since the start of WWI. Mindful of these two anniversaries, I spent this afternoon visiting my friend the great anti-war campaigner Lib Rowlands-Hughes, who was born right at the end of the First World War and is now 95 years old, and learning a little of her family's history. This includes four uncles lost in the war, a military man turned pacifist and a conscientious objector imprisoned for resisting war.
Supplemental photos to May Day event of Saturday May 3rd
05-05-2014 21:22

UG#681 - Leviathan Remixed (Resistance Audiocollage)
05-05-2014 16:15

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Anarchists shut down Barclays in Cardiff
04-05-2014 12:49

May Day march and rally in Edinburgh
03-05-2014 23:15

US President Obama Visit in Manila
30-04-2014 11:07

ARMS DEALERS ON TRIAL DEMO Outside Thames Magistrates Court at 9am on Thursday
21-04-2014 20:59
Court demonstration as arms dealers face private prosecutionNext Anarchist Action Network Meeting in Bristol, 19/20 April
13-04-2014 10:33
The Anarchist Action Network's monthly UK wide planning meeting. Come down to get involved in the anti NATO summit mobilisation and the Anarchist Travelling Circus.May Gathering in Plymouth to Prevent Wilful and Accidental Nuclear Holocaust
12-04-2014 21:43

Safiad Casnewydd
12-04-2014 10:30
Welsh translation of the Anarchist Travelling Circus call out.