UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
London Anti-war Demonstrator Jailed!
05-09-2003 10:45
A young guy, Matt McDonald, started being harrassed by Forward Intelligence Team officers after the the March 22nd Anti-war demo while he was standing near an Anarchist book stall.He was soon arrested and has now been imprisoned for using "threatening words or behaviour". Please write to him to give him support (contact details and more info below).
General Sanchez's Press Conference Disrupted in Baghdad
05-09-2003 10:40
A group fo activist from chicago-based long-term anti-sanctions and Iraqi solidarity group Voices in the Wilderness managed to enter and disrupt the press conference of the Supreme Commander of the coalition Occupation Forces in Iraq. Apologies for the lateness of this story! Baghdad blackouts, busy days and all-night curfew are responsible...A video clip is on its' way.Indymedia London Cineam at the Spitz
05-09-2003 10:13
Indymedia London Cinema screenings this month will see a film night extravaganza:7PM on Monday September 15th at the Spitz Gallery/Venue 109 commercial street E1
Army murder victim's sister stands in Brent East by election.
04-09-2003 19:49
Kellie McBride, the sister of 18 year old Peter McBride from north Belfast who was shot in the back in 1992 by Scots Guardsmen James Fisher and Mark Wright, was nominated as a candidate in the Brent East Westminster by election.Meet some of the arms dealers!
04-09-2003 17:42
Meet some of the arms dealers, complete with picture at
Your opportunity to be in Camp X-ray
04-09-2003 16:55

to be interned in your very own concentration camp for a week.
Libertarian Bloc on Disarm DSEi Unity March
04-09-2003 15:41
Saturday 6th September > 12:00Libertarian Bloc on Disarm DSEi Unity March
Open letter to Blunkett
04-09-2003 15:08
I've been writing to my MP, David Blunkett, about Britain's use of D.U. weapons. Predictably, he refuses to answer any questions about them. I had a lengthy correspondence with him & a face-to-face interview before the invasion of Iraq. Needless to say, he is DEAF as well as blind...DSEi Audio + Report: Garden Community Cafe Social Night 23rd Aug
04-09-2003 14:15

radio promos for indymedia dsei coverage
04-09-2003 12:55

British Aerospace 1Billion Hawk Jet order
04-09-2003 10:58
Order goes through for 66 'trainer'Jets to India.ISM Aberystwyth Activists Evade Airport Security (surprize good news)
04-09-2003 10:42
Surprising Lack Of Problems For Peace Activists At Ben Gurion AirportSounds Like Freedom report from Palestine
04-09-2003 09:21
Update from the Sounds Like Freedom group in PalestineThe Wharf Newspaper Covers DSEi Action + Protests
04-09-2003 09:20
Pretty good article from The Wharf - a Trinity Mirror newspaper covering canary wharf / docklands. The police quote is a bit off - "We'll be treating in the same sort of way as the May Day riots" - blimey, well it's just a little different from mayday, and anyway, when was the last time there really was a riot on mayday?THE U.S., U.N., AND IRAQ - AN ANALYSIS
04-09-2003 02:52
Should the antiwar movement oppore or support UN involvement in the Iraqi war as the U.S. now suggests?DSEi radio segement (updated)
03-09-2003 17:16

CAAT report on DSEi arms fair
03-09-2003 12:52
New CAAT report - DSEi 2003: International Arms MarketRob Newman says this is your last chance to support Altwire tonie!
03-09-2003 12:39

Indymedia Reporting for DSEi Arms Fair
03-09-2003 08:25
Latest info from Indymedia on reporting DSEi protests:Fluffy DSEi press release: Fluffy Protesters Face Ruthless Arms Dealers
02-09-2003 23:31
Thousands of international activists and local citizens are planning to blockade Europe's largest ever arms fair when it opens on 9 September at the ExCeL Centre in the LondonDocklands. Dressed to impress, protesters will converge at 1pm at the small roundabout under the Connaught Bridge underpass and proceed to peacefully, creatively and
artistically block the eastern entrance to the ExCeL centre.