UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Brighton Arms Dealers to be taken Over by Company who Traded with Hitler
18-12-2007 11:12
Smash EDO Press Release18/12/7
Brighton Arms Dealers to be taken Over by Company who Traded with Hitler
Contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh for more details
tel 07875708873

Licensed to kill
18-12-2007 10:21
For the past 13 years, Britain's National Security State has had the legal right to do anything that it likes.Do you want to send Gordon Brown a message?
18-12-2007 05:59
Dear LondonerAs you may know there is an election for London Mayor in the next few months. Is there a message you would like to be sent to Gordon Brown and Ken Livingstone?
Support Brian Haw for London Mayor 2008 and your message will be delivered.
Letter from US Artists and Scholars in support of Cultural Relations with CUBA
17-12-2007 23:06

Major Corruption
17-12-2007 15:32
John Major has protested that the Tories were not corrupt in the 80s and 90s. These claims will remain unconvincing unless they answer two questions. First, why did they give an apparently unjustifiable £300 million contract to one of the two companies involved in the arms deal illegally linked to the Pergau Dam? Secondly, who gave the tens of millions of pounds needed to fund the Tory party in that period.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
UK physicians respond to The Guardian's disinformation on Dr David Kelly's death
17-12-2007 10:36
The importance of a Government cover-up (in the context of the investigation of the suspicious death of the world expert on biological and chemical weapons who, at the time of his death, was perceived to be blowing the whistle on the Government which had taken the country to illegal war on a pack of lies) cannot be over-emphasised. Richard Norton-Taylor (and others in his position) should be pressing for a proper investigation of Kelly's death, ie a proper inquest, rather than wasting his time attempting to rubbish Norman Baker's book, while claiming the moral high ground. Otherwise, there is a risk that he and other apparent apologists for the dreadful Blair and Brown governments are seen in the future as the shameless enablers that perhaps they are.80,000 march against US airbase construction at Dal Molin, Italy
16-12-2007 23:20
One of the most important movements right now in Italy is the inspiring coalition to prevent the US from building a military base at Dal Molin, Vicenza in Northern Italy. On Saturday 15th December, an estimated 80,000 people marched in cold weather to say No to the base. This was virtually ignored in the mainstream Italian press and TV. Prodi's "centre left" government, supported by parties that say they are against the war, said "The base will be approved". It's a national issue!Urgent Action: Bucaramanga Coca-Cola Workers Receive Imminent Death Threat
16-12-2007 15:06

been told that before the end of December they will be killed and buried in
a mass grave. The threat demands that their union cease all protest against
Coca-Cola. Join us in emergency action to defend their lives!
Bristol podcast - Stop Hinkley Nukes & Merry Christmas All
15-12-2007 21:19

Police do their best to contain NATO chaos; succeed (just)
14-12-2007 17:42
Police let show their lack of a plan for today's NATO summit on the outskirts of Edinburgh, not knowing quite what to do with activists found well inside their supposedly secure area.Quick report of short, small and sociable anti NATO protest:
14-12-2007 13:44

No Christmas Cheer as Arms Giant Lockheed Gets Locked Out
14-12-2007 12:13

Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
Lecture on aerial warfare invaded
14-12-2007 11:36
Sheffield University invited Air Marshal Stuart Peach (CBE) to give a lecture on aerial warfare, a group of around 12 activists disrupted it in protest.Blair: The Money Raker
14-12-2007 10:26
Blair, having served wealthy elites and Washington, while in office, continues his service but is also making a killing for himself.NATO Hotel infiltrated - "We know where you live."
13-12-2007 23:06
NATO big-wigs flew in today and yesterday for the upcoming conference near Edinburgh tomorrow. They are staying in the Edinburgh (Caledonian) Hilton, Lothian Road (you can tell, its the one with all the cops and Special Branch outside). Protestors preparing for the counter-demo tomorrow decided to pay them a visit.Re-affirming Human Rights and the Filipino People' Dignity
13-12-2007 18:42

US and Her Stooges are the Main Human Rights Violators In Afghanistan
13-12-2007 15:24
The US and her allies tried to legitimize their military occupation of Afghanistan under the banner of “bringing freedom and democracy for Afghan people”. But as we have experienced in the past three decades, in regard to the fate of our people, the US government first of all considers her own political and economic interests and has empowered and equipped the most traitorous, anti-democratic, misogynist and corrupt fundamentalist gangs in Afghanistan.The Unconventional Action Paper is Out at Last!
13-12-2007 15:10

EDO/ITT All Set To Merge
13-12-2007 12:57
Shareholders of EDO Corporation who had sought an injunction to stop a shareholders vote in the State Supreme Court New York have reached a private settlement with the company.Total impunity: Shoot-to-kill commander McDowall promoted as 'anti-terror chief'
13-12-2007 09:44
Does this Top terror role for the Menezes officer mean that it has been accepted that we adopt a routine "shoot to kill any suspect policy" from now on?