UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Jo Wilding on UK Anti-War Movement
21-03-2006 10:57
Jo Wilding gives her view of the current state of the UK anti-war movement.Afghanistan. Iraq. Iran?
21-03-2006 05:11
Public MeetingIranian film maker and campaigner Roya Kashefi addresses people's growing concern that we may be heading towards an armed conflict with Iran.
Discussion, debate and slideshow.
Fred Wreck: Why Did Major Radio Stations Try & Silence This Man and His Music?
21-03-2006 01:33
Fredwreck in case you don’t know has laced everyone from Ice Cubeto Snoop Dogg on down to Eminem with incredible tracks….He’s always been a political type of guy so he got a bunch of
West Coast artists together around the start of the Iraq War and
they dropped this Anti-war song which they offered up for free download..
More horror in Palestine as Israeli 'defence' forces shot to death 8yr old girl
20-03-2006 19:56
Associated Press reported that eight-year-old Akbar Zayed was on her way to a clinic to have stitches removed from her chin when she was gunned down by a barrage of Israeli 'defence' forces. The IDF raid left behind demolished homes, damaged cars, three hospitalised and a family devastated by the death of a little girl. It was meant to be a raid to arrest 'fugitives' the army claimed were holed up in a house. However the people to end up being shoot in the West Bank village of Yamoun were those in a taxi going to the clinic in the adjacent street.An Immoral War Coalition
20-03-2006 18:17
Waging a new war that exceeds all the wars since the Vietnam War with the reason that Iran could produce nuclear bombs in ten years is even more absurd than the lie of weapons of mass destruction with which the Iraq war was justified.Anti-war, pro-human rights
20-03-2006 13:02
No Foreign Occupation of Iraq. Don’t attack Iran.No Islamist State, No Sharia Law
Stop Islamists killing queers and women in Iraq & Iran
EDO actions in Brighton
20-03-2006 11:45
To mark the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, made possible through the use of components produced at companies such as EDO MBM, there are 2 public actions on Home Farms Rd in Brighton this week.London anti war march. Pictures
20-03-2006 11:30

20-03-2006 07:47

Fool's Parade
20-03-2006 01:22
The GOVERNMENT of Her Majesty the Queen, the Holy Subjects of this Land and All Her Minions and Terriertories has hereby decreed that in recognition and humungous AWE of the Fools of This Land on APRIL FOOL’S DAY (This First Day of April of the Year of Our Lord 2006), a Special Day of Celebration shall be laid on.Tyneside Report - March 18th Protest Against Iraq War
20-03-2006 00:19

Anti-War Protest, London (18.03.06)
19-03-2006 22:56

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Sights and sounds from stop-the-war demo, London, 18 Mar 2006
19-03-2006 19:58

19-03-2006 17:06
THIS IS NOT A REPOST BUT A CORRECTION TO A PREVIOUS POSTINGFull article | 1 addition | 15 comments
That it should come to this … fear and loathing on the swp march
19-03-2006 13:04
should’ve known, I really should. I mean when it comes to cynical, piss taking of this merry band of useless marching muppets I’m the worst offender… but somehow, well the glorious events taking place in France, the line of mounted riot cops I saw leaving Islington nick on my way there, well it got my blood running, got my hopes up that this day would be more than the usual impotent trot through London, that perhaps, just perhaps this would be the day that something might happen.LONDON MARCH AND ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT
19-03-2006 11:46
Personal account of the anti-war rally at Trafalgar Square in London and comment on the Stop the War movement.Full article | 4 additions | 6 comments
Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe
19-03-2006 08:08
Nine days after the start of the American president's 2003 "shock and awe" uranium bombing campaign in Baghdad, an invisible radioactive uranium oxide gas cloud swept through Britain's towns and countryside and throughout Europe.The QUICKTIME REPORT 19/3/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
19-03-2006 05:36

Round up report of worldwide anti-war demonstrations March 18th
18-03-2006 23:06