UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Where U.S. Chooses to Back ‘Armed Struggle’
04-04-2011 16:15
Libya is a “unique situation,” Obama says, where the U.S.-led military intervention and the backing of an armed revolt is the exception and not the rule in U.S. foreign policy.The war on Libya and US foreign policy: Ronald Reagan, 1986 versus Barack Obama
04-04-2011 11:07

Libya: The destruction of a country. The bombing of civilian targets
04-04-2011 00:00

A War is a War is a War and It Ain't Gonna Be Cheap
03-04-2011 00:31
If you ask liberal talking heads like Ed Schultz and other Nattering Nabobs of Progressivism, who would support Dick Cheney if he was a Democrat, they'll tell you, "Well, this is a cheaper war, a Democrat war and besides, it's not a war."NATO’s fascist war
02-04-2011 19:20

Not even the fascist leaders of Germany and Italy were so blatantly shameless regarding the Spanish Civil War unleashed in 1936, an event that maybe a lot of people have been recalling over these past days.
Trial of Egyptian pacifist Maikel Nabil Sanad for "insulting the military"
02-04-2011 15:12
War Resisters' International observer in CairoIn the case of the detained Egyptian pacifist and conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad, who is being tried on charged of "insulting the military by spreading false information" and "disturbing public security" [1], War Resisters' International has now sent an observer to Cairo, to attend the hearing at the military court on Sunday, 3 April 2011.
News release: Fears grow over possible depleted uranium use in Libya
31-03-2011 15:34

EGYPT: Emergency update: Maikel Nabil Sanad to be tried tomorrow, 31 March, 10am Cairo time
30-03-2011 16:48
War Resisters' International received information that detained Egyptian pacifist and conscientious objector will be tried at a military court tomorrow, 31 March, at 10am Cairo time, on charges of "insulting the military" and "obstructing public security". He was detained on 28 March late in the evening, and has been under investigation since (see co-alert, 30 March 2011,
EGYPT: Egyptian pacifist Maikel Nabil Sanad arrested for insulting the military
30-03-2011 12:33

Counter Terror Expo 2011: 19-20 April 2011
30-03-2011 10:45
Arms dealers are gearing up for another festival of weapons and repression, "Counter Terror Expo 2011", at Olympia during 19-20 April 2011.Media disinformation: The protest movement in Syria
29-03-2011 22:54

Spot the difference.
Planned regime change in Libya
29-03-2011 14:57

Imagine the hypocrisy. US-style "humanitarian intervention" reigns death and destruction "to protect the Libyan people." Recall how "shock and awe" protected Iraqis, how war on Afghanistan helps Afghans and neighboring Pakistanis from predatory drone and ground attacks. Libyans are now tasting imperial viciousness firsthand.
In fact, all US wars are imperial, not humanitarian, a long discredited propaganda ruse major media reports don't explain. Instead they cheerlead for war no matter how lawless, mindless, destructive or counterproductive, spreading malicious misinformation to justify intervention, concealing or downplaying the fallout from all conflicts let alone why they're waged.
EGYPT: Conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad arrested / in military court today
29-03-2011 14:22
War Resisters' International has been informed that Egypt conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad has been arrested this morning, and will appear in military court today. He is being threatened with a sentence of up to five years imprisonment, but it is not known what he is being charged with.Stop The Arms Fair - planning day in Birmingham April 30th
29-03-2011 10:56
There will be a planning day in Central Birmingham from 10 till 4 on Saturday April 30th for the mobilisation against the DSEI arms fair in September. This will hopefully be a chance for loads of people from across 'the Midlands' and beyond to come together and plan a summer of actions against the war machine culminating in DSEI in September.U.S. Plowshares Imprisoned resistingTrident-2Grandmothers, 2 JesuitPriests& aNun
29-03-2011 05:43
* You can send a letter or postcard of solidarity for redirection to any of the individiual anti-war prisoners Ane Montgomery, Bill Bischel, Susan Crane, Lynne Greenwald, Steve Kelly c/- Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action16159 Clear Creek Road NW Poulsbo, WA 98370 U.S.A.
*Folks at Ground Zero wil add the Fed prison numbers and redirect to the prison,
William Blum: The Anti-Empire Report
28-03-2011 22:04

Solidarity with Bradley Manning, anyone?
28-03-2011 06:32

Libya: The objective of "humanitarian bombing" is death and destruction
27-03-2011 11:34

Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of "collateral damage".
Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed.
The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians.
Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths.
Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations
26-03-2011 20:12
March 26, 2011; from the south of Brazil, Bruno Lima Rocha (