UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Join the Stop the War Coalition at Faslane blockade 6 & 7th November
05-10-2006 09:19

Will a coup in Iraq follow the US elections?
05-10-2006 08:57
Another comment has appeared in the American press foreshadowing a move by the Bush administration to remove the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq. In an opinion piece in the October 2 Washington Post, the newspaper’s deputy editorial editor Jackson Diehl strongly suggested that Washington may dispense with Maliki’s regime shortly after the November 7 US congressional elections.Reminder: Weekend of resistance before Sack Parliament
05-10-2006 08:51

A weekend of planning and training for ‘Sack Parliament’
Party@Parliament - 9th October, 1pm
04-10-2006 22:03

Palestinians must leave Baghdad in 72 hour
04-10-2006 20:38
please find this article published today by Roads to Iraq. Call the Iraqi Embassy in London, protesting this incitment to murder by those so-called democrats in Iraq! Contact details below article.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Anarchist and anti-authoritarian block - Sack Parliament
04-10-2006 19:35
Taking inspiration from others who are taking action on the day London Anti-Authoritarians are calling for an anarchist bloc. We stand against all war and oppression, and see both the domestic war against 'terror', and the international wars against Iraqis and Afghanis, as being led by this government with the support of the parliament.How to stop domestic state terrorism - the A,B & C
04-10-2006 19:16

So how can those of us who understand that 'False Flag' 911 type attacks have been going on for many years’ work to change that?
Uranium Weapons - What you should know (warning: very graphic)
04-10-2006 17:18

Palestine Today
04-10-2006 16:59

An Israeli air strike wounds five Palestinians in northern Gaza, Hamas leader is assassinated near Qalqilia, and a Palestinian worker is murdered by Israeli police in Jaffa. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.
Masked men kill Hamas activist
04-10-2006 16:44
Masked men have killed a local Hamas activist on Wednesday as he set out for morning prayers in the northern West Bank.Court challenge to legality of taxes and fines - Friday
04-10-2006 12:34
On Friday 6th October at 10am, anti-war campaigner Chris Coverdale appears at Marylebone Magistrates Court to defend his decision not to pay a fine arising from his conviction for using a megaphone and demonstrating in parliament square earlier this year. He will argue that to do so would aid genocide, and so he has a duty not to which he will prove in court by putting the Iraq war on trial. Supporters and the press are warmly welcomed.Louise Amoore Talk
03-10-2006 17:19
Louise Amoore of Durham University and editor of The Global Resistance Reader will be speaking at CSSGJ, Nottingham University on 9th October. The title of her talk is "Vigilant Visualities: The Watchful Politics of the War on Terror".The "New Anti-Semitism" (by Latuff)
03-10-2006 09:16

Electronic-Voting and the U.S. & Brazilian Elections
03-10-2006 04:49

These electronic voting machines can be altered in minutes to throw elections
Is The Independent really concerned about the plight of the Afghan women?
02-10-2006 23:19

Shaking Uncontrollably: Does Guzzling Gas Make You Piss Fire?
02-10-2006 22:30

02-10-2006 21:47
These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean
02-10-2006 21:30
There is an evident military build-up of conventional, ground, air, naval, and nuclear forces in and around the Middle East and Central Asia. It includes the mobilization of British troops on the Iranian border, and the extension of military tours of service in Anglo-American occupied Iraq and NATO garrisoned Afghanistan. Many of the Arab dictatorships will also secretly support the Anglo-American alliance.Full quality video of 23rd September march 3mins of colour
02-10-2006 19:45