UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
'Lies' by Transparency International 'protect UK corruption'
09-09-2007 13:42
The anti-corruption organisation Transparency International is refusing to withdraw or amend a report on anti-corruption mechanisms in the UK, despite the fact it contains false information and has serious omissions. The British government paid for the report, and anti-fraud activist Rob McCartney points out that all the false statements and omissions he's spotted distort the picture in favour of the government.Loose Nukes Looming Near
09-09-2007 13:14
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a much-needed look at the implications of the loose nukes story that has been reported (badly) by the mainstream media, and is still the focus of the cyber community.IAEA Chief ElBaradei Seeks Stop to Iran `War Drums'
09-09-2007 08:12
UN atomic agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei called on Iran and the U.S. to give inspectors a chance to reduce tensions over the Islamic Republic's nuclear work.``I see war drums that are basically saying that the solution is to bomb Iran,'' ElBaradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said today in an interview in Vienna. ``It makes me shudder because some of the rhetoric is a reminder'' of the period before the Iraq war.
National Academy of Sciences Member Calls for 9/11 Investigation
08-09-2007 18:29
Exclusive: The New Emmanuel Goldstein - sorry, Tim Osman - sorry, Bin Laden Tape:
Much Love, CIA

Bin Laden: Still Dead After all these Years
08-09-2007 10:22
It hardly comes as a surprise… Osama plans to release “a new video recording … on or before next week’s sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States,” reports the Voice of America, the propaganda unit established by the Office of War Information.Why was a nuclear-armed bomber allowed to fly over the US?
07-09-2007 22:11
Wednesday’s revelation that a US Air Force B-52 bomber flew over the length of the United States armed with six cruise missiles carrying nuclear warheads has attracted amazingly little media attention.U-Turn for Peace: Mass Civil Disobedience Outside the Labour Party Conference in
07-09-2007 11:38
Join Maya Evans and John Catt for mass civil disobedience in Bournemouth,outside the Labour Party Conference, on Sunday 23 September.
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Arms Manufacturers in Norwich Blockaded and given a Weapons Inspection
07-09-2007 11:22
Today at 0630am a small group of activists locked shut the gates of Norwich based arms manufacturer MSI.....Pre-emptive Peace Strike #13
07-09-2007 10:41
The 13th Peace Strike will be held on Tuesday 11th September inParliament Square from 2pm.
The Bath Bomb Issue 2 has been released
07-09-2007 02:54
Second monthly radical tabloid, the Bath Bomb is now out. Read on for plain text version."Wanted" poster for Generals James Mattis and David Richards
07-09-2007 00:37

assault on the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which killed over 300 women and
children) and UK Lt Gen David Richards (commander of NATO forced in southern
Afghanistan, May 2006 - February 2007, during which period hundreds of
civilians were willed by aerial bombing).
Middle East Madness
06-09-2007 22:52
Then there's Congress on both sides of the aisle and presidential candidates hawkishly posturing for whatever they imagine it gains them. The public overwhelmingly opposes more war and wants the Iraq one ended. But those ideas are nowhere in sight on the campaign trail or Capitol Hill where the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007 will likely pass easily now that Congress is reconvened. It cleared the House Foreign Affairs Committee 37 to 1 June 28 and after passing both Houses will become effective January 1, 2008. It hardens the existing Iran Sanctions Act by closing loopholes in it with the intent to thwart all foreign investment in Iran and strangle the country economically.Space Hijackers Arms Dealers
06-09-2007 19:45

incitement: cartoon portrays Iranians as cockroaches leaving sewer
06-09-2007 19:02

keep showing up.
Protesters Strip Trident Bare!
06-09-2007 16:39

Boycott Israel Campaigners to Hold Vigil in Protest Against England-Israel Match
06-09-2007 13:35
Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign Press ReleaseTuesday 4th September 2007
For Interviews and Photos call 07845039980, email

Boycott Israel Campaigners to Hold Vigil in Protest Against England-
Israel Euro 2008 Qualifier at Wembley
DSEi Day of Action, 11 September 2007
06-09-2007 00:08
1pm Custom House.Come by bus. Come by DLR. Come by bike. Come by foot. Come by tank.
Get to Custom House.
Invade ExCeL.
Shut down the arms fair.
Bring your friends.
DISARM DSEi Information and Action Training Day
06-09-2007 00:07
Sunday 9th September 2007, 10am-5pmRampART, 15/17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA
Palestine INDESTRUCTIBLE! (by Latuff)
05-09-2007 21:28

Another Day, Another False Flag Op Foiled
05-09-2007 20:54
Once again, we are expected to believe a handful of patsies—excuse me, “terrorists”—were capable of taking out a U.S. military base, this time the Ramstein air base in Germany, but thanks to the diligent work of Germany’s “special police officers,” these America-hating miscreants were apprehended before they attacked.