UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Little Peace Boat on the way to Climate Camp, arrives in Brighton Marina
23-07-2008 10:47

Peter Le Mare, in his Little Peace Boat,
"Be Disarming"
...on the way to The Climate Camp and then to Westminster, London for this 50th anniversary year of CND peace symbol on Hiroshima Day, August 6, draw attention to the linked problems of Catastrophic Climate Change and World Peace.
Demo press release: Binyam Mohamed: 30 tomorrow!
23-07-2008 07:21
THE LONDON GUANTÁNAMO CAMPAIGN is to hold a mock birthday party outside 10 Downing St, on Thursday the 24th of July, from 6 to 8pm for Binyam Mohamed, the last Londoner in Guantanamo Bay.Guardian Story Reveals Brown a Christian Zionist
22-07-2008 05:25
The Guardian shamelessly repeats Brown's long-refuted LIE that Iran's president threatened to "wipe Israel off the map", and frames its story in the language being used by the belligerent parties in Israel and the US, the ones threatening another illegal war, the ones who have created the illusion of a crisis, in order to feign justification for a war they planned years ago.But to its credit, they've also outed Brown as a Zionist, and all future statements by this dangerous and irresponsible sycophant should be considered with this in mind.
No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love

Dictatorial Powers
21-07-2008 12:25
"Based on advice given to Donald Rumsfeld by Defense Department lawyers regarding the use of isolation at Guantánamo, when the lawyers warned that it was "not known to have been generally used for interrogation purposes for longer than 30 days," Marri has now been held in solitary confinement for 66 times longer than the amount of time recommended by the Pentagon's own lawyers (this figure includes the six months that he spent in isolation in Peoria County Jail and the Metropolitan Correction Center in New York, before being transferred to Charleston)."South London Film Screening Tonight: On The Verge, Smash EDO
21-07-2008 08:56
7PM, MONDAY 21ST JULY@ Pullens Centre, 184 Crampton Street, Walworth, London, SE17 3AE (Close to Elephant & Castle Tube - Northern Line)
Free entry / donation
Free the Cuban 5 Solidarity Demonstration Edinburgh 12-3
21-07-2008 06:20
Saturday 26 July - Free the Cuban Five demonstration!Edinburgh
Day of action for Burma in Chester
19-07-2008 20:33

Bastille Day Card - Support Liberty in Burma
19-07-2008 14:08

Start of 6 Days for 6 Years Vigil Outside US Embassy, London
19-07-2008 11:31

Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
18-07-2008 10:48
Smash EDO Press Release18th July 2008
Freedom to Protest Court Case - Smash EDO Protester Appeals Conviction
For more info tel 07875708873, e mail

Kucinich Says Unidentified Foreign Official Wants to Speak at Impeachment Talks
18-07-2008 02:43
Any guesses?The Dems won't actually take any real action, but it is interesting that the crimes of Bush the Lesser will at least get some 'official' airing.
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Stop the War Activist in Nottingham Magistrates Court
18-07-2008 00:40

Saving Iceland Camp 2008 Begun
17-07-2008 22:25

Army Recruitment, The Strand...
17-07-2008 20:15

Smash EDO Update
17-07-2008 18:05
Next Big Demo/ Fundraising/ Freedom to Protest Court Case/ 'On the Verge' ScreeningsCommunique: Perama Police Station Arson in Athens
17-07-2008 14:58

A translation of the communique sent via e-mail to

film showing of "Rendition" followed by a talk on Extraordinary Rendition
16-07-2008 17:35

Army Recruitment Centre Demonstration
15-07-2008 12:11

Happy Birthday Binyam! actions: 6 Days for Six Year (18-24 July) & 24/7 demo
14-07-2008 14:42

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July 11th 2008 - International Day of Truth Action - Photos
13-07-2008 20:34