UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Oppose US-backed “transition” in Egypt
06-02-2011 18:58
"In that context, Obama’s words Friday have an ominous ring. He reiterated previous statements that the US government opposes the use of violence either by the government or the protesters—as though there were an equivalence between a brutal military dictatorship, armed to the teeth, and with a long record of torture and murder, and the Egyptian masses, who successfully defended themselves in Tahrir Square with their bare hands and sheer force of numbers.If Mubarak is replaced by a caretaker regime based on the military, both the Obama administration and the American media will swing behind the new rulers, vilifying all popular opposition as “terrorism” and endorsing the bloodiest measures of state repression.
Far from representing a concession to the democratic demands of the masses, such a regime would represent a carefully constructed roadblock. It would cement the role of the Egyptian government as a servant of US imperialism, collaborator with Israel, and enemy of the Palestinian people and the oppressed masses of Egypt itself."
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Aussies go to High Commission to Demand Defence of Julian Assange's civil rights
06-02-2011 15:33

Tahrir Square - Autonomy from Dictatorship
06-02-2011 00:12

This is part of a series of post from CairoRising
CairoRising post first hand reports from an anarchist perspective from the Cairo uprising, in solidarity with the direct action of the people of Egypt against state repression.
Drawing together grassroots and alternative media coverage from the Egyptian rebellion and creating a forum for calls to global solidarity.
You can follow our reports via our blog -

Cairo under military occupation
05-02-2011 10:07
from reportsfromtheegyptianuprising.wordpress.comUG#535 - Peter Dale Scott on The US War Machine & C.O.G.
05-02-2011 03:27

Clegg confronted by Anarchy & Peace at death park!
04-02-2011 16:35

London - 4 Days of Action announced 4 Julian Assange & Bradley Manning 4, 5, 7, 8
04-02-2011 10:55

Four Days of Action announced for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th February.
Cyber, anti-war and human rights activists will today descend on the Australian High Commission and on Monday/Tuesday on the Woolwich magistrates court, while on Saturday there will be a public meeting in Harringay, north London.
Another Trident Ploughshares woman jailed, for 14 days
04-02-2011 09:28
Please send letters and cards of solidarity to:Sylvia Boyes
HMP New Hall
Dial Wood, Flockton
West Yorkshire WF4 4XX
Quaker Woman Imprisoned over Anti-Trident Protests
Sixty-seven year old Sylvia Boyes, a Quaker from Keighley, appeared on Thursday (3 Feb) at Bingley Magistrates Court. She was sentenced to 14 days in New Hall Prison for refusing to pay fines arising from a series of protests against Trident in and around Faslane Naval Base in Scotland during the summer of 2009.
"Suleiman has no legitimacy. He was appointed by Mubarak."
04-02-2011 03:21
"Mubarak has no legitimacy.Suleiman has no legitimacy. He was appointed by Mubarak.
The call in Egypt is for true democracy.
Democracy is the last thing that the U.S. wants for it’s third world backyard.
With democracy, the Egyptian people will reject the fundamentals of U.S. policy in that region.
The Israeli government would have to deal fairly with a neighbor on more or less equal terms, something it has never been willing to do, due to it’s fundamentally racists attitude toward Arabs."
Misreporting Egypt
03-02-2011 17:15

The rapidly unfolding events in Tahrir Square now stand irrefutably as the result of an act of state repression that is at once inherently insidious in nature, but blatant in its staging. The fact that the initiation of attacks and violence in Cairo came at the behest, under the control, and in the interests of a state mechanism attempting to crush its people, is not incidental to the situation, nor is it a complexity of chaos for history to reveal and make sense of at a later date. It is inherent to the reality of the situation – it is the situation itself and everything that is happening stems from that.
Yet despite the constant stream of reports from both paid journalists, and Egyptian demonstrators, on the ground, either immediately, or later, verified in photos, video or witness statements, that first exposed and consistently reaffirmed the truth of today’s events; the reporting of major news channels has, throughout the day, become more and more a passive journalism of the uncertain.
A worms eye view of the Middle East revolution
01-02-2011 10:39
Hussein Al-alak is a journalist, campaigner and chairman of Iraq Solidarity UK.The Egyptian people need our support now !
30-01-2011 21:57
Only tough diplomatic measures from the west might withhold Mubarak from bloodily squelching the justified demands from his citizens. We will not get these by demonstrating in front of the Egyptian embassy, but only by demonstrating in front of our parliaments and ruling parties offices.Egypt and Tunisia – The 'arc of crisis' being radicalized! By Zahir Ebrahim
30-01-2011 21:56
Can anyone make sense of this Hegelian mind-fck: replacing their own installed tyrant who is empire-friendly, with a street revolution that is empire-inimical? It is like red-teaming blue-teaming an exercise where only the observers know what the real game is, but either team thinks their battle is real.Egypt: Death throes of a dictatorship
30-01-2011 12:22

Unlayering the Middle East War Agenda
30-01-2011 06:13
Reality is almost like an onion.UG#536 - Beyond Hierarchy (Anarchist Audiocollage)
29-01-2011 14:16

WikiLeaks exposes US complicity in murder, torture, by Egyptian government and m
29-01-2011 12:22
"The cables demonstrate the courage of the Egyptian demonstrators in the face of the brutality of the Mubarak regime, as WikiLeaks editor Maria Luisa Rivera notes in introducing them. “As an Internet blackout imposed by the state covers the country, every citizen and grassroots organization will now be exposed to arbitrary police forces,” she writes. “As secret documents from US prove, during the demonstrations today, authorities might use physical threats, legal threats and extraordinary laws such the Emergency Law as an excuse to persecute and prosecute activists during the pacific demonstrations taking place in Cairo and other cities.”She continues, “Excessive use of force by police during the protests [has already] led to arbitrary executions and detentions in a vast array of abuses, a situation that is known and acknowledged in the past by US diplomats based in Egypt. It is important to bear in mind the long record of police abuse and torture by Egyptian police forces.”
Make the whole world aware of the slimy role the US has played in Egypt. The US will try to distance itself from this regime. But one of the reasons it is so hated is precisely because of it’s close ties to US imperialism. Spread these notes widely, everywhere."
Admissibility of WikiLeaks Cable to be tested on Sri Lanka massacres of 2009
29-01-2011 09:18

This has significant impact on UK wide legal attempts to indict the perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes in Sri Lanka, 2009 - many residing in the UK if not frequent visitors.
Letter from Wandsworth Prison
28-01-2011 19:05
Letter of thanks from Chris Cole, peace activist for support received whilst in jail