UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 121009
10-12-2009 21:01

Normalising the Crime of the Century
10-12-2009 17:11

Manchester Transport Police Armed with Tasers
09-12-2009 13:44
British Transport Police (BTP) will be armed with electric stun guns as part of a three-month trial scheme patrolling the railways of Manchester, London and Cardiff. Until recently, they have called in armed officers from other forces when dealing with incidents that require them.Urgent Communique From Athens Anarchists
09-12-2009 12:22

Below is a translation of a message urgently posted on Indymedia to highlight the after effects of that continued resistance, based on the memorial march on the 6/12/09 that police attacked and tried to stop.
Green Councillor to Present Petition Calling for Brighton Council to Discuss EDO
09-12-2009 10:10
Press ReleaseFor immediate release: 9/12/2009
Photo opportunity: Infostall outside the council meeting at 4pm, Thursday 10th. For more information contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh: 07754135290.
U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Fifty or more countries in a single war theater
08-12-2009 18:48

The bombing and the ground combat operations in Afghanistan continue since October 2001 and both will be intensified to record levels in short order. The combined U.S. and NATO forces in the country would represent a staggering number, in excess of 150,000 soldiers.
Palestine Today 120809
08-12-2009 18:09

Netanyahu and the Settlements (by Latuff)
07-12-2009 19:26

Meet the commanded-in-chief
07-12-2009 17:59
"In Congress, a senate maneuver that only a few years ago was so rare that the response to it was nicknamed "the nuclear option" - needing a 60-vote majority to pass anything of significance - has, almost without comment, become a commonplace for the passage of just about anything. This means Congress is eternally in a state of gridlock. And that's just for starters when it comes to ways in which the US government, so ready to surge its military and its civilian employees into Afghanistan in the name of good governance, is in need of repair, if not nation-building itself."and if this was not bad enough:
"Think of this as Obama's anti-MacArthur moment. In April 1951, in the midst of the Korean War, president Harry Truman relieved Douglas MacArthur of command of the American forces. He did so because the general, a far grander public figure than either McChrystal or Central Command (CENTCOM) commander General Petraeus (and with dreams of his own about a possible presidential run), had publicly disagreed with, and interfered with, Truman's plans to "limit" the war after the Chinese intervened.
Obama, too, has faced what Robert Dreyfuss in Rolling Stone calls a "generals' revolt" - amid fears that his Republican opposition would line up behind the insubordinate field commanders and make hay in the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns. Obama, too, has faced a general, Petraeus, who has played a far subtler game than MacArthur ever did. After more than two months of what right-wing critics termed "dithering" and supporters called "thorough deliberations", Obama dealt with the problem quite differently to Truman. He essentially agreed to subordinate himself to the publicly stated wishes of his field commanders. (Not that his Republican critics will give him much credit for doing so, of course.) This is called "politics" in our country and, for a Democratic president in our era, Tuesday night's end result was remarkably predictable.
When Obama bowed to the Japanese emperor on his recent Asian tour, there was a media uproar in this country. Even though the speech last Tuesday night should be thought of as bowing to the American military, there is likely to be little complaint on that score. Similarly, despite the significance of symbolism in Washington, there has been surprisingly little discussion about the president's decision to address the American people not from the Oval Office but from the US Military Academy at West Point."
Sami's Story
07-12-2009 13:57

Peace Laureate Obama expands Afghan War
06-12-2009 19:57

Corporate Watch - ParcAberporth and the commercialisation of Drone Technology
06-12-2009 18:07
report from anarchists in nottingham who fought fash today....
05-12-2009 21:26
Today the EDL demo'd and anarchists were out to find them and clash with them...Having avoided being kettled throughout the day, a small group of dedicated anti-fascists roamed looking for the enemy....breaking away from the castle kettle, near the robin hood statue, they headed for the square to meet up with others who were routed by cops.....
05-12-2009 21:26
Approximately 150-160 people have been detained as a means of terrorisation whilst also preventing and deterring others from participating in demonstrations marking the anniversary of the murder of a 15 year old youth in Athens. As a result the Polytechnic University of Athens has been Occupied and actions called.To defend the right of social protest!
05-12-2009 19:00

Af-Pak War Racket: The Obama Illusion Comes Crashing Down
05-12-2009 16:13

Barack Obama, the anti-war candidate, has proven to be a perfect decoy for the military industrial complex.
The UN of the arms dealers: The most disreputable and yet profitable business
05-12-2009 14:39
The five veto powers and permanent members of the Security Council have corrupted the the work of the UN. Applying double-standards, and disregard for law - they have made the organization primarily serve their best interests rather than serve its mandate.I refer to the five most dangerous Member States that together manufacture and sell some 85% of military arms, including nuclear weapons, and so called weapons of mass destruction. This is the UN of the arms dealers - the most disreputable and yet profitable business on earth.
NoDalMolin in Oslo for the Peace Nobel Prize to Obama
05-12-2009 14:08
A large delegation of “Vicentini” will fly to Oslo on Monday, Dec 7th 2009. The goal is to protest against Pres. Barack Obama, who will be receiving the Peace Nobel Prize for his war policy, materialized in Vicenza with the construction of a new and devastating military base.Notts Map of Militarism
05-12-2009 13:42