UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Detention centre is a 'gitmo' military-style prison
22-11-2006 04:31

US-activist burns himself alive to protest Iraq war
21-11-2006 19:05


Protest Caterpillar- Stop the war profiteers! Wed 22 Nov 5.30pm
21-11-2006 18:44
Israeli Settlements Are Illegal
21-11-2006 15:25

The majority of Israeli settlements have been constructed either entirely or partially on private Palestinian land, in violation of Israeli law itself, according to a new report by Peace Now, one of the oldest peace movements in Israel that monitors Israel settlements in the West Bank. Based on data from a 2004 survey by the Civil Administration, which was leaked to Peace Now through an official in the CA, the report found that nearly 40% of the land the settlements sit on is effectively stolen from Palestinian landowners. Settlements in the occupied West Bank are illegal under international law, but Israel has long 'rejected' this. Some 430,000 Jews live in these residential areas in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Read the full report (pdf)
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
21-11-2006 13:35

NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan has been successfully divided, all but in name. Animosity has been inseminated in the Levant, where a Palestinian civil war is being nurtured and divisions in Lebanon agitated. The Eastern Mediterranean has been successfully militarized by NATO. Syria and Iran continue to be demonized by the Western media, with a view to justifying a military agenda. In turn, the Western media has fed, on a daily basis, incorrect and biased notions that the populations of Iraq cannot co-exist and that the conflict is not a war of occupation but a "civil war" characterised by domestic strife between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.
Democrats and Republicans Agree: Iraq Shall Suffer Occupation in Perpetuum
21-11-2006 13:23
As it turns out, predictably so, the tussle between neocon Republicans and their kissing cousin neoliberal Democrat relatives is not about ending the “war” in Iraq but rather over how many brainwashed kids will be sent there to be shot up, killed and maimed, afflicted with “mysterious diseases” that translate into a “debilitating death sentence,” thanks to depleted uranium (see Soldiers Face Debilitating Diseases).Democrat Congressman calls for reinstating the draft
21-11-2006 09:50
Only two weeks after the US midterm elections, in which the overriding sentiment was public opposition to the war in Iraq, political debate in Washington has shifted markedly. Gone is any discussion of even a partial troop withdrawal in the near future. The main question within the political establishment is whether or not the US should send more troops to Iraq, and if so, how many and for how service for son of Anni rainbow
20-11-2006 18:15

Brize Norton National Demonstration, 2 December
20-11-2006 17:03

Coaches leaving from Central London 9.30am
Tickets: £10 / £8 (to book contact

Save Omar Conference
20-11-2006 10:18

Aldermaston 26/27th Nov - national demo against new nuclear weapon facility
20-11-2006 09:51
20-11-2006 03:12

Iraqi Residents Welcome Resistance 'With Flowers'
19-11-2006 12:17
Women ululate. Children clap. Men raise fists in the air and shout 'Allah Akbar.’ And two young men approach and hand the masked 'mujahideen’ a bouquet of flowers, writes the Iraqi newspaper Azzaman.Four recent cartoons (by Latuff)
18-11-2006 22:33

Blair on Tyneside
18-11-2006 21:18

Anarchists seize IDF tanks in Gaza
18-11-2006 18:12
Activists of the left-wing group Anarchists Against the Fence on Saturday took over Israel Defense Forces tanks and bulldozers between the Erez and Karni crossings in the Gaza Strip.Letters from Gov' re recent Lebanon/Israel conflict
18-11-2006 15:58
Two letters from Foreign office in reply to an Amnesy Intl letter (sent end Aug) regarding the investigations of war-crimes during the recent conflct...hoWARd's connections with the abc in Australia and abroad
18-11-2006 06:48