UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
United Kingdom now a self-evident sick society
17-11-2006 20:59
As I type this in a web cafe as people leave the cafe I am being verbally intimidated with people stating 'star' in a really nasty way. The fact that such verbal intimidation is epedemic and such practice started in London is proof that the United Kingdom is a world leader in social sickness.Melbourne: Businesses Targeted by G20 Protests
17-11-2006 16:07
The G20 meeting of Finance Ministers, the World Bank and the IMF is appearing in Melbourne, Australia over the weekend of 18-19 November. They are being welcomed by a series of conferences, creative protests and festivals by a wide variety of anti-globalisation activists.Call for Telegraphs ‘Bin Laden story’ to be investigated by the PCC
17-11-2006 15:25
Demand that press plays fair and remains accurate. Not a call or impartiality but decent honest journalismDaughters of Rebecca at Faslane
17-11-2006 12:59

17-11-2006 11:44

Trident nuclear warhead convoy passes Oxford again on A34
17-11-2006 10:34

Office Occupation at Oricas Head Office in Melbourne
17-11-2006 10:06

One two three four take a hike? from g20 today
17-11-2006 08:34

War Profiteers Targeted on Corporate Engagement day
17-11-2006 06:06

Australias "Guantanamo" on remote Xmas Island
17-11-2006 05:31

The 1200 bed centre, is said to cost more than $300million...
Police Use Section 14 Powers at EDO but Fail to Enforce them
16-11-2006 22:47
EDO Demos have been growing in anger and in numbers over the past few weeks. Police have had an increased presence...Targeting Iran?
16-11-2006 15:58
The United States has already started a campaign of destabilization through fomenting ethnic unrest. There have already been a series of explosions and bombings targeting mostly civilians, in Khuzestan and Kurdish cities bordering Iraq, and raids on government vehicles and even civilians in Baluchestan, on the Pakistani border, by small groups which have surfaced calling for independence.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Bradford Priest Arrested at Nuclear Blockade
16-11-2006 13:07
Over 50 Anti Nuclear protestors from Leeds and Bradford took part in a mass blockade of the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base in Scotland this morning. Twenty seven of the protestors, including the Revd Chris Howson from Bradford were arrested for their role in the blockade, which included 'locking on' to a giant CND symbol outside the main gates of the base.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Nightime attack at EDO
15-11-2006 21:33
EDO is a Brighton based factory , US owned, making components for use in Iraq and Palestine.The unmanned drones which, EDO manufacture components for, have been used in the massacre in Beit Hanoun over the past weeks
Lobster for Iran
15-11-2006 18:06
The European and American reaction to Iran’s nuclear program was that of Uncle Tom’s slaveowner, Simon Legree, on learning of an escaped slave. How does this dusky dare to touch the white masters’ toys? Their empty talk of an “Iranian threat” is designed for the ignorant: Iran has never, ever attacked a European nation since the wars for Anatolia in the 5th century BC; whereas European imperialists have repeatedly occupied and controlled Iran, most recently in 1942, or by proxy in 1953, when they deposed democratically-elected Mosaddeq and returned to dominate this ancient nation.SOCPA - brian haw to be moved, or not?
14-11-2006 16:49

Washington debate sets stage for escalation of violence in Iraq
14-11-2006 14:05
In the wake of the popular repudiation of the Iraq war in last week’s midterm elections, representatives of the US political establishment, both Democratic and Republican, are seeking to work out a new policy that will avert outright defeat and maintain American domination of the oil-rich country.The quagmire deepens in Afghanistan
14-11-2006 13:55
In the wake of the US elections, the Bush administration has been anxious to affirm there will be no “course correction” in Afghanistan, despite the escalating armed resistance to the US-led occupation of the country.Desperate Neocons, More Dangerous than Ever
14-11-2006 12:07
Fresh from his embarrassment at the hands of Vanity Fair, the Prince of Darkness, known in polite circles as Richard Perle, is now screaming at the rafters for the decimation of Iran, an act long overdue, according to the perfidious neocons.Myths and Truths about the UK military
14-11-2006 10:53