UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (by Latuff)
22-04-2004 03:00

DISARM DSEi action at BAE Systems AGM
21-04-2004 17:46
DISARM DSEi call to action – British Aerospace AGM, QE2 Conference Centre– 5th May 2004It's murder, but it's OK, they're just Arabs - journal from Biddu
21-04-2004 12:39
1) It's murder, but it's OK, they're just Arabs - journal from Biddu2) Umm Tareq: "When the soldiers came…" - report from Zawata village
3) Buy olive oil / Help rebuild water wells. Grassroots support of Jayyous resistance - TAKE ACTION!
Faslane march and rally April 12th 2004
21-04-2004 11:25

21-04-2004 11:16
The Israeli military have been attacking this area, uprooting its agricultural economic mainstays, rendering thousands of people homeless, leaving the once-fertile and lush area looking like a desert, for more than two years.Campaigners Break Into Top UK Nuke Base As Vanunu Walks Free
21-04-2004 07:52
Four peace campaigners today marked the release of Israeli nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, by evading security and breaking into the command and control centre for Britain's nuclear weapons programme.IsraHell's concentration camp (by Latuff)
20-04-2004 18:36

Israeli Woman Refusnik Speaks Out!
20-04-2004 16:44
A young woman Israeli refusnik speaks out again the occupation of Palestine.are you happy with the Stop the War Coalition?
20-04-2004 16:02

a muslim scholar who supports israel
20-04-2004 15:53
an interview with abdul hazi palazzi, a famous muslim scholar residing in italy who supports israel and condemns terrorismSTOP THE WALL: Diya' Abd el Kareem Eid Martyred in Biddu
20-04-2004 14:39 in a Weekfrom the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
April 19th, 2004
Jo Wilding. Falluja (Part 2)
20-04-2004 14:32
Thankyou so much to everyone who sent e mails following the last Falluja story and who passed the story on. Things have been hectic and I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply to you all, but thanks.April 17th
Falluja (2)
Menwith Hill getting a make-over?
20-04-2004 12:11
After years of near denial of the existence of Menwith Hill by the Government and the majority of the press, it is starting to leak into the mainstream news. Only now it is being deliberately leaked by the authorities as part of their propaganda war to reclaim the hearts and minds of the UK public.London "terror den" faces demolition
20-04-2004 11:41
A demolition notice was fixed to the door of 3/5 Duke Street, W1 in the last 24 hours. The notice stated that the occupants RAFAEL ARMS (ISRAEL), a former "support unit" of the Israeli Occupation Forces had been deemed a threat top the security of Palestinian civilians."Troops Out - But then What?" Meeting
20-04-2004 10:16
TROOPS OUT – BUT THEN WHAT? Oxford Stop the War Coalition MeetingThursday 22nd April 7.30 Oxford Town Hall
Vigil for Mordechai Vanunu, whistleblower on Israeli nukes
20-04-2004 09:42
Vigil for Mordechai Vanunu,Cornmarket Street by St Michael at the Northgate, Oxford. Wednesday 21st April from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. Wear black if possible.Tell Us When; Tell Us How: A Letter to President Bush
20-04-2004 00:05
“But they don't tell us when; they don't tell us where; they don't tell us who; and they don't tell us how,” Dr. Rice earnestly told the commission. While the terrorists should be appropriately chided for failing to provide such exquisite detail of their attacks, perhaps simply adopting a “Hope for the Best” motto is an equally effective and far less expensive counter-terrorism strategy.The Truth About Fallujah
19-04-2004 17:41
Fallujah was, despite the best pretensions and posturing of the coalition, a massacre of the rankest order. Read on, and don't you dare skip a comma...