UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Smash EDO Protest Camp Demo Tomorrow
26-08-2007 16:55
Please come along and show your supportLest We Forget
25-08-2007 22:22
Tommorows New York Times is blaming the Taliban for the increase in Afghan heroin on our streets. Which is odd since the Taliban virtually elimanated it there when they were in government, for the first time since 'the Opium Wars'.Hillary’s “New War”
24-08-2007 19:28
Come November, 2008, Democrats will, not unlike pre-programmed Stepford wives, line up behind Hillary Clinton. Democrats have no other choice, as most of them are disgusted with two terms of Bush, that is to say the neocons. Of course, Hillary is not much different, maybe in minor style but hardly in substance, and a vote for Hillary—call it the Clinton dynasty, following on the heels of the Bush dynasty—will be a vote for more mass murder and incalculable misery.Oxfordshire Peace Campaign: 2 Forthcoming Events
24-08-2007 16:10

2) KeepSpace for Peace, Croughton, 12noon, Saturday 6th October
September 30 Target Practice for Compostables.
24-08-2007 12:46
Old Fruit and veg overflowing from your compost bin? Overwhelmed with flour and eggs? The redoubtable Evening Post informs us of s olution to your problems...Smash EDO Press Release - Anti Arms Trade Campaigner plan Action Camp
24-08-2007 09:19
24th August 2007Smash EDO Press Release
Tel. 07875708873, email

Anti arms Trade Campaigners Plan Third Protest Camp in Wild Park
Philippine Democracy Under Arroyo’s Petty Tyranny
24-08-2007 00:05

It Will All Fall Down: A Conversation with Seymour Hersh
23-08-2007 22:03
One of the West's remaining respected journalists paints a very different picture than the one on the daily "news".Friendly American Encounter with Revolutionary Guards
23-08-2007 12:31
An American peace delegation which visited Iran recently has described a striking friendly encounter with some three hundred members of the Revolutionary Guards. In a statement, the head of the delegation has strongly debunked the US administration's decision to label these soldiers as terrorist and has called on Americans to oppose a new war of aggression.Iraq: Divide et Impera
23-08-2007 08:17
The US is using a hoary imperial tactic dating back to the Romans to dominate Iraq and to justify a long-term military presence in the countryDisarm DSEi Public Meeting @ rampART London 1st September
23-08-2007 00:17

rampART centre, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

Tube : Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Gateway
Bus : 15, 115, D3, 100
There will probably be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated.
You might choose to wear a scarf in this unpredictable weather.
War Against Iran: Hawks Winning the Argument?
22-08-2007 15:44
"It could just stop exporting oil itself. Pulling only Iran’s three and a half million barrels per day off the market, in its present state, would send oil prices shooting up into the stratosphere. Or it could get tough and close down all oil-tanker traffic that comes within range of those missiles — which would mean little or no oil from Iraq, Saudi Arabia or the smaller Gulf states either. That would mean global oil rationing, industrial shutdowns, and the end of the present economic era."Maybe we should share this around? I wonder if these outcomes are what Cheney and his Neocon pals really want? Great for the price of "their" oil. Good cover for crimes of treason.
“Humanitarian Wars” and Associated Delusions
22-08-2007 15:38
Following is a review of Jean Bricmont’s Humanitarian Imperialism: Using Human Rights to Sell War, translated by Diana Johnstone, Monthly Review Press, 2007.There are two other reviews of this book on this site:
Imperialism in the Guise of Humanitarianism
Steven Sherman

Using "Humanitarian Intervention" to Justify Imperial Wars
Daniel Luban

Cindy Sheehan: "Inshallah"
21-08-2007 21:03
"The statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception. - "Chronicle of Young Satan" Mark Twain"Norwegian Youth politicians detained in Western Sahara
21-08-2007 18:29

The UN: An Instrument Of Terror
20-08-2007 22:51
On 10 August 2007, the United Nations Security Council has voted to give the UN an “extended role” in U.S.-British occupied Iraq after more than four years in which the UN was ignored and considered irrelevant by the U.S. and its few willing allies. The new UN Resolution, sponsored (as usual) by the U.S. and Britain, is a propaganda designed to manipulate the public and legitimise ongoing U.S.-British terror in Iraq.Vine and Fig Tree Planters at SAAB Microwave - a reflection on it
20-08-2007 21:12
How the plantings of vine and fig trees confronted the weapons factory at in a Gothenburg suburb.