UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Stop the War Demo - full details - be there in London on Saturday 24th Sept.
22-09-2005 08:34
Stop the War Demo - full details - be there in London on Saturday 24th Sept. It will be huge - be part of history - demand the troops are withdrawn now!.FBI to establish base in Sydney as war in Iraq goes global
22-09-2005 00:25

Assembly Member's petition to "Condemn Terrorism"
21-09-2005 16:09
Richard Barnes, a Member of the Metropolitan Police Authority and London Assembly Member for Ealing and Hillingdon has set up an online petition condemning "terrorism and extremism", in addition to calling on ISPs to "block or remove websites that promote or encourage terrorist acts".OLDBURY MUST CLOSE FOLLOWING LATEST REVELATIONS
21-09-2005 08:18
BBC programme reveals the extent of problemsFrom the XVI SYWF to the VI WSF: Chavez's shindig in Venezuela
20-09-2005 23:57
* From El Libertario, # 44 September-October 2005, voice of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas, exposing the show of international mega-ceremonies the Chavez regime uses to try and acquire revolutionary legitimacy by means of petro-dollars and verbosity.Dance for Peace And Liberty!
20-09-2005 16:29
After the Stop The War national demo "March For Peace And Liberty", come to rampART Creative Centre and Social Space, 15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (Whitechapel tube) and party from 9PM till 3AM with DJs, live music & Taybeh Palestinian beerIsraeli anarchist to speak on the wall and the Gaza pullout
20-09-2005 16:14
29th September 2005 8pmAt: The Red Rose, 129 Seven Sisters Rd
Invitation to join big peace blockade in Derby
20-09-2005 13:25

A request for activists to join a blockade of the Rolls Royce factory in Derby, where they make the engines for the Trident submarines is going out.
There will be a weekend of events starting on Saturday 22nd October with leafleting and events in Derby. This will be followed on Sunday by training for the blockade on the Monday morning. Trident Ploughshares have asked people who want to join the blockade to come to the training day as details of the following day will be given.
Review of the DSEi arms fair last week with pics.
20-09-2005 10:20

MORE ON BASRA - Basra - SAS bungled operation - what is going on in our name??
20-09-2005 10:17
Basra - SAS bungled operation - what is going on in our name??This war must stop - and stop now.
Audio - DSEi delegate dinner demo coverage
19-09-2005 23:37
1hr 30min recording of coverage from the DSEI delegate dinner demo outside the Dorchester hotel in London in Thursday 15th SeptemberAnnual 'Keep Space For Peace' Demonstration
19-09-2005 21:55
Annual 'Keep Space For Peace' Demonstration - part of the international week of protest called for by:THE GLOBAL NETWORK AGAINST WEAPONS AND NUCLEAR POWER IN SPACE (GN)
I'm in a right f***kin mood
19-09-2005 21:24

Demo Parliament Square on Saturday
19-09-2005 18:58
Challenge the ban on fundamental civil liberties by the UK Government and Authorities in Parliament Square on Saturday 24th of September 2005.prayer rather than disinvestment will bring peace - says CoE
19-09-2005 17:10
Caterkiller: No current grounds for disinvestment says Church of England as there have been no recent sales of the killer diggers to the Israeli authorities.Great Reporter on DSEi demo and arrests
19-09-2005 11:16
Great Reporter article on the week at DSEi and arrests.Continuing protests at Brough BAe systems
19-09-2005 01:06
The regular monthly protests at Brough BAe military aircraft making plant on Humberside are set to continue.This might interest any returning renegades from DSEi or any aspiring anti-arms trade virgins.!
No arms dealers in our peace messenger City - Hove Town Hall Demo this Wednesday
18-09-2005 20:06
Demo at Hove Town Hall against Brighton Arms Dealers 4-6pm this WednesdayAnarchists ‘passed off’ Advertiser, claims editor
18-09-2005 18:27
10,000 copies of an 8 page spoof of a local paper, 'East London Adversaries', covering the DSEi protests were delivered to about 90% of the Canning Town area.A downloadable pdf of the newspaper is available here:

The East London Advertiser has responded to the paper claiming it's own design has been hijacked by anarchists and it's journalistic intergrity has been compromised.