UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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activists from 'block the builders' closed down parliament square today
14-03-2007 17:45

14-03-2007 16:52
A half page spin-defuse to forward to your MPs REALLY, QUITE FAST . . . .THE GIST. But from ***(*).
Colombia, Bush visit - Soldiers against protesters
14-03-2007 15:08

Bilderberg alert - will Iran war be fixed up this weekend?
14-03-2007 14:37

Glasgow: Forthcoming public meeting with Palestine ambassador
14-03-2007 13:56
Public meeting with Professor Manuel Hassassian, the Ambassador from Palestine to the UK.Parliament Square street shut by anti-nuclear protestors
14-03-2007 13:35

Iran: Upping the Ante
14-03-2007 13:16
Can the United States and British governments really be at it again? Can they really expect the public to believe a mirror image of their barrage of lies on Iraq, now applying to Iran? Well, it is all there. Iran is “sponsoring terrorism”. (Was that not Iraq, before the invasion, when there was no known link to terrorism. There is now and the US and UK imported it on the backs of their tanks and with their puppet “government's” militias.)Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Parliament Square Anti-Trident Protest
14-03-2007 12:21
A group of people are currently blockading the roads around parliament square in protest over the government’s plans to renew Britain’s nuclear capability.Pelosi and Dems Taken to Task by AIPAC, Cheney
14-03-2007 10:09

Troops Out of Iraq! 17 March.
13-03-2007 23:19
Mark four years of war, invasion and occupation of Iraq this Saturday 17 March,12 - 3pm Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Israel to attack Syria in the coming summer
13-03-2007 21:33
Israeli soldiers are training at the Golan Heights for an attack on Syria in the summer.Nice one Greenpeace!
13-03-2007 17:16

Press release by Greenpeace below.
Belgium Bans Depleted Uranium Weapons And Armour
13-03-2007 14:23

Kurdish Demonstrators Arrested at the Syrian Embassy in London
13-03-2007 00:12

AIPAC Pushes to Eliminate Anti-Iran War Language from Pelosi Iraq Bill
12-03-2007 22:45
According to Congressional Quarterly, some of the same Democrats most vehement about ending the Iraq debacle are resisting denying the President unilateral authority to go to war in Iran. The hypocrisy is astounding.30-day Countdown to War
12-03-2007 22:16
We are almost certainly in the last days of a countdown to nuclear war. Israel has made plans to attack Iran in a war of aggression, which will probably begin with some staged attack such as the attack on the Liberty in 1967.Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our pirated authority
12-03-2007 17:13
Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our piratedauthority through defending the further 'escape' of the
bushmob for 911.
First Aldermaston SOCAP arrest on run-up to Trident vote
11-03-2007 23:48

Iran and the Congo's Vanishing Uranium Bars
11-03-2007 23:16
A mysterious Congo vanishing uranium bars incident has emerged, coinciding with a decisive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of governors meeting in Vienna on March 5-8, regarding Iran's nuclear program.Are we dealing with a similar fabricated Psyop in the case of the alleged missing Congo uranium bars, which could at some later date be used as a pretext directed against Iran?
Merseyside Anarchists: How Can We REALLY Stop The War?
11-03-2007 18:26
At the first meeting of the new Merseyside Anarchist group we discussed a lot of things and decided that it was worthwhile continuing with the group. We also decided that the next meeting on Thursday March 15th should look at the war in Iraq from an anarchist perspective and discuss actions for the 18th March - an international day of action against the war.