UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Mid-Summer Alert—Update
22-08-2008 22:17
Very Strange Timing for Little Georgia to Attack the Big BearThis Week In Palestine week 34 2008
22-08-2008 17:34

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for August 16th, through August, 22nd, 2008.
ITT - EDO MBM Begins Full Scale Paveway IV Guided Bomb Production in Brighton
22-08-2008 17:04
After 4 years of developmental setbacks the Raytheon IV guided bomb is now in full production in the UK.The new weapon is intended to replace the Paveway III guided bomb, the most commonly used munition in the 2003 'shock and awe' bombing of Iraq.
EDO MBM Technology Ltd (now owned by ITT Corp) are UK design and production partners on the new 'smart bomb' with Raytheon, Portsmouth Aviation, and Thales.
Once again EDO MBM is found to be at the heart of UK and joint US/UK military operations in Iraq and Afganistan.
Georgia, NATO & The Spread Of War [Video & Text, STW London meeting]
22-08-2008 08:53
Stop the War meeting, GEORGIA, NATO & THE SPREAD OF WAR.Held at Friend's Meeting House on 14 August 2008.
The Elephant In The Room: Scott Forbes 9/11 "power down"
21-08-2008 20:48

Russia Never Wanted a War
21-08-2008 12:03
The planners of the crisis in Georgia clearly wanted to make sure that Russia would be blamed for worsening the situation.Smash EDO Press Release - Man Arrested For Playing Waltzing Matilda
21-08-2008 08:35
21ST AUGUST 2007
Press Contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
For more details tel. 07875 708873 or 07754 135290

Tibet Activists Take on the Chinese Government on their Own Turf
20-08-2008 17:29

Case dismissed: first SOCPA 128 on nuclear licensed site
20-08-2008 17:06

licensed site against an Aldermaston peace campaigner. The prosecution
was the first of its kind brought under the Serious Organised Crime and
Police Act (SOCPA s128, as amended by s12 of the Terrorism, Act 2006, to
apply to nuclear licensed sites).
Palestine Today 082008
20-08-2008 13:49

H&K guns illegally exported to Georgian war zone
20-08-2008 06:56

Georgian elite forces fighting in South Ossetia have been illegally armed with Heckler & Koch assault rifles.
According to Human Rights Watch, the Georgian military "used indiscriminate and disproportionate force resulting in civilian deaths in South Ossetia". However, that hasn't stopped these war criminals from becoming customers of Heckler & Koch!
US Military Shocking and Shooting Monkeys Pigs Goats Etc in Trauma Training
19-08-2008 22:39
In the 70's under Caspar Weinberger the US militarywas shooting dogs to give surgical practice to surgeons
PETA picketed his home.. .and he switched the DOD
from dogs to goats
Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, is in charge
of the current atrocity: shooting monkeys, pigs and goats in trauma training
Press Office DOD

Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131
The Defense Dept is not interested in hearing from you or me.
They feel they are above the law.
Palestine Today 081908
19-08-2008 14:43

Peacewoman in court for first prosecution under SOCPA/Terrorism Act
19-08-2008 13:49

Why Not Simply Abolish NATO?
19-08-2008 13:26

'Wipe off the map': The Tip of an Iceberg
18-08-2008 17:03

Palestine Today 081808
18-08-2008 15:36

Can International Activists on two Small Boats Break the Siege of Gaza?
18-08-2008 09:53

8-8-88 Burma Protests and Bike for Burma Report
17-08-2008 21:16