UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Artivism: it’s anti-war art week in Brighton
19-02-2009 15:05
“We will oppose the art of war with the art of peace”Brighton is hosting the first ever ‘Artivism’ event: a week of anti-war creativity including art exhibitions, music, poetry and workshops. Between 24th Feb- 1st March artists, activists and performers will come together at various Brighton locations to take a stand for peace.
Who's Telling the Truth About Iran's Nuclear Program?
19-02-2009 11:06
Since February 2003, Iran's nuclear program has undergone what the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) itself admits to be the most intrusive inspection in its entire history. After thousands of hours of inspections by some of the most experienced IAEA experts, the Agency has verified time and again that (1) there is no evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iran, and (2) all the declared nuclear materials have been accounted for; there has been no diversion of such materials to non-peaceful purposes.Obama to send another 17000 US troops to Afghanistan (by Latuff)
19-02-2009 04:44

Direct Action Germany: 2nd-12th Feb
18-02-2009 23:09

02/02/09: Armament company attacked with stones and color
09/02/09: Van torched
09/02/09: Stones and bottle against luxurious condo-project
12/02/09: Neonazi shop attacked
Faslane peace Camp forum up.
18-02-2009 17:13
A place for those interested in the anti-nuke movement.Valentines home demos: HLS, fur, and the Israeli Ambassador in DC
17-02-2009 18:58

Nazis plan to march against NATO summit
17-02-2009 15:12
For those travelling to protest against the NATO summit in Kehl (France) and Baden-Baden (Germany), this information might be of interest. There will be an anti-fascist mobilisation to stop the Nazi march, so please consider taking part.Keep Gaza Alive - Cambridge Stop the War to hold Gaza fundraiser
17-02-2009 13:13
Details in brief:Date: Saturday 21st February 2009
Time: 7- 10 pm
Location: St Andrew’s Hall Chesterton Cambridge
Cambridge Stop the War (CSTW) is holding a fundraising evening on Saturday 21st February in St Andrew’s Hall, Cambridge, with all proceeds going to Interpal and Medical Aid for Palestine, who are helping to relieve the horrific humanitarian crisis that has been forced upon the people of Gaza.
Update: EDO Decommissioners Get Charged With Conspiracy
17-02-2009 11:52
Yesterday in Brighton magistrate's court defendants in the EDO Decommissioners Casehad charges of Burglary dropped and replaced with Conspiracy To Cause Criminal Damage.
Aberdeen Students Call for Israeli Boycott
16-02-2009 08:57

Notts Students Die-In Protest Against Arms Trade
16-02-2009 00:28

February 11th 2009 - Eleventh of Every Month Until Justice - LONDON
15-02-2009 18:29

Dresden, Germany: 15 000 counter-protest against 6 000 nazis
15-02-2009 11:21

All in all 15 000 people protested against the nazis. Thousands of police enabled the nazis`march through the city.
Three Muslims held under draconian anti terror law
15-02-2009 01:52

The vehicles were apparently going to Gaza in the 'Aid Convoy' from the UK through Europe. On one of the vans were signs saying 'No Justice, no peace', 'Stop Killing Children' and 'Free Palestine'. Another was adorned with the Palestinian flag.
Why the police riot? - part 5
14-02-2009 13:42

This is part 5 of a series, for parts 1-4 see:

Israelis, in Crisis, Vote for a Government of War
14-02-2009 12:46
Dust of Tuesday's voting battle settled down and the battle of forming the next Israeli government has just begun. With Benjamin Netanyahu poised for premiership and Avigdor Lieberman, leader of a “racist and fascist” party (as condemned by Talia Sasson of the Merez party) very well positioned to be the king or queen maker of the next ruling coalition, the Palestinian people and the whole region will have to brace as from next March for an Israeli government of war.These players are promoting a tricky way to whack Social Security benefits, but
13-02-2009 20:40
"These players are promoting a tricky way to whack Social Security benefits, but to do it behind closed doors so the public cannot see what's happening or figure out which politicians to blame. The essential transaction would amount to misappropriating the trillions in Social Security taxes that workers have paid to finance their retirement benefits. This swindle is portrayed as "fiscal reform." In fact, it's the political equivalent of bait-and-switch fraud.Defending Social Security sounds like yesterday's issue--the fight people won when they defeated George W. Bush's attempt to privatize the system in 2005. But the financial establishment has pushed it back on the table, claiming that the current crisis requires "responsible" leaders to take action. Will Obama take the bait? Surely not. The new president has been clear and consistent about Social Security, as a candidate and since his election. The program's financing is basically sound, he has explained, and can be assured far into the future by making only modest adjustments.
But Obama is also playing footsie with the conservative advocates of "entitlement reform" (their euphemism for cutting benefits). The president wants the corporate establishment's support on many other important matters, and he recently promised to hold a "fiscal responsibility summit" to examine the long-term costs of entitlements. That forum could set the trap for a "bipartisan compromise" that may become difficult for Obama to resist, given the burgeoning deficit. If he resists, he will be denounced as an old-fashioned free-spending liberal. The advocates are urging both parties to hold hands and take the leap together, authorizing big benefits cuts in a circuitous way that allows them to dodge the public's blame. In my new book, Come Home, America, I make the point: "When official America talks of 'bipartisan compromise,' it usually means the people are about to get screwed."
The Social Security fight could become a defining test for "new politics" in the Obama era. Will Americans at large step up and make themselves heard, not to attack Obama but to protect his presidency from the political forces aligned with Wall Street interests? This fight can be won if people everywhere raise a mighty din--hands off our Social Security money!--and do it now, before the deal gains momentum."
Public meeting: Two doctors' eyewitness account of war on Gaza, Mon 16 Feb @ 7pm
13-02-2009 20:10

Israelis, in Crisis, Vote for a Government of War
13-02-2009 19:10

Does it really matter then if they differ on launching an all out war or limited wars on the Palestinian people, or on which is better to finish them once and for all in a military blitz or to exhaust them to elimination by prolonged gradual small wars!