UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
25-08-2006 12:57
As Iraq burns and Afghanistan trembles, the oceans of the world rise everhigher and the skies fill with the smoke of innumerable factories and jet flights for the rich.
Asian MEP says he was 'treated like a terrorist while travelling'
25-08-2006 12:56
An Asian member of the European Parliament who claims he has repeatedly been treated as a suspected terrorist while travelling has warned the European Union against moving towards a system of "ethnic profiling" following the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic planes.Disarming Hezbollah: Setting the Israeli-American Trap
25-08-2006 07:46
As if to emphasis its role as obedient lap dog for Israel and the United States, the United Nations has changed its “rules of engagement” in Lebanon. “New rules of engagement for U.N. troops in Lebanon permit soldiers to shoot in self-defense, use force to protect civilians and resist armed attempts to interfere with their duties, a U.N. document says,” reports Reuters.Beating the Drums of War: Army & Marines authorize "Involuntary Conscription"
24-08-2006 21:22
The compulsory recall of ‘inactive servicemen’ in the United States might even go unnoticed in North America and most the world until analysts, historians and later generations look back at the present events unfolding in these contemporary times, years from now and place them into focus within a larger matrix of events.AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RANK AND FILE TROOPS IN IRAQ
24-08-2006 20:22
24-08-2006 19:31
A former Army officer describes the realities of Bush League unreality on the topic of the Battle of Baghdad, just admitted yesterday by Ambassador Khalilzad -- but having happened three years ago. Welcome to Orwell 101.Free in our Time…
24-08-2006 19:22
While we in this country are subjected to endless coverage of fake bomb plots and a ten year old dead white girl case, the 33 Day War has dramatically altered the Middle East and the World. The slaves of Lebanon took the full wrath of their master and did not blink. This is a powerful turning point in the balance of power and marks the beginning of the end of subjugation.Threat from Sussex Police to Smash EDO
24-08-2006 18:34
e mail received re 16th december march over edo's complicity in war crimes in lebanon, palestine, iraq and afghanistanThe enviromental cost of Israel's lunacy. August 24th. Photo report
24-08-2006 18:13

Cambridge eye witness to Israeli anti-war movement
24-08-2006 13:15
Cambridge activist Genevieve Passamonte was in Israel at the height of the war against Lebanon and Gaza I spoke to her recently about what she saw of the movement against the war and the wall.Evidence that Israel has in fact struck military targets - Wed 23rd Aug
24-08-2006 11:33

Israel’s ‘special’ forces in spectacular cock up - Sun 20th Aug
24-08-2006 11:29

Ali el-Nahri Remember Their Dead - Sat 19th Aug - Photo Report
24-08-2006 11:27

Jeffrey Blankfort :From Deuteronomy to Lebanon
24-08-2006 09:41
In June of 1982, when Israel invaded Lebanon with 80,000 soldiers, killing 17,000 Lebanese and Palestinian in a matter of a few weeks, my father, who had known some of the early Zionist leaders, ....US administration rejects Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations”
24-08-2006 09:37
The Bush administration yesterday signalled its rejection of Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations,” setting the stage for punitive economic sanctions and an escalating confrontation with Tehran.Chalk4Peace2006 SEPT 16/17- OUR STREETS 'R OUR MEDIA -WE have TOTAL access
24-08-2006 08:01

People young and old from all over the world are being activated to participate in this GLOBAL Art/Peace project taking place in communities everywhere Sept 16/17th
This effort follows the success of smaller localized Chalk4Peace events in London since 2003

and in various locations around the world notably @ The Museum of Modern ARF
Iranian War Games: Exercises, Tests, and Drills or Preparation and Mobilization
24-08-2006 06:31
The sequence of these terror alerts based on phony information, repeated over several years, inevitably creates amidst the British and American public, a sense of disbelief: an uncomfortable feeling that both Scotland Yard and the British Home office are lying. The counter-terrorism apparatus is desperately crying wolf, which could potentially trigger in the United Kingdom, a political crisis of immeasurable consequence.The Lasting Dangers of Unexploded Israeli Cluster Bombs
23-08-2006 23:11