UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Troops Out of Afghanistan: Anti-war march in London - Photos!
24-10-2009 19:20

Support the EDO decommissioners action from Palestine
23-10-2009 17:03

Resist Militarism, Smash NATO! Edinburgh Nov.13th
23-10-2009 16:11

US & Israel preparing for Iran attack - the Juniper Cobra drill
22-10-2009 00:10

Full article | 2 additions | 12 comments
BRING 'EM HOME billboard appeal
21-10-2009 23:25

Reports From The Brighton Tubas Group - Hamadi and Tariq
21-10-2009 22:56
Six members of Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group are now in the West Bank. They have been visiting communities in the Jordan Valley and Bil'in, and have a lot of plans for the next few weeks. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine and Brighton. The Tubas Region, which includes the Northern Jordan Valley, is an area Israel wants to ethnically cleanse and annex. Israel is doing this by making life impossible for the people of the valley.
Corporate Watch: Veolia tries to bail out of one apartheid project; two to go!
21-10-2009 22:50
Corporate Watch on VeoliaSupport the Decommissioners Rally at the Foreign Office - Thursday 22nd
21-10-2009 22:31 rally 4 - 6pm
picket 12-2pm (both outside the Foreign Office (Whitehall)
The Steady Stream of Lies about Venezuela or The Killers and Liars Prepare
21-10-2009 14:05
"The fourth big lie is saved up to the end, and follows on that grand tradition of the great human rights abusers accusing others to deflect attention from themselves. Chavez is said to be “cultivating” regimes that are characterised by “rigged elections, media censorship, the criminalisation of dissent and leaders for life”. Not a touch of irony, as the death squads in Colombia murder trade unionists and civil leaders unchecked, as the Obama Administration pussyfoots around the coup regime in Honduras (which deposed a Chavez ally), as election fraud and bloody war rages in Afghanistan and as the US launches missile attacks on Pakistan.It can be tedious to document such lies. They are so common and, no sooner is one lot done than the next day’s lies appear – if not in The Economist then in the Washington Post, The Australian or The Times. These monopolies count on the vulnerable, who do not have alternate sources of information, who do not read history and are able to be swayed by crude and often racist agitation.
In the bigger picture, this is a delegitimising process, organised by the private media monopolies which, in their hatred for the sort of popular democracy led by Chavez (as also in the past by Allende), are preparing the ground for coups, wars of intervention and conquest. It has been done before and – while these monopolies remain unchecked – it will be done again."
Smash EDO to Hold 'Remember Gaza' Demonstrations as two more Carnivalistas are acquitted
21-10-2009 09:45
Press ReleaseFor immediate release: 21/10/2009
Press Release - Smash EDO to Hold 'Remember Gaza' Demonstrations as two more Protesters are Acquitted
Demonstration to Remember the Victims of the January Gaza Massacre. Monday 21st October 4-6pm. For more information contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh: 07754135290.
World March For Peace and Nonviolence - London
20-10-2009 20:25

Remember Gaza - Support the Decommisioners - Demo at EDO tomorrow
20-10-2009 19:40
see from the Brighton-Tubas Group - The Bsharat Family
20-10-2009 11:18
Six members of Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group are now in the West Bank. They have been visiting communities in the Jordan Valley and Bil'in, and have a lot of plans for the next few weeks. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine and Brighton. The Tubas Region, which includes the Northern Jordan Valley, is an area Israel wants to ethnically cleanse and annex. Israel is doing this by making life impossible for the people of the valley.
EDO Carnivalistas appeal Continues - Please Support
19-10-2009 22:03
Appeal of two people arrested during the Carnival Against the Arms Trade (see -
Decommissioner defendants Arrested at Target Brimar released Without Charge
19-10-2009 16:50
see burning
19-10-2009 11:54

Organise Against British Militarism in Notts
19-10-2009 10:18
A call for people to oppose the activities of the British armed forces in the Notts. area.The Pakistan Decapitation Papers By Zahir Ebrahim
19-10-2009 06:07