UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
New York car bomb Incident: Another false flag?
08-05-2010 19:36

Then using it as a pretext for more war and to divert attention from America's deepening economic crisis, likely to erupt in protests because of Washington's indifference to millions affected.
Iran, the US and the UN nuclear conference
08-05-2010 13:05

Like the Iranian “military threat,” the demonisation of Ahmadinejad serves to deflect public attention from Washington’s underlying aim of dominating the key strategic regions of the Middle East and Central Asia.
Smash EDO - Target Barclays Picket 11am Saturday
07-05-2010 21:05
see colonialism: Pentagon carves Africa into military zones
07-05-2010 19:42

As the first overseas regional military command set up by Washington in this century, the first since the end of the Cold War, and the first in 25 years, the activation of AFRICOM emphasizes the geostrategic importance of Africa in U.S. international military, political and economic planning.
Corporate Watch: backers of Maskiot settlement in the Jordan Valley
07-05-2010 19:33
Big corporations are not alone in implementing the Israeli occupation on the ground. Especially in the smaller settlements which do not yet have any industry or commercial outlets, ideological charities and religious groups play a crucial role when it comes to encouraging settlement expansion. This is the case with Maskiot, the first new settlement to be approved in the West Bank for a decade when it was officially established in the middle of 2008.People's Jury Condemns Arms Manufacturer
07-05-2010 17:14

Voting in Britain for war. Take your pick
07-05-2010 14:29

Dissident Island Radio Tonight - May 7th
07-05-2010 12:41

Brighton Tubas: Israel's tightening grip on the Jordan Valley
06-05-2010 18:36
This is a report about last week's events in the occupied Jordan Valley.For photos visit the web site.
The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of US Foreign Policy
06-05-2010 15:55

Most significant about their list of ‘bad guys’ is the geopolitical relation of those leaders and those countries to the current ‘enemies list’ of the US State Department. That is no accident, as becomes clear when we look more closely at who funds RWB.
US, UK, France,Italy walk out of UN nuclear conference in war propaganda theater
06-05-2010 07:55

The two paper-thin lies the 21st Century fascists use to promote unlawful war is that Iran threatens to destroy Israel and Iran has a nuclear weapons program. Both are quickly proven as lies.
Words of wisdom: Mohammed El-Baradai on the Iranian nuclear issue
05-05-2010 21:09

Democracy Village Peace Festival – Pix & Call Out
05-05-2010 17:51

Message from a Concerned Citizen of the Democracy Village
05-05-2010 14:32
An account of my stay at the Democracy Village, and a call to all 'Concerned Citizens'Peace Festival Parliament Square Democracy Village (thurs 6th)
05-05-2010 12:32
Details of tomorrows Peace FestivalReminder - Bad Music Demo at EDO/ITT Today 4pm
05-05-2010 11:36
see declared nuclear powers, US, UK and France defeated by the power of reason
05-05-2010 11:16

Take the case of the US and its allies, Britain and France in particular, which allege that Iran is a threat to world peace, has sinister ambitions to build nuclear weapons and is in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Parliament Square Democracy Village - Day 4 pics
05-05-2010 07:15

Obama and Iran: All "options" are on the table...(by Latuff)
05-05-2010 07:10

Election posters subverted in East Oxford
04-05-2010 23:59