UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Bush nukes the NPT
04-03-2006 00:59
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones - EinsteinThe Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty was effectively ended by Bushs nuclear deal with India yesterday. All the old treaties have been ripped up or abused as if we were on the verge of a new world war.
04-03-2006 00:22
Amnesty International Parody Shopping and Mass Murder.Solidarity for Matan Cohen
03-03-2006 19:58

Do not fund the war
03-03-2006 11:20
Is your money keeping war criminals in power ?2nd Renaissance -12
03-03-2006 07:01

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March March March March on 18th March
03-03-2006 03:24

Mysterious forces behind Iraqi violence "paid by us" - Robert Fisk
02-03-2006 22:19
In a television interview that has stunned Australian audiences, Beirut based journalist Robert Fisk has hinted that mysterious forces trying to foment civil war in Iraq are behind the recent upsurge in voilence there.Fisk went on to state that Sunni Arabs and other Iraqis do not conduct suicide bombings and are not divided as a society.
world books . . . . something else to remember
02-03-2006 14:29
Lots of chat on this commemorarion / celebration of books occasion . . . . heres a couple of brief snippets about the social / politics history to enlighten things . . . .Western Media Fails Balata Refugee Camp...yet again
02-03-2006 11:30
The Israeli army re-invaded Balata Refugee camp in full force on Thursday 23/02/06, killing five camp residents and injuring scores, including two medical workers. In only a few days, the operation termed 'Northern Glory' by the Israeli Occupation Forces has resulted in seven fatalities and around 100 injured.Truth For A Change: MNN TV Explodes the Myths that Make for War
02-03-2006 11:06

'Women Say NO To War' - US Embassy, London, March 8th
02-03-2006 09:31
In January 'Women Say NO To War' started a campaign calling for an end to the war and occupation in Iraq. The first step in the campaign is a global petition - the 'Womens Call For Peace'.The QUICKTIME REPORT 2/3/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
01-03-2006 23:00

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
01-03-2006 22:34
And some of that money laundering with this unaudited U.S.penny stock fraud's shares has been in the UAE's Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,Nicosia and through a California bank while W Bush has assured us, in order to run his deal with whoever in the UAE to surrender our ports,that the UAE has cleaned up its act and this kind of thing no longer occurs ! And the Securities Exchange Commission is harrassing business journalists to cover up such stock fraud and thus are also covering up money laundering and illegal pump and dump activities with U.S. penny stocks in the EAU for George W Bush, !Media Workers against the War
01-03-2006 22:09
Press contacts: 07815 111 191, 07801 789 297
Solidarity with Matan Cohen
01-03-2006 21:50

Film Screening
01-03-2006 17:27
The university students against war society are showing a Film by the Manchester based art collective Ultimate Holding Collective.ALDERMASTON MEETING TONIGHT
01-03-2006 07:34
AWE & the health of our community - the social, environmental, economicand health affects of a nuclear weapons factory in our community
International Women's Day / World March of Women / Women Against War - 8th March
28-02-2006 18:02
Some informations:
UK Groups

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Global Protest Against Iraq War followed by Mass Civil Disobedience in London
28-02-2006 16:48

Another Iraqi Milestone...
28-02-2006 15:46
With the deaths of two British soldiers in Iraq today, Coalition fatalities have exceeded two and a half thousand since the invasion in March 2003.