UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Democracy Now! London visit, do listen
07-03-2006 15:24
Sorry about the short notice butDemocracy Now!, america's syndicated, community radio news &
current affairs show will be broadcasting from London for the next few
Under-reporting of British casualties in Iraq
07-03-2006 10:28
The Lancet has published research on the under-reporting of Brirish casualties in Iraq which highlights the governments reluctance to reveal the true situationMENZIES (MoD) Finally FORCED TO ADMIT CIA TORTURE FLIGHTS to Campbell
07-03-2006 07:03
The UK Ministry of Defense has just admitted (March 3, 2006) that a large CIA transport, such as the one picture with torture prisoners and US Army policemen, has landed at RAF bases in Britain and Ireland. Were these people treated thus on British soil? Here are the flights reported:author of US torture revisionism and rendition to speak in London
07-03-2006 04:01
Alberto Gonzalez, US Attorney General will address the Institute of Strategic Studies at 1000hrs on Tuesday 7 March 2006. Gonzalez is the legal apologist for "rendition": the abduction and torture of hundreds if not thousands of people in contravention of international law at Guantanamo and elsewhere.2nd Renaissance -13
06-03-2006 21:12

Iraqi Sunnis four times more likely to be killed than Shiites
06-03-2006 01:36
Respected Beirut-based journalist Robert Fisk claims that Sunni Arabs in Iraq are being killed at four times the rate of Shiite Arabs in continuing violence in Iraq, contradicting mainstream media reports which portray the Shiites as the main victims of ongoing sectarian violence.EDO injunction victory demo
06-03-2006 01:02

Campeace Remember Kamber
05-03-2006 18:25

"Oh GOD! Save us from the religious nutters" Tony Blair
05-03-2006 15:56
Making a television appearance on the Parkinson Show on ITV, a British satellite channel, Blair described his decision on the Iraqi war as the most important one since he came to power eight years ago, while referring to his Christian values as quite influential in his past decisions on the Iraqi issue. Warned by his advisor Alastair Campbell to separate politics and religion, the British prime minister told the audience during his television appearance that his interest in politics derives from his faith in Christianity, because the Christian moral values and philosophy guide him in his daily life as well as in his office.Oxford International Women's Festival 2006 and NOW
05-03-2006 08:50

Peace Not War gig free to activists and Indymedia users
04-03-2006 22:40
IN SUPPORT OF the movement, Peace Not War are offering FREE ENTRY to all peace activists and to Indymedia users: just tell us your group or quote “Indymedia” at the door (and leave your email address) - although we may request the change in your pocket as a donation!CIA James Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
04-03-2006 21:44
I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.The QUICKTIME REPORT 5/3/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
04-03-2006 19:26

Jose Couso - victim of state murder
04-03-2006 16:45
On 8 April 2003, the US army attacked the Hotel Palestine in Iraq and killed José Couso, a Spanish TV cameraman. José is one of nearly forty journalists who have been killed in this war - one of the deadliest wars in history for journalists .The Media, Islamaphobia and the War on Terror
04-03-2006 16:29
The role of the media in the war on Iraq and the "war on terror" will be discussed at a public meeting open to all. Speakers: Mark Steel (The Independent), Jonathan Steele (The Guardian), Sami Ramadani (Iraqi writer), Yvonne Ridley (Islam Channel), Tim Lezard (NUJ President)Howard's 10 year party gatecrashed
04-03-2006 13:57

Report: Hands Off Iran Protests, Glasgow
04-03-2006 11:18
Stop the War against Iran before it starts!Corruption and Decline
04-03-2006 05:53
Bush is not very good at anything, with that fact the world is fully acquainted, however, even the lowliest morons are usually good liars but recent video evidence has proven that Bush is not even skilled in the lowly art of lying. All doubts regarding Bush’s prior knowledge of the magnitude and destructive impact expected of Katrina have been dispelled by the release of video evidence clearly portraying Bush in full knowledge of the then pending emergency. We leave the pathological problem of Bush and the lying neo-cons in the incapable hands of the American people; the Bush regime is internationally known as the most deceitful and tawdry in American history. Good luck doodles, China and Russia could not hope for better!