UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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World War IV: US Plans to Use Nuclear Weapons against Iran
27-07-2006 16:41

Videocast of the presentation to the Perdana Global Peace Forum by Michel Chossudovsky.
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- Captured Israeli soldiers were in Lebanon when clashes happened -
27-07-2006 16:35
Claims that Hezbollah breached Israeli border are false.Has the media has been lying to us all along to justify the horrific Israeli military action against Lebanon?
US Vetoes UN Condemnation Of IAF Attack, US Troops Join IDF In Lebanon
27-07-2006 16:05
Remember that while Israel was inciting violence in Gaza by increasingly shelling civilians under Operation Summer Rain, the Olmert Government faked an "investigation" into the murder of a Palestinian family on the beach, which was refuted by independent analyses of the evidence.Conspirators as Illuminati: Bush Administration as Juntocracy
27-07-2006 12:04
A parallel or shadow government, a Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush axis, was established Groups, offices and departments traditionally responsible for foreign and security policy were eliminated and ad hoc groups formed.. The NSC was developed into a kind of parallel government.. Information and facts were adjusted to policy.Campaigners to March In Brighton this Sunday Over Israeli War Crimes
27-07-2006 11:48
Campaigners to March In Brighton this Sunday Over Israeli War Crimes in Palestine and LebanonEDO Director To Resign Over Corruption Disclosure
27-07-2006 10:51
The EDO Corporation Corruption Scandal DevelopsFull article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Protests Greet Blair in Nottingham
27-07-2006 10:34

27-07-2006 10:30

Appeasement 2006: Europe capitulates to American-Israeli aggression
27-07-2006 08:43
The international conference in Rome held Wednesday to address the crisis precipitated by the Israeli attack on Lebanon ended without a call for a ceasefire. According to numerous press accounts, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood virtually alone in opposing any language in the conference statement suggesting that the Israeli onslaught, which has already caused close to 500 civilian deaths and destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, should be ended any time soon.Pit Stop Ploughshares 5 Free - U.S. Embassy Pissed, Irish Government Exposed!
27-07-2006 06:48
On Tuesday, a Dublin jury returned a unanimous decision of "not guilty" to free the Pit Stop Ploughshares 5. After 4 hours of deliberation & 13 days of trial the five walked free in comapny of many local & international supporters. The five had been facing a max sentence of 10 years if convicted on a $US2.5million "criminal damage without lawful excuse charge" arising out of their nionviolent diarmament of a U.S. Navy war plane.HezBollocks and IsRabies.
27-07-2006 06:44
A Class War Federation statement on the War in Lebanon.End the Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon! - Nottm Protest
27-07-2006 06:41
For more information call Tom on 07779328418
IsraHell's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (by Latuff)
27-07-2006 02:16

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Warmonger EDO Think Tank Report Slease Scandal.
26-07-2006 23:06
Independent Stock Market NewsBoycott Starbucks
26-07-2006 23:04
Israel's barbaric policies against Palestinians prompted worldwide calls to boycott it, its products and all companies, and organisations that provide it with the ability to continue its agression, which has claimed the lives of many innocent civilians, including women and children.US and UK block consensus on call for ceasefire
26-07-2006 21:19
article from al jazeera below, but the bombs will undoubtably be flying out of the US and RAF bases hereRolling Stone: IRAN, THE NEXT WAR
26-07-2006 20:43
A detailed expose on the planning of the illegal, unwinnable Act of Aggression against Iraq, the planning of their next Aggression against Iran, soon to come if they aren't stopped, and the active role of Zionist Extremism behind the Madness.Israel - Twenty-Seven Years Later
26-07-2006 19:03
It's time for the Israeli People to demonstrate to the world that THEY do not support this, and that they are decent people of conscience, angered by the LIES and violence of the Extremists who have seized power and abused it for their own aggrandizement, Israelis and Jews (and Arabs) be damned.Lebanon/Israel Ceasfire or Catastrophe?
26-07-2006 16:44
Puyblic meeting -NorwichReport on die-in and collective scream against war - London, 25th July
26-07-2006 16:23