UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Peace Conference in Nottingham, Sun 13th Feb
01-02-2005 10:49
Nottingham Student Peace Movement are holding a Peace Conference at the University of Nottingham on the afternoon of Sun 13th Feb.Aust Community criticises Govt for 'crimes'
31-01-2005 22:56

Voting by the Script: Where Did the 8 Million Iraqi Voter Turnout Figure Come F
31-01-2005 19:43
Where did the Independent [sic] Election Commission of Iraq get the turnout figure of 8 million voters? The answer is that's exactly the same number the commission predicted more than two weeks before the elections. That's a sign of how scripted the Iraqi elections were.East Oxford Stop the War Meeting - Feb 1st
31-01-2005 17:21
Tuesday 1st February,7.30pm,East Oxford Community Centre,Princes St(off Cowley Rd.),Oxford.
Citizens' Declarations for a Nuclear-Free World
31-01-2005 16:35
Citizen Law can help abolish nuclear weapons.Scotsman Reports Plastic Bullet Baton Rounds Authorised for G8 Protests in July
31-01-2005 10:25
Iraqis risk their lives to vote, but the occupation continues
31-01-2005 02:04

Toronto Coalition to Stop the War Condemns the Unfair and Illegitimate Election
30-01-2005 23:38
From TCSWSunday, 30 January 2005
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA -- The Toronto Coalition to Stop the War strongly supports the right of people in Iraq to democratically determine their own future. That must include choosing a legitimate and representative government through free and fair elections. However, the exercise taking place under foreign occupation on January 30 will be neither free nor fair.
The Drums of War
30-01-2005 19:47
The probable propaganda techniques for the next war and the reasons I believe it will be against Iran.BRISTOL & REGIONAL Stop-The-War NEWS : February 2005 : (Virtual Version)
30-01-2005 00:02
BRISTOL & REGIONAL ST0P-THE-WAR NEWS : February 2005[South West, Wales & West Midlands] Please send us your events.

19th MARCH NATIONAL DEMO: Coach Tickets Now Available.
Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St. £12/£6 (see section 4 for info).
BRISTOL & REGIONAL Stop-The-War NEWS : February 2005 : (Printer Version)
29-01-2005 23:37

Irish American Humanitarian Arrested by Israel
29-01-2005 23:37
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOn Monday January 24, Israeli police arrested 41 year old Irish American ISM activist, Patrick O’Connor, on suspicion that he was carrying a fake passport. O’Connor was on his way to Jerusalem after planting olive tree seedlings with Palestinian, Israeli and international activists in the path of the Wall in the occupied village of Biddu. For the past year, Israeli and international activists have supported the villagers of Biddu through nonviolent protest and legal appeals in their struggle against the destruction of their farmland for the building of the Wall.
US military death rate in Iraq continues to speed up
28-01-2005 23:51

It has been more or less steadily increasing since May 2003.
The last six months are all at or above the linear fit, suggesting
that the death rate might even be increasing faster than linear.
Broadcast Your Documentary in America
28-01-2005 18:09
We will broadcast your documentary.Alternate Focus announces a call for Middle East-related documentaries.
Down with War Up with the Protest
28-01-2005 17:31
An idea for effective protest in London.Smash EDO - Smashing dates for your diary
28-01-2005 14:52
Join the campaign against EDO MBM. Brighton's arms manufacturers supplying bomb release mechanisms to the UK and US as well as Raytheon systemsfor more info contact

Liverpool University Students Anti-war 'Teach-In'
28-01-2005 14:26
Liverpool Universirty Students are planning a teach-in on March the second in an attempt to give a wider education to fellow students.DISARM DSEi - Action planning meeting
28-01-2005 12:54
Planning Meeting and film showing13th February, 3pm, LARC, Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel
International Day of Action and DSEi 2005
Get involved, plan actions, eat food, watch films.
Deal inked for 2nd season of "Democracy in ... Iraq"
28-01-2005 01:06