UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
fighting war for fifty years
09-09-2003 22:03

police stop me filming
09-09-2003 20:06

Police occupy school near DSEi
09-09-2003 18:58

DSEi Fluffy Demonstration, 9 Sept 2003
09-09-2003 18:34

Testimony of one day of protest against the DSEI arms exhibitions
09-09-2003 16:28
My testimony and disbelief at the number of police present and their aggressive behaviour. And how the government distorts the reality of a peaceful protest and reacts against it as if it was war against terrorist criminals.200 demonstrators detained
09-09-2003 15:58
A small breakaway group of protestors earlier outwitted slow-footed cops and attempted to storm the eastern entrance to the Excel Centre hosting the arms fair DSEi 2003.Further information from Liberty
09-09-2003 14:59
Telephone discussion with Liberty Press Office about their plans following today's events in London.Liberty launches High Court Action to protect right to protest
09-09-2003 14:32
Press release from Liberty Human Rights watch