UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Police banner from DSEI
11-09-2001 19:02

DSEI eye witness report at Custom House DLR
11-09-2001 15:58
Reports of hassment by DLR staff and police at the station... protesters are banned from the station, even those with valid tickets. @ 15:33Fountain flows bloodred in Trafalgar Sq
11-09-2001 15:14
Fountain in Trafalgar Sq flows bloodred, as the fiesta for life starts to party in East LondonDSEi Wombles Picture
11-09-2001 13:32

DSEI - report of unreasonable police behaviour
11-09-2001 12:04
Eye witness report of unreasonable police behaviour, particularly from officer 1305.DSEI update: Police set-up foiled!
11-09-2001 00:00
Police created an elaborate set-up in an attempt to arrest a man tonight (Monday 10th Sept) in connection with the arms trade protest set to take place tomorrow Indymedia has learned.DSEi - awareness raising - Sat 8th - report
10-09-2001 09:08

update on DSEi raids
07-09-2001 23:58
All four people [and one dog] released on bail after being arrested for 'conspiracy to comit violent disorder'.Disarm DSEi press release
06-09-2001 00:18
Press release from Disarm DSEi. Let's see what gets into the mainstream media - they've been conspicuous in their silence so far. Hard to push the line that 'violent' anti-capitalist anarchists are targeting an entirely moral and above board arms fair I suppose - even for the Sunday Times!DSEi Update
26-08-2001 22:06

Disarm DSEi! Civil disobedience against the trade in death
18-08-2001 15:08
Actions - Tuesday 11 September 2001: Using diverse forms of civil disobedience, the FIESTA FOR LIFE AGAINST DEATH - a fusion of celebration and action - will make an audacious intervention against the DSEi exhibition. The WOMBLES will make a direct contribution to this bloc using our weapons - our bodies - to confront the commodity that enforces all others.Critical Mass @ DSEi
17-08-2001 15:52

10am @ the South Bank, outside NFT
A fiesta for life against death!
28-06-2001 21:35
On September 11th 2001 something beautiful is going to happen to mark the opening day of Europe's premier arms fair. Come along and give the armed wing of capitalism a lesson in creative resistance!Leeds Rally Against Sanctions on Iraq
12-05-2001 20:36
Conference and rally through Leeds city centreLeeds Mayday Protests
01-05-2001 17:35
the Leeds Mayday protest - the tour of shame!