UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
16-01-2006 21:44

High Stakes for Canadian Sovereignty Against Unfettered Capitalism in Election
16-01-2006 19:37
A fierce struggle for Canadian Sovereignty vs corporate colonisation rallies itself during the final week of election 2006. Meanwhile Canada's equivalent to the Labour party sells out the people here too.NDP Womens Caucus exploits and poverty pimps First People and Canadian women, and their children, living in poverty. candidates cry foul power play!
To: All People concerned about American Wars Worldwide
16-01-2006 19:22

Remembering Martin Luther King
16-01-2006 11:11
Today is MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY.Slaughter in Bajaur
15-01-2006 11:08
This indiscriminate attack on the villagers in Pakistan is just one more example of collective punishment and it is another event that is, by any standards, a significant and major war crime.Pic's of Tony Blair visit in Nottingham
14-01-2006 20:28

Story from Fallujah
14-01-2006 18:18

Blair hypocrisy over nukiller power
14-01-2006 15:10
On his whistle stop visit to Nottingham today, Blair is moving forward in paving the way for new nuclear power station in the UK. He is acutely aware that the UK is in a dire position with it's coal industry dismantled and it's north sea oil and gas reserves in decline having been exported for a quick buck around the world. Now, the choice is to either invest big time in tried and tested renewables such as wind and solar, along with developing tidal and energy conservation technologies... or just bung up another few dozen nuclear power stations and leave the problems to future generations.Meanwhile, Iran is seeking to establish it's own nuclear power plants and Blair is joining Bush in nashing their teeth and threatening some kind of action to stop them obtaining the technology.
Blair would like us to think it's about stopping Iran getting the technology that could led them to obtain nuclear weapons. Perhaps that is Irans goal, although today the Irans president yesterday stated that they don't need nuclear weapons, he said only countries that see force as an answer to any problem require such weapons, I wonder who he might be talking about...
US military build up in African oil quest
14-01-2006 02:51
Growing exploitation for oil in Africa is bringing with it an increased U.S. military presence in the region. Within a decade 25 percent of U.S. oil imports will come from West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea, according to projections by the US Department of Energy and the CIA.Indymedia Radio London news Wire Shows Nov 2005 until Jan 4th 2006
14-01-2006 00:07

The Indy Media London News Wire show airs every wednesday between 1.00 and 2.00 PM on Resonance FM104.4 or is streamed at the same time on

Stop UN's plan for a new massacre in Haiti
13-01-2006 23:40
Dear friends and allies,I hope you are all well. I have been in the Dominican Republic the
few days, visiting Haitian migrant workers and human rights
working with migrants here. I will be returning to Haiti tomorrow
morning, and meanwhile, quite a storm seems to be brewing there.
Please have a look at this announcement. It is quite shocking, but I
think urgent action might be needed over the next few days:

Haiti's Deadly Class Divide: Class war takes on a new meaning in Cite Soley
13-01-2006 21:09
Port-au-Prince, January 10/06 - Driving into Cite Soley on January 8th,the day Haitians were supposed to go to the polls in a presidential
election, there is no mistaking the fact that we are entering an
zone. The streets are almost deserted, the atmosphere tense, and UN
armored personnel carriers patrol the streets.
Political Prisoners Rot in Haitian Jails While Canadian Politicians Lie
13-01-2006 21:04
--My meeting with So Anne Auguste by Aaron LakoffVENEZUELA'S BOLIVARIAN MOMENT - ITS PROMISE AND PERILS
12-01-2006 18:12
A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat against Hugo Chavez by the U.S.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Global Womens Campaign For Peace In Iraq
12-01-2006 13:44

Speech by Iraqi oil union president now translated
12-01-2006 10:21
The IFOU is an anti-occupation, anti-privatisation and politically independent federation of Iraqi oil workers, who are fighting to resist both the corporations and the US/UK occupation forces. It is a non-sectarian federation that aims to unite all oil workers in Iraq, and has also worked to expel oil company bosses who were supporters of Saddam Hussein.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Colin Powell is coming to Manchester
11-01-2006 23:25
Colin Powell is coming to the Manchester Hilton to attend a Jewish National Fund (JNF) Fundraising Gala Dinner on Tuesday 17th January.TALKING-UP A NUCLEAR ARMAGEDDON?
11-01-2006 17:42

New torture allegations from Guantanamo
11-01-2006 11:50
Amnesty International released accounts alleging new prisoner torture and abuse in Guantanamo Bay and Kandahar, Afghanistan to RAW STORY on Tuesday 10 January.GUANTANAMO BAY PROTEST SATURDAY 21ST JANUARY 2006
10-01-2006 23:51
A national protest outside the US embassy in London is being organised by groups of Guantanamo campaigners from across the country, and is planned for Saturday 21st January (a week next Saturday). Coaches will be leaving from Carr's Lane Church at 8.30am in Birmingham city centre, and the central mosque at 8.45am. I have tickets for sale: £6 for student/unemployed or £12 employed. Email me at: