UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Pix of the Anti-War march in London, 20 Mar 04 (set 1/3)
23-03-2004 12:55

IMC screening of DSEI video - Indefensible in Brixton tonight
23-03-2004 12:04
Screening of DSEI video - IndefensibleTUESDAY 23rd MARCH 2004 7pm - 11pm (film starts about 8pm)
in THE UPSTAIRS BAR, Brixton RITZY, Coldharbour Lane SW2 (3 mins from Brixton tube)
death commute pt.2
23-03-2004 11:03
copyright and royalty free mp3 from australia's newest noize terrorist matt bleak.Group tying self to blast in madrid may not be real
23-03-2004 06:12
by Brian Bender and Farah StockmanOn the Murder of Sheikh Yassin
23-03-2004 05:44
there will never be a safer israel than a freer palestineMore pix from Stop The War Demo London 20/03/04
23-03-2004 04:00

Refusing For Israel
23-03-2004 02:42
"The bloodshed will not end unless we refuse." Arik Diamant, Directorphotos of March 20th
22-03-2004 22:52

March 22nd 2003:

March 20th 2004:

Films and speakers - Marching to Aldermaston
22-03-2004 20:53
Short films and speaker meeting on Tuesday 23rd March, 7.30pm at the Friends Meeting House (43 St Giles) in the build up to the Easter March to Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment.
Video hilites & fotos from M20 NYC Peace Mobe
22-03-2004 14:25

Code Pink UK Action at M20 Anti war demo London, Part1: Pics
22-03-2004 14:15

the day the US nearly nuked cairo: USS liberty, isrel and LBJ
22-03-2004 06:19
by william hughes"The White House knew within minutes of the USS Liberty attack, that the perpetrator was really Israel.
Stop Britain's Other War!
22-03-2004 05:21

Stop Britain's Other War! Justice and Reparations for the African Community!
Violent Repression Of Anti-Wall Demonstration In Kharbatha Bani Harith
22-03-2004 01:17
For Immediate Release
Interview with London Demonstrator, March 20 Anti-war Demo
21-03-2004 22:31

Interview with a demonstrator in London on the March 20 anti-war demonstrations, touches on Blair, the war, lying, etc.
Demo in Glasgow and overall view worldwide
21-03-2004 22:07
information over demo in Glasgowand a link to pics and numbers of demonstrators in some other cities worldwide
M20 London - a protestor's-eye view
21-03-2004 20:59

Photos of the Anti-War march in London, March 20th 2004. (set 3)
21-03-2004 20:41

Photos of the Anti-War march in London, March 20th 2004. (set 4)
21-03-2004 19:41

London M20 Demo Video
21-03-2004 19:37