UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Shutting down ITT/EDO: A day at the seaside
07-05-2009 13:41

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Why the police riot? - part 11
06-05-2009 21:49

This is part 11 of a series, for parts 1-10 see:

NW // A positive critique of Smash EDO Brighton May Day
06-05-2009 18:04
A personal perspective of the Smash EDO May Day actions on 4th May 2009.'Up to 100 dead' in Afghan raid
06-05-2009 13:36

NW // Brighton May Day Smash Edo Photos and McDonalds Video 4/5/09
06-05-2009 00:26

Sorry but the pics aren't in any particular order..
SmashEDO Mayday! Mayday! Street Party 2009 (VIDEO)
05-05-2009 17:28
Video and Demo report from Smash EDO/ITT demo 4th May 2009.VIDEO:

HSBC Smashed. Brighton.
05-05-2009 15:16
Last night HSBC bank in Five Ways, Brighton was attacked.Pictures of Cops on SmashEDO Street Party Demo
05-05-2009 10:57

Solidarity. Militancy. Dynamism. Action. Diversity
Full article | 2 additions | 25 comments
‘Mayday! Mayday!’ Smash EDO Brighton: anti-war march clashes with police
04-05-2009 18:35

FIT Teams shut down in Brighton
04-05-2009 12:39
Reports have been received that FIT teams have been physically stopped from operating at the Shut ITT/EDO Mayday demoBrighton Mayday update
04-05-2009 09:36
Mounted police on the seafront - Madeira drive outisde Concorde.London road pigged out - at Cowley Club front and back, and at convergence. 15 cops in all.
Cops in city centre talking photos outside McDonalds on Western Rd
May 16th, Day for Gaza
03-05-2009 17:34
Dont let the fight stop. STWC rally for gaza. big turn out please.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
FIT in Brighton
03-05-2009 13:37
FIT (the Metropolitan Police's Forward Intelligence Team) are monitoring people going in and out of the Cowley Club on London Rd in Brighton (2.30). There have been two officers opposite the front and back of the club entrance for the last few hours, so far just making notes.extra infolines set up for the Mayday! Mayday! mass street party
03-05-2009 13:30
FOR UP TO THE MINUTE UPDATES ABOUT THE DEMO - call the Mayday! Mayday! infoline - Save these numbers in your phone as this will be one of the only ways to find out the meeting point for the demoBP centenary protest, 6-7pm, British Museum, Wednesday May 6th
02-05-2009 13:26

6-7pm, Wednesday May 6th 2009
British Museum front gate, Great Russell Street, London WC1;
(Tott. Ct. Rd or Holborn tube)
Art Not Oil: 07709 545116;

Important - Message about Smash EDO Updates
01-05-2009 20:44
see Lanka rejects ceasefire (by Latuff)
01-05-2009 16:57