UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Tracing a Trail of Destruction: Report from Lebanon, August 13, 2006
14-08-2006 03:28
BEIRUT, Lebanon - The wounds of war were evident shortly after we crossed the Syria-Lebanon border at 1130 in the morning on August 12. At Haissa, about three kilometers from the Dabboussiyeh border crossing, we come across the ruins of a bridge hit by Israeli war planes just the day before. Villagers tell us 12 people were killed and 10 wounded, all civilians.Stop the Slaughter! - Tuesday 15th August
14-08-2006 03:16
Israel out of Lebanon! Stop rocket attacks on Israeli civilians!Why the camp of workers' politics is a necessity - against imperialist domination and Islamist oppression
Book/prisons Western Hemisphere
14-08-2006 03:09

Mildenhall Peace Camp
13-08-2006 23:03
Peace Camp established outside the USAF base at MildenhallPeace Demo in Edinburgh, Saturday, 12th of August
13-08-2006 22:12

Brize Norton Peace Camp needs support
13-08-2006 21:46
A peace camp was established at RAF Brize Norton yesterday (Saturday) to monitor the use of the airfield following reports that it (along with RAF Mildenhall and Prestwick Airport) had been used to refuel planes carrying bombs from the US to Israel.Want to Stop Nuclear? - Faslane 365 London meeting
13-08-2006 17:12

On the 1st October 2006 an audacious civil resistance initiative to close down, for a whole year, the Faslane naval base in Scotland, where the UK’s nuclear warheads and nuclear submarines are stored, will begin.
Sources claim latest "terror plot" a hoax cooked up to divert attention from Bla
13-08-2006 17:10
According to knowledgeable sources in the UK and other countries, the Tony Blair government, under siege by a Labor Party revolt, cleverly cooked up a new "terror" scare to avert the public's eyes away from Blair's increasing political woes.9-11 "conspiracy theorists" vindicated: Pentagon deliberately misled public opin
13-08-2006 16:50
Recent revelations by members of the 9-11 Commission (quoted in the Washington Post, 2 August 2006) have far reaching implications. They confirm that the Pentagon was involved in criminal wrongdoing by deliberately distorting and/or withholding information concerning the September 2001 attacksIncompetent UN Resolution Draft
13-08-2006 14:41
When the war criminals George W Bush and Tony Blair howl like wolves in the choir, that is a prelude to shooting.. State terrorism becomes ionternational policy. The UN only seems to be used for legitimation.Photos from RAF Brize Norton A12
13-08-2006 13:22

Brize Norton - 2nd gate closed
13-08-2006 13:13

Video of Israel Shooting Peace Prostester in Head (he's now brain-damaged)
13-08-2006 07:08
an Israeli activist has been seriously injured, apparently brain damaged, by Israeli policeThe Don't Support Israel Shopping Guide
13-08-2006 06:54
A useful list of products to avoid if you want to take part in the Israeli Goods Boycott.More information at the War on Want and at the Boycott Israeli Goods web sites.
Report of all Scotland demonstration for Lebanon Saturday 12th August 2006
13-08-2006 05:51

The Israel Lebanon War for Water
13-08-2006 05:25
Background on the significance of the Litani River waterway in the Middle east conflict.Paying attention yet?
13-08-2006 04:51

hackney critical mass against the occupation
12-08-2006 23:07

Against Israel's war on Lebanon & Palestine: AUSTRALIA
12-08-2006 21:29