UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
61 schoolgirls killed, 129 wounded in airstrike
16-08-2006 02:07

Hezbollah’s Victory and the Coming Shock and Awe of Iran
16-08-2006 01:17
"Since Hitler, there has not been an enemy like Ahmedinejad…. He has Hamas in the south, and Hezbollah in the north. This is an existential peril.”Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes to Rival AIPAC
15-08-2006 21:56

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Mildenhall Peace Camp
15-08-2006 15:00
A peace camp has been established at RAF (ha ha its actually USAF) Mildenhall. After Israeli arms fights were diverted from Prestwich they ended up at Mildenhall. A peace camp has been setup just off the A1101 next to the base. Phone 07760 171655 for more details.9-11 Inside-Job Theory Creeps into Mainstream
15-08-2006 12:42
by Andrew BromanHicks, Guantanamo and the Howard Government
15-08-2006 12:19
David Hicks, good, bad or just plain stupid remains an Australian son. Democratic nations have a responsibility to protect their citizens in times of need; a number of democratic nations have already successfully repatriated their citizens from the illegal torture centre of Guantanamo Bay; however, after a period of four years the Howard government has been unable or unwilling to effect the repatriation of David Hicks. If a truly strong case against Hicks existed it surely would have been prosecuted to the full advantage of the terrorist scare campaign that Bush constantly wages on the American people. The fact that the USA is loath to give Hicks a fair and open trial, and in view of the obvious manipulative tactics utilised by corrupt U.S. ‘legal’ officers to delay proceedings, it would appear that the grounds upon which the U.S. military have based their ‘case’ are extremely flimsy and/or could attract litigation for illegal detention, torture and human rights abuses!Activist aid convoy stopped by Lebanese National Security Guards - Sat 12th Aug
15-08-2006 12:08

The politics of the latest terror scare
15-08-2006 04:58

Counter-terrorism/liberty propaganda measures 'need strengthening'?
15-08-2006 00:42

The Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection"
14-08-2006 23:44
The announcement by the British Home Office of a foiled terror plot to simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic flights, conveys the impression that it is the Western World rather than the Middle East which is under attack.
remember - if the "small peaces" fall to pieces - try the "big" peace. . . .
14-08-2006 18:59
. . . . (if you've also checked in case a few jerks might have a criminal gravy-train or cover-ups or "news management" that needs wars + "clampdowns" for even the semblance of success - if so - you need to stop them, + perhaps the even "bigger" peace/change process - see "reopening tactful discussions" + later comments)- this is about the "surface" practicals - thinking "big"-with realism, if out of "boxes"
CBS 60" interview: Iranian Leader Opens Up
14-08-2006 16:29
CBS TV is a very important part of the US war machine. Les Moonves is the 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC) as President and CEO of CBS News, and CBS is owned by the infamous US/Israeli propaganda giant VIACOM. The double nationality and multinational VIACOM is owned by Sumner Rothstein.US Aided Olmert Extremists In Long-Planned Aggression/Cease-Fire Charade
14-08-2006 16:17
Evidence now proves that the Olmert Extremists planned their attack on Lebanon at least a year ago, yet the bulk of the media still repeats the LIE that this was a response to acts carried out by Hezbollah.Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America
14-08-2006 16:14
Like so many other faltering "democracies" throughout the world right now, the only way for the Israeli People to live in peace is to take their country back from the Extremists who have hijacked it for their own aggrandizement.Nobody's Victory / Israeli 'Leaders' Fault Bush For Lebanon Failure
14-08-2006 16:12
Throughout the world, corrupt 'leaders' are finding it costly to align themselves with the world's greatest terrorists in the criminal Bush/PNAC Regime.WAR-mness of our nations guaranty profit cycle
14-08-2006 15:45

14-08-2006 14:48
14-08-2006 14:44

Anti-War Film Screening - Tonight
14-08-2006 09:06

Brize Peace Camp: Map and other info
14-08-2006 08:37
A 'package' of information, including up-to-date info on the whereabouts of the Camp. The plan of the area around the base, and a detailed description of the best viewing points for plane spotters have been removed as they turned out to be copyright. You can find them here: