UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The Nuclear Menace: Iran? Are You Serious? Or Delirious?
08-12-2013 11:36

Does Israel Have a Right to Exist?
06-12-2013 19:00
This question has been asked many times, and more often than not in a merely selective interest rather than from an absolute position. By its own definition Israel is a state entity and therefore it cannot have any of the qualities of a natural person. Material constructs do not bear absolute rights. These are singular to the natural being – nature has a right to exist – and can only be lost but not gained by force – no conqueror of nature can obtain them by taking them away from it. The wording of the question is expressing a conceptual aberration on the matter of hierarchy analysis and it should be rephrased according to the situation in which it might appear. But that it is being asked in this specific form indicates a distortion of meaning within the concept of statehood: There are states which are nothing but functions of other states. The false totality bites itself. Certainly this is a historical footnote on the absurdity of trying to avoid Anarchy. In the misguiding ideology the planet is expected to burden itself with the failing hierarchies of the state, even if they would break it. Does Israel have a purpose on the way out of this capitalist misery or is it no better than the false totality statehood brought about?Irans nuclear ambitions - Unsafe at any speed
06-12-2013 10:19
Article taken from:
17 Dec: Chelsea Manning Birthday Vigil
05-12-2013 09:04

St. Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, 3pm - 4.30pm.
On Streets of Dublin: Manning-Assange-Snowden
04-12-2013 11:02

The last few days in Dublin unfolded in a warm embrace of solidarity for imprisoned Pvt. Manning’s mother Susan, aunts Mary & Sharon & uncle Kevin. The family had travelled from their hometown Haverfordwest, south-west Wales to Dublin, Ireland, the birthplace of their father.
Insurgency Responsible for Civilian Plight of Syrians
04-12-2013 09:50
Objective and non-objective as well as official and non-official reports about the responsibility of the Syrian government are abundant, but that of the insurgents has been for too long covered up and only of late come under the scrutiny of human rights organizations and media spotlight.An Imperfect Peace: Colombia's Civil War Nearing End
03-12-2013 12:01

9/11 in the Academic Community: How Professors Analyze 9/11 & "War on Terrorism"
02-12-2013 07:40

Through a powerful reflection on intellectual courage and the purpose of academia, the film aims at changing intellectual discourse on 9/11 and the War on Terror.
Photo report: Private Manning's Family in Dublin
01-12-2013 09:19

We've been in Dublin since Wednesday with Welsh members of Chelsea Manning's family, enjoying warm and enthusiastic Irish hospitality from AFRI and many others during three days of solidarity events, meetings, meals and media interviews. There are Irish connections on both sides of Chelsea's family: maternal grandfather from Rathmines, Dublin and one set of paternal great grandparents (both Mannings) from a village in Cork. Chelsea was flown out to Iraq via Shannon airport, the use of which by the US military compromises Ireland's supposed neutrality. There will be more to report back later, but for now here are a few photos from the visit and some links to other reports and news items.
Noam Chomsky and the willful ignorance of 9/11
30-11-2013 09:27
In response to a question at the University of Florida recently, Noam Chomsky claimed that there were only “a miniscule number of architects and engineers” who felt that the official account of WTC Building 7 should be treated with skepticism. Chomsky followed-up by saying, “a tiny number—a couple of them—are perfectly serious.”If signing your name and credentials to a public petition on the subject means being serious, then Noam Chomsky’s tiny number begins at 2,100, not counting scientists and other professionals. Why would Chomsky make such an obvious exaggeration when he has been presented with contradictory facts many times?
Obama’s ‘Big Prize’ to Earn Nobel Peace Prize
27-11-2013 09:11
After his new START treaty with Russia cutting down the two countries’ nuclear arsenals, disarming Syria of its chemical arsenal and restricting Iran’s nuclear program to peaceful purposes, disarming Israel of its nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction remains the litmus test which will determine the credibility of Obama’s endeavor “for a world without nuclear weapons” and will qualify him to “deserve” the Nobel Peace Prize.Syria Peace & Justice London speaker event & planning meeting this Wed
24-11-2013 11:54
You are warmly invited to join a talk and discussion on the situation in Syria, followed by a planning meeting, on Wednesday 27th November, from 6.30 to 9.30pm.Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES

Is Canada Guilty of War Crimes?
20-11-2013 17:56
This article examines a recent request to the International Criminal Court asking for an investigation of alleged war crimes by Canada in relation to complicity in torture and complicity in illegal extraordinary rendition of detainees. The article appeared in the Canadian Civil Liberties newsletter Rights Watch, and can be accessed at the address at the bottom. The original article contains hyperlinks which access the full request to the ICC and all attached documentations.Catholic Worker invites Mother Agnes of Syria to Speak after she is "No Platformed" by StWC
20-11-2013 10:19
The Catholic Worker, a small anarchist pacifist community in Harringay London has extended an invitation to Mother Agnes to address its members on a two day retreat next week. Mother Agnes was recently pressured to withdraw from addressing the Stop the War Coalition meeting in London on Nov 30th.War Comic Script: Mainlandia Invaded in ‘Exercise Southern Katipo 2013′ – Timaru
19-11-2013 08:41

Solidarity with Assange and Manning as Australia finally takes on the US and wins hands down!
18-11-2013 00:26

16 November: Solidarity vigil at Rugby League World Cup Quarter Final in Wrexham.
As Australia geared up to meet the USA in the Rugby League World Cup 2013 quarter-final match in Wrexham last Saturday, we joined the crowds outside the ground to talk with fans about Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, to sell raffle tickets for the football signed by Assange and collect donations to the Pvt. Manning Family Fund. Our last effort, at the Wales vs USA first round match on 3 November was covered prominently in the Australian magazine Rugby League Week. Text of article can be read in this post.
Photos and audio from Chelsea Manning's Family Fundraiser in Liverpool
10-11-2013 21:42

Attached are some photos and a Sheffield Indymedia audio mix of interviews from the fundraiser for Chelsea Manning's family at The Casa in Liverpool on Saturday 2nd November 2013.
For 11-11-13 remember the mutineers of WW1 with a Black Poppy
09-11-2013 18:57

Syria Film Screening and Planning Meeting, London, Wed 13 Nov
08-11-2013 08:43
Syria Film Screening and Planning MeetingDate: Wednesday 13th November 2013
Venue: London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street (corner of Parfett St), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES

Weekend of Solidarity with Chelsea Manning's Family - the good news!
06-11-2013 08:09

Over the past few days, supporters of Private Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning have been in Wrexham and Liverpool in solidarity with Manning's Welsh family. Close family members living in Pembrokeshire face years of costly travel to the US for prison visits and a family fund has been set up to take donations.
In August, after over three years of pre-trial detention and nearly a year of torture, a military court sentenced Manning to 35 years for revealing evidence about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - including evidence of war crimes - that the US government was keeping from the public (along with many other things).