UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
If Britain were Iraq, what would it be like?
23-03-2005 19:34
What would Britain look like if it were in Iraq's current situation? The population of the UK is over twice that of Iraq, so a lot of statistics would have to be multiplied by that number.UK Election: a vote for peace
23-03-2005 11:42
This is one of the most important UK elctions ever this coming May. And much more difficult to fix than the US ones were. Lets make sure it's not a Blair / Howerd Punch and Judy show and that we use our votes - and access to voting record of our MP's - intelligently for promoting peace and sending the gullible and warmongering MP's down into the dustbin of history. If you agree with my three point voting plan please promote it amongst your UK friends and neighbours. The hopes and fears of countless millions around the world are riding on this one.Why I'll vote Lib Dem, by Tariq Ali
23-03-2005 10:49
Tariq Ali writes "Punish the warmongers: vote Lib Dem" in Red Pepper. It appears next to an article with a title he'd have done well to remember: "The government always gets in"Easter Resistance at Aldermaston:Stop the next generation of nuclear weapons
23-03-2005 09:23
.Through a Glass Darkly: Scott Ritter's Raw Story Interview
23-03-2005 02:02

Eric David Stein critiques Scott Ritters latest comments on the neocons
and the possibility of a terrorist attack in the US, suggesting that
Ritter's views carry serious political liabilities.
Trial by unrelated video clips
22-03-2005 23:53

International Antiwar Meeting, 7-10th April, Ireland
22-03-2005 21:35
As part of the annual EYFA Wintermeeting,, ‘Gluaiseacht - Irish Movement for Global Social Justice’ and ‘EYFA - European Youth For Action’ would like to invite you to take part in a special Anti-War meeting taking place over 4 days atThe Boghill Centre, Kilfenora, Co Clare, Ireland,
from 7th - 10th April 2005.
March 19th Anti-War Demo In Warsaw
22-03-2005 20:03
Video footage of Warsaw Anti-War demo from March 19thInterview with "unembedded" journalist Dahr Jamail about Iraq
22-03-2005 20:01

Over 75 Reports of Protests on M 19
22-03-2005 18:49
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world demonstrated against the War in Iraq on Mar. 19th and 20th.Ahwazis Against Iranian Islamic Theocracy
22-03-2005 17:31
The Ahwazi Arabs are among the world's most persecuted minorities. While global attention is fixed on the Israel/Palestine conflict, the Ahwazis go unnoticed. The indigenous Arabs of Iran are gagged and are denied the right to learn their own language or publish their own newspapers. They live in poverty, their land ritually confiscated by the theocratic regime in Tehran for the profits of foreign oil companies and the enrichment of an ethnically Persian religious elite. Who will listen to the Ahwazi voice?Blix blok in Brighton
22-03-2005 16:17

Dog Shooting in Iraq for "Fun"
22-03-2005 01:10
March 16, 2005Dog Shooting in Iraq for "Fun"
The site that is hosting this video

International Day of Action Against the Arms Trade – Brighton
22-03-2005 00:13
Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM were visited today by a Citizens Inspections Agency (CIA) team who demanded access to their weapons manufacturing facility. EDO MBM manufactures release mechanisms for the Paveway series of bombs as well as other military hardware. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the American EDO Corp, and have a multi-million pound contract with the UK MoD related to the Paveway bomb.Dokdo in the East Sea of Korea
21-03-2005 21:15

Destroy DSEi: REED office targeted in the Netherlands
21-03-2005 19:54
REED's head office in the Netherlands was decorated with slogans and found it's locks glued last night. A translation of the press-release follows:Pix of 'Bring Home the Troops' Demo, Sat 19 Mar 05 - Set 1 of 4: Placard Art
21-03-2005 18:02

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